
Showing posts from April 21, 2024


Chapter 18 Xu Hui's suspicion did not extinguish Sheng Jing's enthusiasm. She analyzed it rationally: "I think Sister Hui, you are overthinking it. When the Adventure Horror House was officially announced, it was not favored by the outside world at all. If it weren't for the newcomers from other companies who wanted to take advantage of the 'domestic first haunted house adventure variety show' gimmick is involved, the show will not be able to run at all. Xiaoxiao can join because of her black body." "Now Xiaoxiao has a support group other than Heizi. If the director really wants to target her, he has to hesitate. Besides, if it weren't for Xiaoxiao's illegal operations, the show would not be so popular. Ten horror house words are trending in searches. In those, seven are all related to Xiaoxiao, these are all the work of the program team, we didn’t do anything.” As soon as they sent Gu Xiaoxiao to the filming location, they were called by the


Chapter 17 Will Gu Xiaoxiao die? In response to this question from the enthusiastic audience, Gu Xiaoxiao gave an answer with strength. As early as after the true appearance of each NPC was revealed, Gu Xiaoxiao knew in her heart that no matter how realistic the makeup was or how terrifying the atmosphere, it was all acting after all. This is a routine operation performed by the program team to increase the audience's expectations, to create confusion among the participants, and to satisfy the audience's curiosity. The essence of a game like Scary, which is full of pranks and anecdotes, is to watch others make a fool of themselves. After Gu Xiaoxiao traveled through the book, she changed from the one who scares to the one who is scared. This transformation made her unable to complain. She really couldn't accept the fake as real. For example, the sinister and evil curse-type NPC in front of her has long hair that covers her entire face and body. She is muttering words and st

FVB - 052

Chapter 52 Jiang Jin hugged a man Li Xichen was about to refuse when the call was hung up.    "What's wrong?"    Li Beixiao took the time to ask while typing on the keyboard.    "That woman asked me to send her a dress." Li Xichen twitched the corner of his mouth, "She can even scratch her dress when attending a dinner party. Why is she so stupid?"    Li Beixiao paused with his fingers: "I'll go."    Li Xichen said calmly: "You know how to buy a dress and you want to go? I'll call my second brother, he should have something to do."    That woman is very discerning and likes to be picky. She will definitely not like the dress they bought.    The second brother has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, so he should know what kind of dresses women like.    He flipped through his address book and made a call.    The Starlight Conference Awards Ceremony officially began. The spectacular, elegant and refined ceremo