ADMKSF - 018.1

Pei Ye never dreamed that his father would trick him at this time.

And he was like a newborn lamb that could only bleat. Before he could celebrate the joy of his new life, he unpreparedly stepped into the trap set by his father.

From the corner of his eye, Pei Ye noticed Lin You's slightly narrowed eyes and her suddenly serious expression. He almost wanted to sew his father's mouth shut.

In the dull atmosphere, he swallowed his throat and said in a very low voice: "I won't read it."

The female anchor was right in front of him, and he was watching a fucking live broadcast.

Unfortunately, this reason cannot be spoken out yet, otherwise we would not know whether it was the pole or his waist that was broken.

Lin You glanced at him, and Pei Ye almost buried his face in his rice bowl. This guilty look that seemed like escaping made Lin You feel both angry and funny. After thinking for a while, she tapped the table with her fingers. Pei Ye carefully raised his eyes, squeezed his hands nervously, and hissed softly the next second.

It sounds very pitiful.

Lin You glanced at his injured hand, then looked at the dishes on the table, and finally just said a few words casually: "You shouldn't put your mind here at your age. Don't look at it next time."

After a pause, "Even if you look at it, don't swipe the gifts. You're not an adult yet."

After realizing that his trick was working, Pei Ye nodded quickly, and very obediently picked up a piece of egg and put it in Lin You's bowl: "Mom, I'm worried, you eat it. I promise not to watch female anchors casually in the future. I got it!"

Pei Ye's clean and deceptive face, coupled with his innocent eyes, instantly evoked Lin You's hidden maternal love. She raised her hand to rub the boy's black hair and nodded: "Okay, I believe you. Hurry up and eat, and I will disinfect and apply medicine to you after you finish."

Pei Ye quickly said okay.

The taste of Pei Ye's cooking can only be described as average, but the child's initiative to take on this task is worthy of praise. Lin You praised him very much and took the initiative to wash the bowls. 

Before finishing washing, she went to look for the medicine box. There was very little in it, so Lin You asked an errand boy to buy all the medicines and deliver them to her.

About forty minutes later, Lin You took the medical kit and went to find Pei Ye. When she pushed the door open and walked in, the young man was biting his pen and looking at the paper on the table carefully, but Lin You stretched her neck and took a look, and there were only a few multiple-choice questions written crookedly on it. She calmly withdrew her gaze and asked Pei Ye to extend his hand.

After removing the gauze that Pei Ye had wrapped himself in, Lin You discovered that Pei Ye's wound was actually quite deep. Because it was bandaged casually, the gauze and flesh were almost stuck together, making it look a bit miserable. She frowned and said softly: "Be patient, I'll help you clean it up."

Pei Ye nodded and didn't care.

He has suffered many injuries over the years, many more serious than this. The current stab wound is simply not enough to look at. The reason why he was so nervous was simply because he didn't want to write the test paper.

Just as he was thinking about it, I felt a tingling sensation on his fingers. He didn't say a word, but subconsciously lowered his eyes. Lin You held his right hand. The girl's hand was thin and soft, and even the temperature was just right. Looking away, he saw Lin You with her head hanging down, her long hair casually tied into a small ball, lying loosely. A few strands of hair fell naturally on the temples, blocking her serious sight and eyes.

In Pei Ye's memory, it seemed that no one had ever cleaned his wounds so carefully.

When he was in junior high school, some boys in the class knew that he was a child of the Pei family, and they would scold him from time to time for not having a father or a mother. He got so angry that he beat them up. But those guys were not easy to mess with. The next day they found some street gangsters and blocked him on his way home from school.

Pei Ye was beaten badly that day, with wounds almost all over his face and body. But when he returned home and met Pei Henan, he only answered: He fell.

He knew that Pei Henan didn't believe it, because Pei Henan took him to see his teacher - a retired boxing coach - the next day.

Pei Henan's education was simple and rough, telling him: beat him back.

Pei Ye was curious at the time. He knew that Pei Henan behaved differently in front of others. Pei Henan in front of others was so weak that he could be strangled to death by Pei Tianyuan, so he thought Pei Henan would tell him to be patient.

But Pei Henan said: "You are still a child, you can be more unscrupulous, and I will help you deal with anything."

Two days later, the fight between him and the boys in his class was reported to the head teacher. He stood in the corner of the office with his eyes lowered and looked at Pei Henan, who looked sick and explained to the head teacher: "Aye's parents died not long after he was born. I have always been the one taking care of him. I am not in good health and I don’t take enough care of him. Please forgive me, teacher."

Weak people arouse sympathy and serve their purposes well.

The head teacher first listened to the aggressive parents of the boys and slapped them, and then listened to Pei Henan's warm explanation. He already had some guesses in his mind. After further investigation, he found out that it was really the boys who picked the matter first.

Although Pei Ye could not escape punishment, for him, a few thousand words of self-reflection were nothing compared to the inability to express the resentment in his heart.

At that time, Pei Ye seemed to understand what Pei Henan's words meant—

Because we are children, we can be willful sometimes.

But Pei Henan is different.

Pei Ye didn't sleep all night. He thought for a long time. He always wanted to grow up quickly, so he forced himself to grow up. He learned Pei Henan's tricks. He learned boxing but would not actively provoke anyone. His apparent reticence made Pei Tianyuan not wary of him at all.

But now looking at the scene of Lin You treating his wounds, Pei Ye felt like one of those children in TV dramas whose parents love him—

I have the right to cry out pain again.

He twitched his fingers slightly, causing Lin You to raise her eyes: "Does it hurt? Bear with it."

Pei Ye pursed his lips and agreed dryly.

Time passed by, and when Lin You bandaged Pei Ye's fingers again, treated the blisters caused by the burn, and was about to leave, the young man suddenly said: "I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Lin You tilted her head to look at him.

Pei Ye was too embarrassed to say [I'm serious, my mother's brain was broken and she hasn't recovered yet] that this ID was his, so he could only vaguely say: "It just about the female anchor, giving gifts to the female anchor."

"It's okay. It's a good boy to correct your mistakes when you know them." Lin You said, her eyes fell on his paper, and she tapped her finger upwards, "Don't write today."

Pei Ye nodded obediently, "Okay."

Lin You: "You can study again in two days. Your dad said that you need to be in the top ten of your age in the entrance exam. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I believe you can do it!"

Pei Ye: "Huh?"

The excitement that surged in his heart immediately dissipated completely. Seeing Lin You raising her hand to make a 'come on' gesture, Pei Ye had a stern look on his face and the corners of his mouth twitched: "My dad is really the best in the world."

Lin You thought it was true.

She wonders who can do what Pei Henan does.

The eldest brother has kept his son by his side for more than ten years. The key is how old Pei Ye was when he followed him.

Children from poor families have already become masters of their own family. The ancients never deceived her.

Watching Lin You leave with a look of approval and emotion, Pei Ye took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and posted a message in Moments: wbqsjzg.

Ten minutes later, his dad left a message below asking: What do you mean?

Pei Ye: My dad is the best acronym in the world.

Pei Henan: zg is the best abbreviation?

Pei Ye: The best.

Pei Henan did not reply again, and he didn't know whether he believed it or was too lazy to pay attention.

But Pei Ye thought that a man of his father's age would not have thought that 'dog' might be an adjective for young people.
