Chapter 18

Xu Hui's suspicion did not extinguish Sheng Jing's enthusiasm.

She analyzed it rationally: "I think Sister Hui, you are overthinking it. When the Adventure Horror House was officially announced, it was not favored by the outside world at all. If it weren't for the newcomers from other companies who wanted to take advantage of the 'domestic first haunted house adventure variety show' gimmick is involved, the show will not be able to run at all. Xiaoxiao can join because of her black body."

"Now Xiaoxiao has a support group other than Heizi. If the director really wants to target her, he has to hesitate. Besides, if it weren't for Xiaoxiao's illegal operations, the show would not be so popular. Ten horror house words are trending in searches. In those, seven are all related to Xiaoxiao, these are all the work of the program team, we didn’t do anything.”

As soon as they sent Gu Xiaoxiao to the filming location, they were called by the senior management to help Nina, who the company had just favored, pick up the dress she would wear to the movie premiere tomorrow. Hundreds of clothes and matching shoes and bags were all left to be carried by the two of them and they were almost exhausted.

It wasn't until an hour after House of Horrors started airing that Shengjing was able to watch the performance of her own artists. All publicity related to Gu Xiaoxiao was not handled by them.

Being reminded like this, Xu Hui was also relieved: "Yes, while Xiaoxiao's own popularity has increased, it has also brought a lot of traffic to the show. We have slowly changed from a passive party to an active party, and the show has only been in its third season. 1%, we still have a chance to operate, so instead of worrying about whether we will be manipulated by others, we should take advantage of this popularity to build momentum for Xiaoxiao and strive to attract more fans until we completely have the right to speak."

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean. Let's get started. Let's start with giving rewards to increase the popularity of Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room and increase her exposure. Then we will record her performance in the show and post it to her personal Weibo. and Chaohua Plaza to promote and build momentum.”


The two rolled up their sleeves and started working.

In fact, there was no need for them to go out of their way to get gifts to increase popularity. By the end of this level, Gu Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room had already reached the fifteenth position on the home page's reward list, far surpassing Qi Yan and Shen Weiyue.

The audience had personally seen the evil nature of the NPC in this level, so they were very relieved when Gu Xiaoxiao single-handedly made the most evil NPC in the room so angry that she vomited blood. Whoever asked her to scare them deserved it!

Compared with the excitement of the manager and the audience, Gu Xiaoxiao was depressed because she was not eliminated. She finally took a chance, but she was messed up by the stubborn NPC again, tsk!

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the key in her hand listlessly, as if her soul had been taken away.

"Xiaoxiao, are you injured anywhere? You scared me to death when you were pinched by the NPC just now. I just hate that I don't have the guts to save you." Yue Xinran came over to ask as soon as the lights came on.

"It's okay, it's all a performance done by the program crew for effect, don't worry."

"But don't you think the NPCs in this level are too real?"

Yue Xinran looked at the shocking bruises on her neck and said what everyone was thinking.

Jin Sui'an also said: "I only looked at your NPC and the back of my neck was injured. You kept looking at her. Did she do anything to you?"

Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at him when she heard this, then moved her shoulder-length hair away with one hand, showing the wound on the back of her neck to indicate: "Is this it?"

The three men who had looked at each other with the NPC all gasped when they saw the wound.

Compared to the small wounds they suffered from only one attack, the dense red dots and scratches on Gu Xiaoxiao's neck were simply shocking.

Comparing the two, several men suddenly felt a little ashamed of themselves. Compared to her calmness, they were really a bit weak.

"Aren't you afraid?" Jin Sui'an said in surprise.

"This little trick is not worth mentioning. Besides, what she wants is this kind of intimidation. If you fall for it, you will lose."

Qi Yan and Lin Yao secretly blushed, they were inevitably led to the rhythm again.

"Miss Gu, girls as bold as you are really rare. I admire you very much. Before every level starts, I keep telling myself that it is just a game. All the people and scenes are fake. But once the game starts, from the beginning, I would immediately fall into the atmosphere created by the show crew, which is really weak."

Jin Sui'an scratched the back of his head, his cheeks slightly red.

[Ah ah ah, Anzai is so kind and dares to admit his timidity]

[Anzai is so cute, mommy loves you]

"It's okay, you'll be immune after a few passes." Gu Xiaoxiao comforted.

Lin Yao angrily said: "Huh, you said it's easy, how can we be immune so easily? These NPCs are so crazy that they don't do human things. The prop team is not human either. What they do is just like the real thing. Even a human would be scared."

"Don't you really think it's strange? Is the NPC's mutated appearance just now really just props and makeup effects?" Yue Xinran once again raised the doubts in her heart.

"There's nothing strange about this. Don't create panic. There are no ghosts in this world. If there are ghosts, it's because some people have ghosts in their hearts and have no good intentions."

Shen Weiyue was humiliated like never before at this level, and her image as a pure lady was completely destroyed. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt.

When she saw Qi Yan and Lin Yao showing fleeting admiration for Gu Xiaoxiao at the same time, she became even more jealous to death.

The first time she was scared to death, the audience could immerse herself in her experience through the first-person perspective, and their empathy allowed them to fully understand her timidity. However, the second time she was scared to the point of crawling under the table, it was an unforeseen disaster. Yes, she is obviously out.

In her opinion, the behavior of the habitual criminal Gu Xiaoxiao was intentional. She wanted to use everyone's cowardice and incompetence to set off her strength and wisdom. Her intention was to be punished!

"If Gu Xiaoxiao was really not good-hearted, shouldn't she give up at the last moment and let everyone die together? But now that we have successfully broken through, the really bad-hearted people should be the ones who took advantage and beat them up."

Jin Sui'an had long been dissatisfied with Shen Weiyue's indulgence and willfulness, and went back without mercy.

"What do you mean?" Shen Weiyue said angrily.

"Literally, don't you understand?"

Jin Sui'an raised his chin with a provocative look on his face. He had tolerated her for a long time. If he hadn't cared about her being a girl, he would have wanted to fight her with full force.

"Well, stop arguing and calm down. It's just a game. Don't take it too seriously. Everyone, blame me. I said the wrong thing. I will shut up." Yue Xinran quickly took over the controversy she had caused.

"What's wrong with you? Just stay well."

Jin Sui'an pushed her towards Gu Xiaoxiao and stood in front of the two of them, like an old hen protecting her young.

[Ah ah ah, Anzi is so handsome. I have already disliked Shen Weiyue, so I will fight back for my mother.]

[This white lotus is so dazzling, I really dare to say anything]

[That’s right, when did you not win by following Gu Xiaoxiao? When you get the advantage, you will be so arrogant. I’m so speechless]

[I don’t know how Shen Weiyue’s innocent little flower came to be, so I quickly changed it to a black-hearted lotus to avoid spending money on public relations after the house collapsed]

[Don’t be deceived by Gu Xiaoxiao’s disguise. Every time she angers the NPC, she will bring disaster to other guests. She does have bad intentions]

[No matter how you try to clear your name, we only believe what our eyes see. In my eyes, Gu Xiaoxiao is invincible]

[Same as above]

[The minister seconded the proposal]

[You are simply unreasonable]

[Slightly, slightly, slightly (stick out tongue)]

"Okay, let's wait and see. Sooner or later, she will reveal her true colors." Shen Weiyue was so angry that her whole body was shaking, and her voice was filled with anger.

"All I see is a face twisted with jealousy."

"You!" Shen Weiyue's face turned red with anger and she glared at Jin Sui'an.

"Okay, okay, the show is still being recorded. Internal strife among us is the most popular thing for the program team and the audience to see. Don't make yourself a laughing stock. After the recording, the show breaks up. Who remembers whom? There is no need for tit-for-tat. This is just a joke. If you take the game seriously, you will lose.”

After Lin Yao finished speaking, he raised his chin towards Gu Xiaoxiao: "What is the gain from this level?"

Gu Xiaoxiao handed him the key and turned her gaze to the only locked room behind her: "It should be the key to that room."

Everyone turned their attention together.

"Is it another side mission?" Yue Xinran asked doubtfully.

Jin Sui'an: "According to the previous rules, there are only three or two side tasks that cannot reach the main line."

"Let's go, it must be done." Qi Yan looked worried.

Lin Yao handed him the key, and when he met his eyes that he deliberately avoided, he felt suspicious in his heart. He always felt that he was not as confident as before. Could he really be frightened by Yue Xinran's speculation?

Lin Yao looked at his back again, and when he caught a glimpse of the scabbed scratches on the back of his neck, his eyes suddenly froze. Qi Yan had also been injured by that NPC?

So the reason for his lack of confidence was that he believed the speculation that the NPC was not a human being?

Lin Yao recalled that scene, a chill instantly spread all over his body, arousing goosebumps all over his body.

He raised his palm to touch the back of his neck, rubbing the injury hard, trying to drive away the bone-chilling chill.

Before opening the door, Qi Yan asked everyone for their opinions as usual. After receiving a positive reply, he took a deep breath silently in his heart, then turned the key, and the door opened in response.

With a soft "click" sound, the surrounding lights suddenly dimmed, the cold white light flickered on and off, and the noisy radio began to buzz.

"Welcome to all players to start the main mission - "The Cursed Scroll". It takes ten minutes to clear the level and the timer starts."

"Huh? Let's go straight to the main mission, and it only lasts ten minutes!" Yue Xinran exclaimed.

"Ten minutes of main mission, how difficult is it? We are not in a hurry, so we can record slowly." Lin Yao said the last two sentences directly to the main camera.

[Hahaha, is there any desire to survive that overflows the screen?]

[The program team has never let me down, and there are endless tricks.]

[This level is a side mission that is more terrifying than the four previous ten-minute main missions. It’s so scary just thinking about it]

[Seeds, peanuts and fried chicken are ready in the front row]

"Record it yourself slowly, I want to end this as soon as possible." After Shen Weiyue said these words, she walked around Qi Yan and was the first to step into the room.

Qi Yan followed closely, and then Lin Yao.

Jin Sui'an turned to look at the two people behind him, "If there is no need for 1V1 in this level, you can rest more and I will try to find as many clues as possible."

"Okay, okay!" Yue Xinran simply couldn't ask for it.

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled gently: "That's hard work."

If she had to go through the entire show, she would do more swimming and less publicity, so as not to arouse people's jealousy and affect her mood.
