
Showing posts from May 12, 2024


Chapter 23 There is a simple map drawn on the task card, with two destinations marked with red stars - the storage room and the dance room, located northwest of the main teaching building. After Qi Yan read it, he handed the task card to Lin Yao who was closest to him, and then left without looking back.    Regarding Gu Xiaoxiao's repeated actions of leading everyone through the level, he felt very complicated, and he became increasingly angry at his own cowardice and incompetence.    He always told himself that this is just a game, but every time he faced an NPC with outstanding acting skills, he will always be led into a rhythm, causing all his psychological construction to instantly collapse.    He hated himself but had to accept the fact that he was not as powerful as he thought.    Lin Yao was a little surprised by Qi Yan's behavior. He subconsciously looked at Jin Sui'an and found that the other person was also looking at Qi Yan, so he asked with his eyes, "What&

FVB - 073

Chapter 73 The two elders of the Meng family are looking for their granddaughter Red Sun Orphanage holds a birthday party every year to celebrate the birthdays of children with unknown birthdays. Jiang Jin is one of those children whose birthday is unknown.    According to the director, she was thrown at the door of the orphanage in the midsummer of that year. She was only about three or four months old. Her whole body was skin and bones, and only her eyes were very bright... The dean mother was very kind to the original owner, so the original owner returned to the orphanage every year to attend this birthday party. Jiang Jin put the documents into her handbag and drove to the largest shopping mall after breakfast.    She bought many of the children's favorite toys and snacks in the mall, and ordered an extra-large cake before going to the orphanage.    As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the orphanage, she saw a familiar figure.    "Hey, isn't this our wealthy y