FVB - 073

Chapter 73 The two elders of the Meng family are looking for their granddaughter

Red Sun Orphanage holds a birthday party every year to celebrate the birthdays of children with unknown birthdays.

Jiang Jin is one of those children whose birthday is unknown.
According to the director, she was thrown at the door of the orphanage in the midsummer of that year. She was only about three or four months old. Her whole body was skin and bones, and only her eyes were very bright...

The dean mother was very kind to the original owner, so the original owner returned to the orphanage every year to attend this birthday party.

Jiang Jin put the documents into her handbag and drove to the largest shopping mall after breakfast.
She bought many of the children's favorite toys and snacks in the mall, and ordered an extra-large cake before going to the orphanage.
As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the orphanage, she saw a familiar figure.
"Hey, isn't this our wealthy young mistress Jiang Jin?"
Hua Lili crossed her arms and looked at Jiang Jin with a sneer.
She has also seen the news about the Li family in the past few days. The Li family is on the verge of bankruptcy and Jiang Jin will soon be kicked out.
Jiang Jin, who was once aloof and bossy to her, would soon be trampled under her feet.
This feeling is so enjoyable.
“You’re almost bankrupt, why are you buying so many things?”
Hua Lili looked at the pile of things Jiang Jin took out from the trunk with a look of disgust.
Jiang Jin was holding the gift in her left hand and her right hand, with a faint smile on her lips.
She looked at Hua Lili from head to toe and said, "It seems that Mr. Mao likes you quite a lot. Everything about you is this season's new product."
"Of course!" Hua Lili raised her chin, "If you come here to please me, I can consider giving you some decent dresses."

"Goodbye." Jiang Jin twitched the corners of her lips, "If Madam Mao comes here, won't she beat me too?"
Hua Lili fell down in anger and almost vomited blood.
Jiang Jin said coldly: "The dean mother has told us since childhood that we must never trample on principles and bottom lines. You have violated the dean mother's diligent advice. You'd better not attend the birthday party and cause trouble for others."
"Oh, you didn't run the orphanage, why should I listen to you!"
Hua Lili strode inside quickly.
Jiang Jin followed calmly.
Many balloons and streamers were arranged in the open space of the orphanage, and a group of four- and five-year-old children danced around the venue.
Fragments of memories from the original owner's childhood emerged in Jiang Jin's mind. It can be said that the annual birthday party is the happiest moment for children.
Because those adult brothers and sisters from the orphanage will come back on this day and bring many, many gifts to each of them.
"Jinjin, Lili, you're here." The dean's mother greeted us with a smile, "You two are still the same as when you were little, sticky and always want to be together wherever you go."
Hua Lili sneered: "Who is with her? We just happened to bump into each other."
Jiang Jin nodded: "Dean mother, Hua Lili and I have broken off our friendship a long time ago. We are not the same person."
"You are almost 30 years old, why are you still playing such childish games as breaking up with each other?" The dean's mother laughed, "You two broke up with each other every once in a while when you were young, and then the next day you immediately held hands and had dinner together. Have you forgotten the toilet?"
Jiang Jin's mouth twitched.

If she hadn't happened to travel into this book, the original owner and Hua Lili would still be best friends.
However, this relationship would only last for three or four months. After the original owner was defrauded of all the property obtained from the divorce by Lin Yichi, Hua Lili showed her true colors and trampled the original owner into the mud.
"Okay, okay, come over and help decorate the venue."
The dean mother took the two of them to blow up the balloons.
There was a strange smell on the balloon, and Hua Lili looked disgusted.
She was willing to come to the birthday party just to show off, and she didn't want to do any of this work. It would only stain her clothes.
Hua Lili pretended to go to the bathroom and found a quiet corner to sit and check her phone.
As soon as she sat down, she saw a luxury car approaching the entrance of the orphanage.

She has been with Mr. Mao for so long, so she has seen a lot of the world. Such luxury cars can be said to be very rare in Yuncheng.
It would be difficult for a rich man like Mr. Mao to buy this car.
Hua Lili couldn't help but take a second look.
The extended black luxury car stopped in front of the orphanage. The driver in a black suit got out of the car and opened the back seat door respectfully.
First, a gray-haired old man got out. The old man stood by the door and helped an elegantly dressed old lady down.
The two looked like a couple at first sight.
The sun in early summer was not too strong yet, but the driver held up a sun umbrella to respectfully protect the old lady from the sun.
Hua Lili couldn't help but open her eyes.
She grew up in an orphanage and was all too familiar with scenes like this.
Usually wealthy people come to the orphanage, either to adopt children or to find their long-lost children.

And this old couple is too old. It is absolutely impossible to adopt a child. That is to find the lost child...
Hua Lili stood up suddenly.
Then she realized that this old couple should be over seventy years old, and even if they were looking for their lost child, it probably wouldn't have much to do with her...
"Our Meng family's only direct granddaughter must be found..."
The old lady under the black umbrella said this urgently, and the old man next to her kept comforting her...

Hua Lili clenched her fingers.


The granddaughter of the Meng family...

She didn't know anything about the Meng family. She only knew that the old couple looked elegant and noble. Only wealthy families of generations could behave in such an elegant manner.

As if by mistake, Hua Lili followed.

Mr. Meng held Mrs. Meng's hand and slowly walked towards the orphanage office.

The dean mother left the matter to others and went to the office to receive them in person...

"Mr. Meng, Mrs. Meng, I checked. There are eight baby girls adopted by the Red Sun Orphanage twenty-eight years ago. Their names are all here."
The mother of the dean handed over a list, "Five of them still maintain close contact with the orphanage. These three people married out of town when they grew up and have lost contact..."
Mrs. Meng tremblingly picked up the list and burst into tears.
"Why are you getting married... How can you get married before you recognize our Meng family and become the little princess of our Meng family..."
"Why are you crying?" Mr. Meng said, "You should be lucky that you could know the news before we died, otherwise..."
With his son's urine, it is absolutely impossible to recognize his good granddaughter back.
Mr. Meng took out a broken and disfigured jade pendant from his pocket and handed it over: "When the baby girl was adopted twenty-eight years ago, did the dean see such a jade pendant?"

The dean took the jade pendant and looked at it carefully.
Hua Lili, who was hiding outside the door, felt as if she had been struck by lightning.
