
Showing posts from February 28, 2024

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 07

☆⁠Chapter 7 Be confident☆ ⁠ Bipolar disorder is a type of schizoaffective disorder. Patients are often unable to control their emotions and are always excited for no reason. However, they do not know when or for what reason they will become instantly depressed and lose enthusiasm for life. They can easily fall into complete self-denial, often accompanied by self-mutilation tendencies. Li Qi is the director of the psychiatry department of the Third People's Hospital. One of the new patients she recently received was bipolar disorder. The patient was once an entertainment star. She married into the wealthy Wei family in city A two years ago. According to the patient's own statement, after marrying into the Wei family, she often lost her temper for no reason. When she couldn't control herself, she even wanted to hit someone, about ten days ago, the patient's condition changed due to a fall, from simple mania to bipolar disorder, with self-harm tendencies and uncontrollable

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 06

☆⁠Chapter 6 Bipolar Disorder☆ ⁠ The next morning was Thursday, and Wei Ling was going to school. After finishing breakfast, he got into Uncle Wang's car. On the way, he turned on his mobile phone, stared at the photos on the screen and began to think seriously. How should he reveal to his grandparents that the woman is mentally ill? Say it directly? But that woman had always behaved normally in front of his grandparents. If he said it directly, the grandparents would definitely go to her for verification. Then the other party would deny it. Without evidence, it would be difficult for the grandparents to believe what their seven-year-old grandson said. When it comes to children, adults never take what they say seriously. Wei Ling already knows this very well. It would be great if his grandparents could see Lin Jianqing going crazy with their own eyes. Wei Ling was a little worried when he thought about this, and he didn't have a particularly good solution for a while. In fact, i