
Showing posts from June 1, 2024

ADMKSF - 018.4

[Is that an exaggeration? ! ] [Just this sentence? Don't you want to talk about it carefully? ] Miki: "There's not much to say. I've eaten a lot of fish heads with chopped peppers, but I think Nanjianglou's fish heads with chopped peppers are the best in terms of both fish and pepper. There's a lot of meat on the fish heads. It's very fresh, with no fishy or earthy smell at all. I guess they put a lot of thought into this chili sauce. It's spicy enough and very exciting, unlike the kind that looks spicy but actually has no taste at all. It's so spicy. Brothers can come and try it.” Before finishing the fish head with chopped pepper, Miki couldn't bear to leave any leftovers, so he ordered another portion of rice. The result was the apologetic voice of the waiter: "I'm really sorry, we don't have enough rice supply at the moment. You may need to wait for five minutes!" Miki was stunned for a moment, then turned around and reali

ADMKSF - 018.3

Miki withdrew his gaze and took two steps forward. The interior of the Songzhu Hotel is actually very spacious, but it is crowded with people at the moment. Near the cashier in the lobby, two men are confronting each other with anger on their faces. Because they are far apart, he doesn't know what they are saying. Miki stretched his neck, lowered his head and saw fans urging him to come forward and take a look. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a voice in his ear: "Brother, are you coming to see the fun too?" Miki raised his eyes in confusion, and saw a teenage boy standing next to him at some point. The boy was very handsome, and at first glance, he only had legs below his chest. Miki couldn't help but looked down at his own again, and finally curled his lips in self-disgust before responding. Unexpectedly, when the young man heard this, he took the initiative to grab his wrist: "You can see some excitement here, I will take you to squeeze in." Miki:

ADMKSF - 018.2

Lin You returned to the bedroom before she remembered to ask the Pei Henan and his son if they wanted to go to Haishi Nanjiang Tower together tomorrow. She thought about it and mentioned it in the family group. Surprisingly, neither Pei Henan nor Pei Ye refused. Lin You thought to herself, this is the right thing, it’s free anyway, it would be a waste if you don’t eat it! So the next day Lin You got up and went to the living room only to find that the Pei Henan and his son had already changed their clothes for going out, but both of them were dressed casually. Pei Henan was wearing the simplest shirt and trousers, while Pei Ye was wearing short-sleeved sweatpants. Seeing Lin You staring at their clothes, Pei Henan hesitated for a moment, and suddenly asked softly: "Are we dressed too casually?" When Lin You heard this, she was afraid that Pei Henan's next sentence would be, 'Did I embarrass you?', so she quickly shook her head: "It's not an important occ

ADMKSF - 018.1

Pei Ye never dreamed that his father would trick him at this time. And he was like a newborn lamb that could only bleat. Before he could celebrate the joy of his new life, he unpreparedly stepped into the trap set by his father. From the corner of his eye, Pei Ye noticed Lin You's slightly narrowed eyes and her suddenly serious expression. He almost wanted to sew his father's mouth shut. In the dull atmosphere, he swallowed his throat and said in a very low voice: "I won't read it." The female anchor was right in front of him, and he was watching a fucking live broadcast. Unfortunately, this reason cannot be spoken out yet, otherwise we would not know whether it was the pole or his waist that was broken. Lin You glanced at him, and Pei Ye almost buried his face in his rice bowl. This guilty look that seemed like escaping made Lin You feel both angry and funny. After thinking for a while, she tapped the table with her fingers. Pei Ye carefully raised his eyes, sque

FVB - 093

Chapter 93 It’s not your turn to make the decision in the Li family "Bitch, stop fooling people here!"    The middle-aged man roared angrily.    Jiang Jin sneered: "Every investor who came to ask for an explanation brought relevant certificates. Do you have any?"    "I forgot to bring it, what happened?"    The middle-aged man wanted to kick Jiang Jin over, but he was pinned against the wall by Jiang Jin and could not move. He could only curse and yell.    "You bitch, don't even think about throwing dirty water on me, I..."    Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Jin took out his phone from his pocket and forcefully scanned his face to unlock it. She clicked on the photo album and showed the phone screen to the crowd.    "This is a photo of him and Mr. Gou. Are you willing to believe my words now?"    "The purpose of the Gou family's group sending people to cause trouble is to destroy the Li family. Originally, the Li fam