FVB - 093

Chapter 93 It’s not your turn to make the decision in the Li family

"Bitch, stop fooling people here!"
The middle-aged man roared angrily.
Jiang Jin sneered: "Every investor who came to ask for an explanation brought relevant certificates. Do you have any?"
"I forgot to bring it, what happened?"
The middle-aged man wanted to kick Jiang Jin over, but he was pinned against the wall by Jiang Jin and could not move. He could only curse and yell.
"You bitch, don't even think about throwing dirty water on me, I..."
Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Jin took out his phone from his pocket and forcefully scanned his face to unlock it.

She clicked on the photo album and showed the phone screen to the crowd.
"This is a photo of him and Mr. Gou. Are you willing to believe my words now?"
"The purpose of the Gou family's group sending people to cause trouble is to destroy the Li family. Originally, the Li family still had a glimmer of hope, but due to such a disturbance, it may go bankrupt at any time. After the Li family's bankruptcy, the biggest gainer is the Gou family, and you become the accomplice who caused Li’s bankruptcy.”
Jiang Jin spoke loudly and resoundingly, "You all bought Li's stocks. Will it be good for you if Li's goes bankrupt?!"
The crowd fell silent.
At this moment, they realized what stupid thing they had done.

If they really force the young master of the Li family to sell the Li's Building, then the stocks in their hands will really become a pile of waste paper, and there will never be a chance of turning around again.

"We are all adults, and we have to consider the consequences of doing things." Jiang Jin said quietly, "I also bought shares of the Li Group. Over the years, the Li Group has brought me huge benefits. I will walk side by side with the Li Group. After so many years, I believe that the Li family will be able to overcome this setback and become the number one group in Yuncheng again, do you think so?"
"Believe in Mr. Li!"
"Down with Gou!"
The excited crowd surrounded the middle-aged man. After a while, the middle-aged man's screams rang out.

Jiang Jin clapped her hands and sneered.
The Gou family is really worthy of this surname. They are sneaking around to cause trouble for the Li family. Do they really think that the Li family will be defeated?
As long as Li Yunting is here, the Li family will never fall.
Jiang Jin walked towards Li's lobby. She took the elevator directly to the top floor, walked through the corridor, and after walking a few steps, she heard Mu Yingxuan's voice.

"Ah Jing, does it hurt? Does it hurt a lot?"
"Don't move. I'll disinfect you first and then put a band-aid on you..."
Following the sound of voices, Jiang Jin walked to the door of the vice president's office.
The door was not closed, so she leaned against the door frame and watched quietly as Mu Yingxuan put a band-aid on Li Dongjing.
Li Dongjing was sitting on the sofa. Mu Yingxuan was squatting on the ground and disinfecting carefully. Her expression was serious and careful. There were tears in her eyes, full of worry and concern. People who didn't know it might think Mu Yingxuan was the one who is Li Dongjing's biological mother.
Jiang Jin looked at them indifferently, with no emotion in her eyes.
Li Dongjing was keenly aware of a gaze falling on him.
He turned his head suddenly and met Jiang Jin's cold eyes.
"If you are here to see my joke, you don't have to." Li Dongjing said coldly, "The company doesn't welcome you, please leave."
Jiang Jin walked in with her hands folded across her chest.

She pulled out the chair, sat down, shrugged and said, "Boy, it's not your turn to make the decision now in the Li Group. Li, and you don't have the right to kick me out."
Mu Yingxuan put down the disinfectant and stood up slowly. Tears welled up in her eyes and she choked with sobs: "As A-Jing's mother, how can you be so cold? Do you know what happened to A-Jing just now? Do you know A-Jing has been much frightened? At this time, what A-Jing needs most is her mother's care and hug. Can you not be so cold..."
"Aunt Mu, stop talking!"
Li Dongjing interrupted Mu Yingxuan's words silently.
It’s a good thing that this woman didn’t besiege him with those stock investors. How do you expect this woman to care about him?
He wouldn't dare to daydream like this.
"Miss Mu, you'd better not use these words to sow discord between our mother and son." Jiang Jin chuckled, "I want to say a few words to Ah Jing, please go out first."

Mu Yingxuan stepped in front of Li Dongjing: "I will never allow you to hurt A Jing, even if you are A Jing's biological mother! I was not in Yuncheng before, but now as long as I am here, I will never let the children be tortured and abused by you again..."
Jiang Jin only thought she was noisy.

She raised her eyebrows and sneered: "Mu Yingxuan, does it have anything to do with you being an outsider when our mother and son talk? I asked you out so loud and angrily just to give you face. What, you want me to throw you out?!"

Mu Yingxuan's face suddenly turned pale.
She didn't expect that Jiang Jin wouldn't even pretend to be in front of Ah Jing...
Li Dongjing said in a deep voice: "There is a lounge next door, Aunt Mu can go and have a rest first."
"But what if she attacks you?" Mu Yingxuan looked worried, "Ah Jing, I don't trust her with you alone..."
"I'm nine years old. She won't do anything to me even if she takes action. Don't worry, Aunt Mu..."

Li Dongjing comforted softly.

Jiang Jin curled her lips and sneered.
The relationship between her and Li Dongjing was not good in the first place, but being instigated by Mu Yingxuan made it even worse.
But what does it matter?
It didn't matter to her whether Li Dongjing hated he.

Mu Yingxuan left the office with three turns.
Li Dongjing said coldly: "Ms. Jiang, what do you want to say to me?"
Jiang Jin clicked her tongue twice.

As affectionate as Aunt Mu sounded, Ms. Jiang sounded cold.
She crossed her legs and said coldly: "Bring me all the financial statements of the Li Group and show them to me."

Li Dongjing almost laughed in anger: "Who are you, and why should I show it to you?"
"Just because I am the only living adult in the Li family." Jiang Jin said calmly, "The old man suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized, and your father has been bedridden in a vegetative state for ten years. You don't think you will become the pillar of the Li Group, do you?
You are indeed smart, but don’t forget, you are only nine years old. No matter where you go, in everyone’s eyes, you are just a child. Who will take you seriously?"
Li Dongjing said coldly: "Even so, it's not your turn to interfere in the Li family's affairs."
"By not allowing me to intervene, are you planning to rely on your Aunt Mu?" Jiang Jin mocked, "She is indeed the eldest daughter of the Mu family, but the Mu Group does not have the qualifications for her to speak, and the Mu Group will never be able to use all its strength to save Li Group from water and fire."
Li Dongjing remained silent and did not speak.

His father has woken up, and the Li family does not need to rely on anyone to make a comeback.
In fact, the riot caused by the stock investors today was also arranged by his father...
All things are under the control of his father...
Except, this woman.

"I hold 10% of the shares of Li's Group, and I can be considered the group's major shareholder. If I convene a shareholders' meeting to apply to view the financial statements, the shareholders' meeting should have no position to refuse, right?"

Jiang Jin spoke quietly without any guilt.
Although those stocks were sold by the original owner, she would redeem them sooner or later, so it was okay to fool this guy now.
