
Showing posts from February 14, 2024

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 03

☆⁠Chapter 3 Is there something going on?☆ ⁠ After complaining, there is still business to do. Lin Jianqing asked: "How much does Wei Ling like me now?" "There is no favorability, only resentment." Silent Hill is born with an out-of-touch character. At first, he pretended to be aloof just to scare Lin Jianqing. Now that his true nature has been exposed, he is too lazy to hide it. He laughed and said: "Resentment is worth a hundred~" Are you so happy, as if you can live alone after I die? Lin Jianqing glared at the panel and felt a little headache. However, the tasks released by the Rules of Silence have been accurately calculated, and the possibility of completing the tasks cannot be 0. In other words, it is not absolutely impossible to eliminate Wei Ling's resentment towards the original owner in a short period of time. It's just difficult. With limited time, Lin Jianqing quickly went through the discharge procedures, and then decided to observe th

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 02

☆⁠Chapter 2 Rules of Silence☆ ⁠ As mentioned earlier, Lin Jianqing is a full-time online writer. As mentioned earlier, "Silent Peak" is her masterpiece. In this novel, the "Silent Ones", centered on the two protagonists, are chosen by God. Whenever midnight comes, their souls will attach themselves to the puppets on the Peak of Silence and complete various tasks issued by God, such as those who fail to complete the task will face the punishment of humane removal. The so-called god calls himself "Silent Hill". When Lin Jianqing heard the "ding—" sound, she immediately felt something was wrong. A panel appeared in front of her eyes. The main tasks on the panel were garbled, and the sub-tasks had two branches... Branch task one, win over Wei Ling (0). Branch task two, rescue Lin Ran. Lin Jianqing's head panicked: "Silent..." "Silent Hill." A voice said coldly in Lin Jianqing's mind: "The God of Silence." ".

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 01.2

Lin Jianqing is an online writer. She had poor reincarnation skills and was born with congenital heart disease. Therefore, she was abandoned by her biological parents when she was very young and grew up in an orphanage. After graduating from high school, she accidentally became a writer for the Dingmin Novel Network. She didn't make much money at first, but the feeling of being able to create a world with her own hands and imagination was really great. It was so great that Lin Jianqing couldn't give up. This was the only thing she wanted to insist on after living as she did for seventeen years. If she perseveres enough and God is willing to provide food, in a year or two, Lin Jianqing will be able to earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month just by serializing novels on the Dingmin website. When she was in her third year of college, she became a god on for her work "Peak of Silence". Since then, it has been a smooth journey. Several of her novels have become hit

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 01.1

☆⁠Possessed by the Drama Spirit☆ ⁠ The woman had flaming red lips and staggered through the door wearing high heels.  She reeked of alcohol, her cheeks were slightly red, her eyes were twinkling, her eyelashes were long and thick, her upper and lower lips were full and pink, she was a very enchanting beauty. After entering the door, the beauty seemed to be blinded by the sudden bright light. She immediately stretched out a pair of snow-white jade walls in front of her face and called out a few times, but received no response. The woman was so angry that she suddenly lost her temper and threw the new bag she had received two days ago on the ground. Her beautiful, black and shiny eyes glanced around the first floor, and the anger in her heart grew stronger. She took a breath, stepped up suddenly, and rushed across the gorgeous and exquisite steps at an extremely fast speed to a door on the second floor. She pushed it, but it didn't even budge. Llocked?! The woman's eyes widened i

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 00

Details: Title: The Female Supporting Actress Is Acting Again Author: Qingqin (卿亲) Completed: 2019 Brief introduction: In the novel "For You", the villain Lin Jianqing has two sons. Her biological son was abandoned by her when he was four years old, and he struggled to survive in red light districts and black boxing rings. Twenty years later, he became the all-powerful villain in the novel. Her stepson was abused by her since he was a child. He went from lively and active to taciturn. Twenty years later, he inherited the family business and became the well-deserved aloof male protagonist in the novel. Traveler Lin Jianqing: "...." Count the ball! In order to save her life, Lin Jianqing played countless roles: a manic-depressive patient with ambitions and a strong heart, a single mother who had to endure hardships, and a poor little white flower who couldn't love herself, inspirational female star in the entertainment industry ... The actress is a great supporti