
Showing posts from April 29, 2024

FVB - 060

Chapter 60 A green hat Late at night... There was a dim warm light on in the master bedroom.    Ye Tang stood beside the big bed and reported something in a low voice.    "The Gou family completely trusts us and plans to invest two billion in this project..."    "The Yu family is a follower of the Gou family. I met Mr. Gou at seven o'clock tonight. They should be discussing the purchase of shares..."    Li Yunting lay on the bed and listened quietly with his eyes closed.    He had been walking around a lot today and was extremely tired. He needed to lie down for at least two days to recover.    Apart from the sound of the night pond, the only sound in his ears was the sound of the wind outside the window.    Usually at this time, shouldn't that woman go home? Either talking to the children downstairs, or talking to herself alone in the bedroom...    It's extremely quiet today.    After Ye Tang's report, he heard no response for a long time. He whispe