The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 06

☆⁠Chapter 6 Bipolar Disorder☆

The next morning was Thursday, and Wei Ling was going to school.

After finishing breakfast, he got into Uncle Wang's car. On the way, he turned on his mobile phone, stared at the photos on the screen and began to think seriously.

How should he reveal to his grandparents that the woman is mentally ill?

Say it directly? But that woman had always behaved normally in front of his grandparents. If he said it directly, the grandparents would definitely go to her for verification. Then the other party would deny it. Without evidence, it would be difficult for the grandparents to believe what their seven-year-old grandson said.

When it comes to children, adults never take what they say seriously. Wei Ling already knows this very well.

It would be great if his grandparents could see Lin Jianqing going crazy with their own eyes.

Wei Ling was a little worried when he thought about this, and he didn't have a particularly good solution for a while. In fact, if other children encounter this kind of thing, they will definitely seek help from their relatives as soon as possible, but Wei Ling is different. He has experienced the divorce of his parents, and his father Wei Sheng has not been at home for many years. Subconsciously, he wanted to solve this problem by himself. He never thought that for a seven-year-old child, complaining was the most common method.

In this way, until the next morning, he still hadn't figured out what he should do.

Before going out, he suddenly heard Mrs. Wei asking Lin Jianqing in the living room: "Madam, are you going to Dr. Li's place today?"

Lin Jianqing said "hmm" and seemed a little uninterested: "We have an appointment at ten o'clock."


Wei Ling's little head suddenly moved, and he heard Mrs. Wei continue: "That's just right. When Lao Wang comes back from seeing off the young master, I will take you to the hospital."

Wei Ling remained calm and continued walking forward with his schoolbag on his back, walking towards the garage step by step.

There were many cars parked in the garage, and he didn't know which one Lin Jianqing used when going out, but if Uncle Wang was driving, it was most likely the black Audi that Wei Ling usually drove to school.

After getting on the bus, Wei Ling glanced ahead.

Uncle Wang didn't notice. He lowered his head and was moving the key. Wei Ling suddenly opened his schoolbag and said with an "Ahhh" sound, "Oh no!"

Uncle Wang glanced at Wei Ling in the rearview mirror and remembered that the hostess suddenly changed her mind and asked him to pay more attention to the young master. He quickly showed a kind smile and asked, "What's wrong, young master?"

Wei Ling said: "I forgot my homework book in the room." He raised his head, his face a little nervous: "Uncle Wang, can you help me get it?"

This was not a big deal, so Uncle Wang naturally agreed.

Wei Ling watched him get out of the car, then quickly threw away his schoolbag, climbed into the front seat of the car with his small body, and turned on the smart system.

He clicked on the navigation again and looked through the records. Sure enough, he saw the Third People's Hospital of City A in the records.

This hospital is different from the one where Lin Jianqing had her head scanned before.

Wei Ling memorized the address, then adjusted the smart system to the desktop and climbed back into the back seat.

It was exactly half past eight when he arrived at school.

He didn't have many friends at school, and no one talked to him in the classroom. Wei Ling took out his cell phone and sent a text message to his uncle.

"Little uncle, our school has extracurricular practice this morning. I don't want to go. Can you ask for leave for me?"

His uncle's name is Wei Yi, and he is studying at University A. He knew that Wei Ling's relationship with Lin Jianqing and Wei Sheng was not good, and he also knew that Wei Ling's personality was relatively independent. However, in Wei Yi's opinion, Wei Ling, the little nephew who skipped one level, was born with a higher IQ than his peers, and it is completely understandable for him to dislike participating in those younger activities in the class, so many times, when Wei Ling wants to ask for leave, he will come to Wei Yi.

Sure enough, this time Wei Yi readily agreed to his request and helped him ask for leave from the teacher. Wei Ling successfully walked out of the classroom under the envious and jealous eyes of everyone.

When he was about to leave the school, he received another call from Wei Yi.

Wei Yi on the other end of the phone said: "I just called Lao Wang. He said that he would send sister-in-law to a place at half past nine. He didn't have time to pick you up. You see, you are staying in the classroom temporarily, waiting for him to finish his work and come to take you home, or should I come to find you and let’s go out and play for a while?”

Wei Ling had already stepped out of the school gate, but said calmly: "It's okay, I'll wait for Uncle Wang to pick me up."

"Okay. Then stay in the classroom and let me know when you get home." Wei Yi trusted Wei Ling and hung up the phone without thinking much.

Wei Ling was a little happy. He clenched his fists to cheer himself up, feeling that the plan was initially successful. Now, he was going to the Third People's Hospital to find out which department and doctor Lin Jianqing was treating in, seize the irrefutable evidence, and then go to his grandparents to reveal her true identity!

Finally, he could punish that woman with his own hands!

Wei Ling felt very happy thinking about it. He stopped a taxi and said he was going to the Third People's Hospital. The driver was a little surprised to see him as a child and asked more: "Where are your adults?"

Wei Ling thought to himself, I am my master! But he didn't really say that. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the driver's work ID that was placed in the front row. He pretended to send it to others and said: "My mother is waiting for me at the entrance of the Third People's Hospital. She asked me to get in. I’ll take a photo of the car and the driver and send it to her later.”

The driver felt relieved now and drove safely to the Third People's Hospital. After Wei Ling paid the money, the driver glanced at the door of the hospital: "Is your mother here?"

"There she is." Wei Ling pointed at someone casually and then walked steadily towards that direction. The driver took a second look and saw that the child had arrived at the hospital door safely, then started the car and left.

Now, it is already nine forty.

Wei Ling walked around the first floor with his schoolbag on his back and found that the psychiatry department was on the fifth floor. He took the elevator up and found many photos of doctors on the wall outside the elevator room.

One of the doctors, Li Qi, is a female and the director of the department.

Wei Ling felt that she should be the Dr. Li whom Lin Jianqing was going to see at ten o'clock.

So he carried his schoolbag and hid in the stairwell again. Seeing that the time was approaching ten o'clock, the elevator door opened after a "ding" sound, and he vaguely heard Lin Jianqing's voice.

Looking outside, it turned out to be her.

The woman was wearing a white suit, sunglasses, a mask and a hat, probably because she was afraid of being recognized.

After all, she was once a star.

In Lin Jianqing's mind, a young man's voice that no one else could hear said to her: "He is indeed here."

Although Lin Jianqing was not too surprised, she also felt that Wei Ling was really a bit too smart for a seven-year-old child. Coupled with Lin Ran, who is so wise and almost demonic, her future tasks may be very difficult.

Before entering the door, Lin Jianqing said to Silent Hill: "Remember to help, otherwise he won't be able to get close to the treatment room on his own." No matter how smart he is, he is just a seven-year-old child who cannot prevent seeing a few nurses and a few pairs of eyes. It is not easy to approach the treatment room without noticing.

But after entering the room, Lin Jianqing had no time to worry about Silent Hill or Wei Ling. She had to gather all her energy to deal with the doctor in front of her.

After all, Lin Jianqing could secretly exchange medicines, but it was difficult to control the mood and state of patients with bipolar disorder, so she had to go all out.

Lin Jianqing raised her hand to take off the sunglasses on her face, but there was a faint tremor of excitement in her heart that she couldn't even explain. In her previous life, due to her poor health, her emotions could not fluctuate too much. However, due to the many messed up things she encountered, she developed a character that was calm on the outside but a crazy drama on the inside. Now as the villainess Lin Jianqing in "For You"...

Lin Jianqing told herself that here, she was Lin Jianqing, a patient with bipolar disorder.

She was a beast that couldn't control herself and was trying to find help.

In fact, Lin Jianqing did get into the role very quickly. One second she was tensed and thinking about all kinds of things, but the next second she took off her sunglasses, and Li Qi saw the trapped beast's final struggle, despair and ferocity in those eyes.

A complete and absolute manic-depressive patient appeared before her eyes.
