
Showing posts from April 27, 2024

FVB - 058

Chapter 58 She kissed him The rays of the setting sun shone down, stretching Jiang Jin's shadow.    She was about to call Li Xichen when she saw Teacher Shi walking towards her with a textbook under her arm.    "Mother Li, are you here to pick up the children?" Teacher Shi said with a smile on her face, "Those two boys were very good and obedient today. They listened carefully in class and actively answered questions. Now they are sensible. They seem to be doing homework in the classroom now. Mother Li can come and have a look.”    Jiang Jin looked like she had seen a ghost.    These two brats had given her a bad look early in the morning. Logically speaking, they would have deliberately gone to the Internet cafe to play games to make her angry. Why do they stay in the classroom and do their homework?    She stepped on her high heels and walked suspiciously to the Class 9 classroom.    The students all went home, and the campus gradually became deserted. The orange l

ADMKSF - 013.3

Although Dayang didn't know what the barrage in the live broadcast room was saying, his heart was sinking with the swaying of the grass at this moment. He didn't dare to move much, for fear that if there was a big movement, the snake inside would come out and take a bite. In panic, he could only use his eyes to signal Lin You to leave quietly. Lin You frowned, and her slender arms wrapped in sleeves made a quiet movement towards Dayang. Then, her other hand quietly grasped the pole. Just when Lin You was about to step forward, a tail suddenly swung out from the haystack angrily. Wait, tail? The thick tail wrapped in raised, hard scales slapped against the soft ground, and as the unknown creature raised its head, a big mouth opened with sharp teeth, and its short limbs were propped on the ground, the snakelike vertical pupils stared at the two humans in front of it without blinking. Dayang: "..." For a moment, his heart seemed to stop beating. As confused as Dayang we

ADMKSF - 013.2

When she returned to the hut, several guests had already gotten up, chatting and laughing, and were drinking tea made from Lingquan water. Zhao Ziqi touched her face, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes: "I don't know if it's my imagination, but I always feel that my skin condition has improved a lot recently, and my health doesn't seem to be as bad as before." Bai Hang: "I see it too. Senior Zhao, your face is a lot rosier." Qi Yu chuckled twice: "It seems that you made the right choice to participate in this show." The smile on Zhao Ziqi's face deepened. After all, she was surrounded by program staff, so Zhao Ziqi's innermost words were not uttered by her. She felt that Lin You was the most critical factor in such a big change in herself. Thinking about this, Zhao Ziqi grabbed Lin You who was walking over and looked at her face carefully. She couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Hey, you have been working for so many day

ADMKSF - 013.1

In just a few seconds, Lin You's mind was filled with a picture that made people shudder— The cheap son Pei Ye was addicted to the female anchor and spent all his money on gifts. As a result, he was unable to eat three meals a day and starved to death on the street within a few days. On the first day of starvation, the hot search push on the entire Internet became the top trend in the underworld. And she, a flowery girl, finally came back from the cruel apocalypse. Before she could enjoy an ordinary and warm life, she rolled her eyes and disappeared. Lin You: "..." Don't let her and Pei Ye use the cemetery that Pei Henan had chosen for Lin Chengkang. The eyebrows were frowned fiercely, and the girl's eyebrows were twisted like caterpillars, with a face full of hopelessness. The temperature of the water in the bathtub gradually dropped. Although the temperature was very high in summer, it would not feel cold to take a cold water shower. However, Lin You quickly sto