
Showing posts from June 28, 2024

DSHSN - 46

Both Gu Yiyi and Yan Beibei were very happy this year. They received big red envelopes from Gu Heng and Yan Li, as well as from some of their father's friends who came to visit their home. It can be said that they were very satisfied. After the New Year, Yan Li and Gu Heng went to the south to take several sets of wedding photos at the beach and in the tropical rainforest. After the wedding photos were taken, their wedding was held as scheduled in March. The weather in March is very good. Spring is the key to the year. Hundreds of flowers are blooming and the spring is warm. On the day of the wedding, the Gu family invited many people. The wedding venue was set at the largest hotel in the city. The hotel was mainly European-style, with a garden and an open-air lawn. The wedding was mainly held on the lawn. Gu Heng didn't give a budget for this wedding at all. It was up to her to decide whatever she liked. Overall, Yan Li is satisfied. Yan Li invited a few of her friends to tod

DSHSN - 45

Gu Heng's embrace was very warm, especially now that it was winter, the warmth in his arms made people reluctant to leave. Hearing the photographer's words, Yan Li laid in his arms blankly. Probably because it was really cold in winter, and his embrace was indeed quite warm. After taking the photo, Yan Li felt a little reluctant to leave. The same person who felt the same feeling was Gu Heng. He has met many women at work, fat and thin, of all shapes and sizes. Most of them are courteous to him, but he has never been tempted, and his marriage to Yan Li, it's also because of Yan Beibei. If it weren't for the child, they wouldn't get married. But it was such a loveless marriage, and such a woman who seemed to have no special advantages other than being beautiful, suddenly gave him a try the moment she pounced on him. There is a feeling called excitement. It seems like this for a lifetime, which is pretty good. A little later, Gu Heng's friend came over. He was a

FVB - 120

Chapter 120 There is nothing to say between us As soon as Jiang Jin came out of the office building, her phone vibrated.    She glanced at it and saw that the caller ID was Hua Lili.    She sneered and put the phone through.    "Hey, Jinjin, I've been waiting for you at the beauty salon for more than two hours, why haven't you arrived yet?"    There was a hint of anger in Hua Lili's voice, but she forced her tone to sound affectionate, "I've made an appointment for you with the most professional beauty and hairdresser in the store. Don't let me wait any longer."    "Oh, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered that I have something to deal with today..." Jiang Jin curled her lips and smiled, "Otherwise, let's make an appointment tomorrow. We'll see you at the same place at ten o'clock in the morning."    "Jinjin... why do I feel that you will let me go tomorrow?"    "Yeah, you've seen this." Jia