Chapter 23

There is a simple map drawn on the task card, with two destinations marked with red stars - the storage room and the dance room, located northwest of the main teaching building.

After Qi Yan read it, he handed the task card to Lin Yao who was closest to him, and then left without looking back.
Regarding Gu Xiaoxiao's repeated actions of leading everyone through the level, he felt very complicated, and he became increasingly angry at his own cowardice and incompetence.
He always told himself that this is just a game, but every time he faced an NPC with outstanding acting skills, he will always be led into a rhythm, causing all his psychological construction to instantly collapse.
He hated himself but had to accept the fact that he was not as powerful as he thought.
Lin Yao was a little surprised by Qi Yan's behavior. He subconsciously looked at Jin Sui'an and found that the other person was also looking at Qi Yan, so he asked with his eyes, "What's wrong with Qi Yan?"
Jin Sui'an shrugged and shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.
Shen Weiyue looked at Qi Yan's back and suddenly figured out one thing. As a hot new singer, Qi Yan's status has always been above everyone else. He must be feeling depressed when he is repeatedly upstaged by a fool like Gu Xiaoxiao. He was angry, so he used her as a vent for his anger. How could he not get back on his feet if he was so proud?

Once a man's competitive spirit is activated, it is a hundred times more terrifying than a woman's.
"Let's go. Since we can't escape, it's better to die early and be reborn."

Shen Weiyue said the last words while looking at Gu Xiaoxiao.
Gu Xiaoxiao was not annoyed and curled her lips: "I thought so too."
Shen Weiyue glanced at her meaningfully, twisted her slender waist and walked away first.
Yue Xinran, Lin Yao and Jin Sui'an lined up behind Gu Xiaoxiao very consciously, as if they were waiting for orders.
Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at the three people standing in line: "?"
The three of them shared the same smile and said in unison: "You go first, and we'll be behind."
"..." I suddenly smelled of flattery, could she have been blackmailed?
Gu Xiaoxiao then thought about it. We all have to do tasks together anyway. It would be better if we all become the sixth child. If we can’t record anymore, we should disband early and go home to wash up and sleep!
As soon as Shen Weiyue came down to the first floor, she saw Qi Yan standing at the exit. She said with some surprise: "I thought you left first."
Qi Yan just raised his eyes and glanced at her without saying anything.

However, Shen Weiyue added reluctantly: "You are the same type of person as me, but you are more tolerant than me. I don't believe you are really convinced."
Qi Yan heard what she meant and frowned unhappily: "Taking care of yourself is more important than anything else."

Shen Weiyue snorted and was noncommittal.
Qi Yan was a little irritated by her slight ridicule, feeling both unsatisfied at being underestimated and embarrassed at having his thoughts penetrated.
"Qi Yan, are you waiting for us?"
Lin Yao looked happy when he saw that Qi Yan did not leave alone.
As a person with outstanding status and character, Qi Yan has always been respected and admired by the guests. Everyone tacitly regards him as the backbone of the team. It is really because of Gu Xiaoxiao's outstanding performance that he has the same bad conscience as Shen Weiyue. If so, their losses would be great.
Fortunately, everything was down to his petty mentality, and Qi Yan was not a narrow-minded person.
Qi Yan said "Yeah": "Let's go."

The group continued to move towards their destination. It was already early in the morning, and the early autumn weather was a bit cooler. The moon was shining brightly, and the mountain wind blew the surrounding branches, making a rustling sound, adding a lot of vitality to the night...
Escaped from the oppressive feeling indoors, the sky is high and the breeze finally brings a sense of long-lost leisure.

Everyone raised their heads in tacit agreement, took a deep breath, and exhaled the turbid air that had been accumulating in their hearts.
However, the comfortable time only lasted a few seconds. When they took another step, a container-sized house suddenly appeared in front of them, stuck in the middle of the road, blocking the way.
[Let me go, how did such a big container appear in one second]
[Don’t ask, just watch because the props are awesome]
[I’m new here, you’ll get used to it after a few more levels. The props in this show are really awesome]
[Not only can it transform into a container in seconds, it can also transform into a living person and teleport, which is awesome]
[Wow, then I came to the right place]
["Adventure Horror House" is also known as - "The House of Unforgettable Life", you deserve it (Dog Head)]
[Thanks to all the veterans for popularizing science, the newcomers expressed that they have taken root (clasp fists)]

The sudden appearance of a "stumbling block" stopped everyone in their tracks. Rather than this prop appearing out of thin air, everyone was more concerned about the content of this level.
Before they could speculate for too long, a cool, playful voice came from their ears: "Hehehe, let's play hide and seek~"
As soon as it finished speaking, the bright street lights began to flash crazily. The high frequency of light and dark amplitude made everyone subconsciously cover their eyes. When the rapid sound of electricity disappeared, they opened their eyes again. Everyone was already inside the container.
[Fuck, teleportation appears]
[This transition is amazing! ! ! !]
The interior of the container is wider than expected. There are five rooms on both sides of the long corridor. The rooms are filled with old tables, chairs and sundries. They are dusty and shrouded in cold white light, which can easily inspire everyone's fear of NPCs. If you don't have enough protection, they will disguise themselves in it and scare you half to death when you are not prepared!
Yue Xinran held Gu Xiaoxiao's hand and asked with a trembling voice: "This atmosphere, whether you are looking for someone or being found, is so scary!"
"Rather than being found, I would rather be the one looking for someone. If they dare to scare me, I will definitely not show mercy!" Lin Yao said fiercely, unable to hide his anger towards the NPC in his words.
This move caused distress from fans and ridicule from passers-by. The handsome young boy turned into a violent villain in an instant, just like a bitch showing his teeth, strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

As soon as he finished speaking, the large open iron door slammed shut, making a sharp impact that made everyone's ears hurt.
The lights flickered again in response to the situation, and in the blink of an eye, seven NPCs dressed in white and wearing the same ghost masks blocked the iron door.
When the lights returned to normal, the leading NPC You Feng raised the sharp blade in his hand, licked the blade with his red tongue, and said in a joking and sinister voice: "Hide yourselves, don't be found by me."
After saying that, he raised the knife and chopped off the head of the NPC next to him. The head rolled to Yue Xinran's feet, scaring her so much that she screamed and retreated. Her legs went weak and she sat on the ground.
Immediately afterwards, everyone heard the clicking sound of bones moving, coming from the neck of the person who lost his head, and a new head was slowly emerging.
The audience in the live broadcast room and Shen Weiyue screamed at the same time.
"Ah, ah, ah!!!!"
Jin Sui'an and Qi Yan were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Lin Yao was so disgusted and frightened that he kept retching. Only Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the NPC in surprise and kept praising this performance in her heart. The special effects YYDS!

You Feng was very satisfied with everyone's feedback. He laughed heartily. He raised his hand to signal the team behind him. The team immediately turned their backs to everyone. When the lights went out, You Feng started counting down: "Ten, nine, eight... ·····”
Darkness and panic instantly captured everyone's sanity, and no one could remain calm except for the instinctive escape.
Everyone ran to the room closest to them. The first thing they did when entering was to lock the door and move all the objects that could hit the door to block it, in this way to increase the sense of security.

Gu Xiaoxiao kept focusing on the self-growing head. When the lights went out and she came back to her senses, the people around her had long disappeared. She looked around at the closed doors, as if her hiding place had disappeared.
[Oh haha, Gu Xiaoxiao is alone]
[Haha, isn’t she still dead in this round?]
[Is this the real version of flying apart when disaster strikes? You can see people’s hearts at critical moments!]

[Fortunately, we, Xiaoxiao, have been taking everyone away before, but we ended up like this, which is heartbreaking]
[Anyone else would protect themselves first in that situation and not care about others at all]
[I don’t believe Xiaoxiao can’t pass this test, there’s nothing wrong with being beautiful alone]
[How could Master Xiao die? She is still stubborn. Isn’t it good to be alone and beautiful? What kind of friendship does she need?]
Just when the fans were worried about her situation and fighting for her, Gu Xiaoxiao calmly walked in the direction of the NPC.
You Feng was immersed in the panic countdown he had created and was complacent. He stretched out his hands gracefully, raised his head and squinted his eyes to absorb the fear energy that was spreading in the air. He was not aware of anyone trying to fish in troubled waters.
"Seven, six, five..."
As Gu Xiaoxiao walked, she stared attentively at the place where the NPC appeared out of thin air. If she guessed correctly, there should be a secret door there.
[Fuck, what is Gu Xiaoxiao going to do? Is she throwing herself into a trap?]
[Is she going to commit suicide?]

[If she was eliminated like this, I would also admire her for dying so hard, and I will be a fan of you for the rest of my life]
[Come on, Master Xiao is the eternal God, death is impossible]
[I seemed to smell a familiar smell, rubbing my hands together]
[I'm already looking forward to Master Xiao's sexy moves]

[Hurry up, hurry up!]

Gu Xiaoxiao's guess was correct. The group of NPCs did not appear out of thin air. There was a hidden secret door next to the iron gate, and people filed out from there. Previously, because of the light cover, the players could not find it at all.
"Three, two, one."
As soon as the words fell, the ten-minute countdown clock started at the same time, and the red light source was reflected on the walls of every room. Every second that was lost seemed like life was passing by, adding to the fear.
Gu Xiaoxiao stepped on the last syllable and dodged into the room, and when You Feng opened his eyes, he quietly closed the door.
When the lights were turned on again, the audience in the main live broadcast room only saw a thin figure fleeting behind the iron gate. Only the audience following Gu Xiaoxiao's first-person perspective witnessed her unexpected and reasonable actions.
[I go, there was a hidden secret door there, how did she find it?]
[Out of Lao Liu’s intuition (bushi)]
[Wait a minute, Master Xiao, is she planning to stay here forever?]
[Nonsense, this game is called hide-and-seek. It’s not hiding anywhere. As long as I'm not found, I’m even willing to hide in the toilet and pretend to shit.]
[Hahaha, I can see that brother is really scared to death]
[Haha, in the end, Gu Xiaoxiao still chose the most cowardly way to become the sixth child. I really saw her right]
[The one who called Gu Xiaoxiao a god before, does his face hurt?]

Just when the anti-fans were laughing at Gu Xiaoxiao's wretched growth, the closed secret door was slowly pushed open from the inside...
