
Showing posts from June 14, 2024

DSHSN - 42

"Dad, fried chicken!" When mom was here, the child couldn't eat this because mom said it was unhealthy, but the baby was very greedy. Only her dad is here now, so she can eat with confidence. But the child obviously underestimated his father. Gu Heng also knew that fried chicken was not suitable for children, and Yan Beibei didn't seem to be the kind of child who started crying when she couldn't get something, so Gu Heng didn't take her to eat this. He took the child to a store that he had been to before and thought was good. He took the small things inside and told the child. "Fried chicken is not healthy, let's eat something else." The child didn't expect that her father would reject her. Her unfulfilled wish made her frustrated and she looked a little sad. The child looked a little distressed when she was mourning. Gu Heng wanted to make her happy and ordered a chicken steak for her. Before the food came, Yan Beibei was a little unhappy.

DSHSN - 41

It hurts, but no matter how much it hurts, it's not Yan Li's turn to go to the hospital to guard him. Half a month later, Gu Heng came back. The first thing he did when he came back was that Yan Li asked him to go to the hospital to see Gu Yiyi when he had nothing to do... Yan Beibei also helped: "Yes, yes, dad, it's very miserable for my brother to be alone in the hospital. Dad, you should go to the hospital more often to see my brother." After coming back last time, Yan Beibei actually wanted to continue going to the hospital to take care of Yiyi, but what a good place the hospital was. Naturally, Yan Li was not willing to take her there more. As soon as she heard her mother ask her father to go see her brother again, Yan Beibei immediately volunteered. "Dad, I want to go too!" The little thing looked up with an innocent little face, full of innocence and kindness. The hospital was not a good place. If Gu Heng wanted to take her there, he had to ask Y

FVB - 106

Chapter 106 Help me collect Jiang Jin’s hair The wind blew in from the car window, rustling the documents on the passenger seat.    Jiang Jin raised her hand to lower the car window.    She glanced at the rearview mirror and saw Li Dongjing's stern face, his dark eyes full of vigilance.    She said coldly: "If the old man hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have been able to talk nonsense to you. You can hear it clearly now. First, there is a problem in Ye Tang. Believe it or not.    Second, the Mu family cannot save the Li family, so stay away from Mu Yingxuan. Third, it is impossible for the Li Group to go bankrupt and everything you do now is of little significance."    Li Dongjing raised his eyes and looked at her figure, and said calmly: "How do you know that Li's Group cannot go bankrupt?"    Jiang Jin snorted coldly.    Of course it’s because she knows the plot!    But will she tell this boy?    The heartless bitch is even more heartless than Li Nanque!