
Showing posts from February 23, 2024

DSHSN - 10

He would fight whenever he saw someone. He heard people shouting for help. There were several people across from him. Of course he wanted to catch them off guard. Although he felt that he was at fault, Gu Yiyi didn't feel that his passion was wrong. He turned his head to the side, as if he didn't want to talk to her: "I won't tell you." He didn't seem happy when she said that. He turned his face away, looking quite childish. The scumbag male protagonist in the novel died. He was so ruthless and evil that Yan Li wanted to stab a hundred villains into him. But the male protagonist in front of her is clearly a child in the second grade of middle school. Secondly, he can even hit the wrong person in a fight. Yan Li chuckled, and finally took it easy and helped him apply the medicine properly. Of course, she didn't mean it just now. She just didn't expect that the medicinal wine was quite strong. As soon as it touched the wound, the young man gasped suddenl

DSHSN - 09

The female partner was found, and Gu Yiyi was followed by bodyguards. Naturally, Yan Li was not worried about the whereabouts of this naughty kid, and asked someone to send the female partner and these young people to the police station. She had just gotten into the car and was about to drive back when she received a call from the housekeeper. The housekeeper's voice was a little urgent: "Madam, the young master is at the police station now. The husband is not here. Can you go there..." Why did this kid go to the police station? Yan Li was a little curious, so she naturally agreed readily. "Oh, well." When she arrived at the police station, she saw Gu Yiyi sitting on a bench with a bruised nose and face, looking more like a bereaved dog. There were injuries not only on his face but also on his arms. The faces of several teenagers next to them also had color on their faces. There was also a very beautiful girl wearing a white washed skirt. She asked the teenager