
Showing posts from March 3, 2024


Chapter 4 As soon as Qi Yan's words came out, everyone was startled and looked around in confusion and astonishment. "Wasn't she standing next to me just now? I thought I ran away and she would follow!" Lin Yao looked confused. "She must have been caught by the NPC." Jin Sui'an felt pessimistic when he thought of the wall eating people before. Qi Yan stood up, holding on to the wall beside him and looking out. However, his vision was limited and he could see nothing except the dense basketballs on the ground. "Uuuuuuuuu It's my fault for not dragging her with me. I was so scared at the time that running away was completely instinctive." Yue Xinran sobbed in frustration with a hoarse voice. Shen Weiyue on the side was very happy, but she still pretended to be worried and said softly: "Since Xiaoxiao can successfully get the mission card from the first NPC, it means that she is not a simple-minded person. Maybe she has already thought of


Chapter 3 The program rules only require guests to find mission cards and unlock levels at a specific time, but it does not say that they cannot form teams. Seeing the three girls successfully teaming up, Lin Yao suddenly felt envious. If it weren't for the burden of being an idol, he would also want to find a partner to join them. Everywhere in this damn place was gloomy. He had to rush through every level, which was too taxing on his will. "It's better for you three to come together, so as not to hold you back." Lin Yao looked disgusted. "Drop—" As the end of the timer sounded, the surroundings fell into darkness again, and the clock on the wall entered a new round of countdown, this time it was fifteen minutes. The red light source looked extremely strange in the dark space, and the decreasing time intensified the panic in their hearts. After feeling the familiar atmosphere, everyone knew that a new challenge was coming. Qi Yan looked around, his voice ti

FVB - 003

Chapter 3 Designing the divorce situation Jiang Jin changed her clothes and walked downstairs, looking at the man standing at the door. The man in the silver lake suit looked somewhat elegant, but he was not even one-tenth as good as Li Yunting. It was this man who lured the original owner to divorce, encouraged the original owner to divorce and split up most of the Li family's property, and then mercilessly took away all the original owner's money, almost driving the original owner crazy... Oh no, it should be said that the original owner was forced crazy. Otherwise, how could a bomb be planted in the Li family villa, killing Mr. Li and injuring his four sons... "Jinjin, why are you looking at me like this?" Lin Yichi came over and took her hand very naturally. Jiang Jin avoided it coldly: "Tell me, why are you looking for me?" "Jinjin, I have everything ready and can start at any time." Lin Yichi took out the SLR camera in his bag, "It is h