
Showing posts from March 30, 2024

ADMKSF - 009.2

After getting up from their nap, Bai Hang and others thought for a long time and finally decided to go fishing for shrimps in a nearby stream. This is what Bai Hang and Qi Yu heard from the villagers during their morning run. The river in Daxian Village is too deep and river shrimps are generally not caught. However, several small streams in the mountains behind Daxian Village are full of shrimps. If you catch more, wrap them in flour and fry them in a pot. You can eat them as snacks when you have nothing to do. But fishing for shrimps is not really a difficult activity, and an afternoon of making jokes can easily kill most of the time. After returning home, after discussing it, Lin You planned to make a cured pork ribs hot pot. Cured pork ribs hot pot is a specialty of Yun Province. Lin You washed the large pieces of cured pork ribs and chopped them into small pieces. She then went to the storage room to find a casserole and stewed the cured pork ribs in Lingquan water. In about an h

ADMKSF - 009.1

Lin You and Zhao Ziqi's disappearance from the camera naturally attracted the attention of the audience. Everyone stared back and forth in various live broadcast rooms, constantly asking - where are the beautiful sisters? At this time, a fan of Zhao Ziqi came forward to briefly explain the grievances between Zhao Ziqi's family and the Pei family. [This kind of situation is quite common in the business world. Is it normal? ] [Why is Zhao Fan so anxious? Originally, it was because the ingredients at Nanjiang Tower were not fresh, so no one went there, right? ] [If you don’t know, just stop talking nonsense, okay? Damn it, your ingredients are not fresh. Later, the old chef who was interviewed was compensated for 200,000 yuan. Do you understand that he was spreading rumors? ] [Du Fen seems to be really mad, like a mouse, she comes up and bites people whenever she gets the chance. ] [I've eaten at both Nanjiang Restaurant and Songzhu Restaurant, emmm, I don't think Songzhu

FVB - 030

Chapter 30 All pocket money will be deducted next month Jiang Jin was completely petrified. Why is Mr. Li here? The old man probably didn't know about her sleeping in Li Yunting's room all night... "How did you sleep last night?" Mr. Li was the first to speak, "A Ting didn't cause any trouble for you, right?" Jiang Jin: "..." It’s over, I’m too embarrassed to see anyone. She opened her heavy legs and walked downstairs step by step. "Dad, I really didn't mean to disturb Yunting last night..." Jiang Jin looked pitiful, "Xiaoxi and Xiaobei put ghost dolls in my room and cut off the electricity in my room. I had no choice but to go to Yun Ting for help..." Mr. Li was a little surprised. Every time he came here before, Jiang Jin ignored him and never called him dad. The last time she called him dad on the phone, he thought the woman wanted money and was deliberately trying to please him. But now, what are you trying to do? M