
Showing posts from May 1, 2024

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 31

6/10 bonus chapters because it's my mother's 50th birthday 🌹 ☆⁠Chapter 31 Investigation Report☆⁠ Before returning to his old house, Lin Jianqing decided that this was a Hongmen Banquet where "Xiangzhuang dances with swords, aiming at Peigong", and practiced privately with Silent Hill several times, hoping to earn enough money from Wei Sheng through this exclusion. Sympathy, unexpectedly when she arrived at the old house, what greeted her was not the cold wind as cold as winter.    The old lady looked at her speechlessly, holding back what she wanted to scold. The old man was also cold. Although his attitude was indifferent, there was no drama like storms, forced divorce, etc. that Lin Jianqing imagined.    Lin Jianqing whispered: "What happened? They were also transported through time?"    This is unreasonable and uncharacteristic! Silent Hill was a little confused for a moment, but he was a bystander and had another guess in his mind, and asked: "Coul

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 30

5/10 bonus chapters because it's my mother's 50th birthday 🌹 ☆⁠Chapter 30: Breaking up at the first touch☆⁠ The main purpose of Lin Jianqing's visit to Wei Ling today was to take him back to Hanshan Xiaozhu. Children are thin-skinned and hate to see others suffer misfortune. Lin Jianqing said with a depressed face that Lin Ran had grown up in a very chaotic place and had few friends. He was withdrawn. If Wei Ling disliked it, he could continue to go to the old house to stay with his grandparents. live.    Can Wei Ling say he dislikes it? On the one hand, his old house is in the southern suburbs, far away from where he goes to school; on the other hand, his life in the old house is not actually comfortable, because his grandparents are old and there is nothing to do at home after retirement, especially grandma, who likes to find some distant relatives to play cards and chat with her. As a grandson, Wei Ling is often dragged into chatting with her. Those relatives don't

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 29

4/10 bonus chapters because it's my mother's 50th birthday 🌹 ☆⁠Chapter 29 A land outside the law☆⁠ Lin Jianqing was sleeping when she received the call from her agent. She was still a little confused. She looked at the time and found that it was already past nine in the morning. The agent on the other end of the phone was beaming with joy: "Okay, Lin Jianqing, how did you deal with Wei Sheng?" Have I got Wei Sheng done? Lin Jianqing struggled up and leaned against the bedside, speaking with a thick nasal voice: "What's going on? I just woke up and I don't know anything." The manager was surprised: "Weren't you and Wei Sheng together last night?" He quickly explained: "At about ten o'clock last night, Wei Sheng himself forwarded two scarves, saying that he and his wife have a good relationship... Damn it, you really don’t know!” Lin Jianqing was much more awake now. She told her agent that she would go to the company to see him

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 28

3/10 bonus chapters because it's my mother's 50th birthday 🌹 ☆⁠Chapter 28: People who eat melons☆⁠ Confucius once said that soldiers are crafty. Therefore, when it is possible, it is shown that it cannot be used, and when it is used, it is shown that it is not used. If you don’t want a divorce, just show that you want a divorce and retreat in order to advance. Is there a problem? Lin Jianqing said that there was no problem at all! She thought that since Wei Sheng had already taken out the divorce agreement, he must be very disgusted with this marriage. In this case, if she kept insisting that she did not want a divorce and stuck to him like a piece of candy, would he be willing to do it? If he doesn't want to, it will backfire. But what if she takes a step back? Lin Jianqing was thinking this in her head. On the surface, she put on a weak posture, lowered her head, exposed her slender and defenseless neck, and said, "There is no problem in divorce."    Wei Sheng

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 27

2/10 bonus chapters because it's my mother's 50th birthday 🌹 ☆⁠Chapter 27 Retreat as Advance☆ ⁠ It was already late at night when she returned to Hanshan Xiaozhu.    Lin Jianqing took a shower and changed clothes. She lay on the bed and brushed her scarf for a while before going to bed. Finally, she decided to call Wei Sheng as planned.    Although the public opinion storm had been resolved by Zhao Tian, she had to tell Wei Sheng personally about the illegitimate child. In short, she must first create an image of herself who was helpless.    When she called, no one answered. She sent a text message: "Brother Sheng, have you seen what happened online? I want to talk to you." Half an hour later, no reply.    Silent Hill was uneasy, and fully demonstrated what it means to have an emperor who is not anxious and an eunuch who is anxious, and guessed: "Isn't he angry?" Isn't that a matter of course? Deception and betrayal are a shame for mankind. Unless y