ADMKSF - 015.3

After saying that, he quickly handed a cup of spicy yogurt to Zhao Ziqi.

Lin You smiled at the couple's little actions, and had a clear understanding of their relationship in her heart.

Chen Yi looked at the chopped pepper fish heads that had been wiped clean on the table, pursed his lips, and suddenly asked, "Can I ask Miss Lin what her plan is?"

Lin You said bluntly: "I can provide some aquatic products here. I have rented many fish ponds in Daxian Village. There are a lot of fish. I can provide them all to Nanjiang Tower. Of course, I can only provide them to you."

After a pause, she continued: "I know that Nanjiang Restaurant specializes in fish and food, so we will make a comeback from this special dish. I gave you the price according to the market price, and you can just sell it at the original price. You won’t lose money after all. I think the taste of this fish head with chopped pepper will make everyone willing to spend a little more money.”

Chen Yi leaned on his chair and seemed to be thinking seriously.

Their Nanjiang Building has a seafood supplier that they have always cooperated with. Everyone is already acquainted with each other, and suddenly they say they don't want to do business anymore and they are going to break up. But... the quality of the fish they provide is indeed not good. They say they are fed with protein feed, but only they know how it is.

If we use the fish provided by Lin You instead—

Chen Yi took a deep breath and asked, "Miss Lin, can I trust you?"

Lin You raised her eyes: "Then let me give you a suggestion? You ask Nanjiang Tower here to launch an event. Choose a holiday. Diners who come into the restaurant can try one fish and three meals for free. I will provide these fish to you for free. If If the effect is good, how about we cooperate again?”

Chen Yi was startled.

He didn't expect that Lin You would make such a suggestion.

This clearly allowed him to reap the benefits, while Lin You alone had to bear all the losses.

Being able to do this is enough to prove Lin You's determination.

Thinking of this, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay."

After confirming the pre-cooperation matters and filling her stomach, Lin You did not intend to stay in Haishi. She had already bought the ticket and said goodbye to Zhao Ziqi and her husband. Chen Yi originally planned to send her off, but Lin You refused. So the couple stood at the door and watched Lin You get into the car, then waved to them and left.

"I remember the last time I saw her, she still looked different. Today she looks like a different person." Chen Yi put his arm around his wife's shoulders, feeling quite emotional. At the same time, these words also attracted Zhao Ziqi's nod.

But that's not it.

The Lin You in front of them was more lovable.

Zhao Ziqi, who was lost in memories, suddenly remembered something. She raised her hand and touched her husband's waist. When Chen Yi lowered his head and looked over, she asked: "Do you know that Lin You is the eldest lady of the Lin Group? She is the daughter of Lin Chengkang and Ye Lin."

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Ziqi: "It stands to reason that the blood relationship between Lin You and Lin Chengkang is still there. People in your circle should also know about the marriage of Lin Chengkang's eldest daughter, right? Please tell me who Lin You's husband is."

As she said that, Zhao Ziqi couldn't help but frown: "I heard from Lin You that that man's good looks seemed to be the only advantage. They also raised a son for someone else. The son is already sixteen years old! He is only six years younger than Lin You, is this ridiculous? Lin You said she told me that this son was not born to someone else by her husband, but could it be her husband's Bai Yueguang?"

Chen Yi: "..."

As expected of someone who works in the entertainment industry, she can even be a guest screenwriter.

Chen Yi rubbed his eyebrows and couldn't help but want to laugh.

But when it comes to Lin You’s marriage partner—

Chen Yi's eyes twitched slightly, he raised his hand to cover his wife's mouth, and said helplessly: "Don't say these words to Lin You's husband next time you meet him."

Zhao Ziqi glanced: "Why, I still got it right?"

Chen Yi: "I'm afraid you will be sued by him for spreading rumors."

Idiots like Pei Tianyuan treat Pei Henan as a weak and weak waste.

They don’t know how they would die in the future.


Haishi is very close to Beijing, and it took more than an hour's drive for Lin You to return to the main house of the Pei family carrying large and small bags. The main residence of the Pei family occupies a large area. Just looking at the front door, you can tell that the people living here are either rich or noble.

But this has nothing to do with Lin You and Pei Henan and his son.

Lin You walked into the door, ignored the servants coming in and out, and pushed her suitcase towards the small western-style building at the back. Halfway through, she saw a figure slowly walking out of the main house. The woman was only wearing a cool suspender skirt, exposing her arms and legs. She casually let her long hair loose, walked up to Lin You, and spat out two seemingly intimate syllables: "Youyou."

Lin You raised her eyelids, and her pupils showed a human appearance.

She knew her, an acquaintance.

Su Yueling.

It's just that Su Yueling has never come out of the Pei family's main house so arrogantly in front of her before. In order to get closer to Lin You, Su Yueling kept hiding her relationship with Pei Tianyuan from Lin You. Why is she not even pretending to be pretending today?

"Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing special. I just want to ask you, did I do something wrong? Why did you block my WeChat account?" Su Yueling curled her curly hair with her slender fingers, and the brightly colored nail polish was easily distracted people's attention away.

Su Yueling has a beautiful face, and she once became famous for her role as a courtesan in a brothel.

Although Pei Tianyuan had countless lovers, he was particularly fond of Su Yueling, so he allowed her to enter and leave the Pei family's main house at will. According to the information provided by the system, Pei Tianyuan once asked Su Yueling why she wanted to be friends with Lin You, and Su Yueling replied in a low voice: "She looks quite pitiful."

In fact, she felt that she was not pitiable enough, so she tried hard to torture her to death.

Lin You raised an eyebrow, knowing that Su Yueling's arrival was not a good one, so she simply sat down on the suitcase. She was too lazy to argue with Su Yueling. She glanced at her lazily and raised her finger: "With Ji Sisi, Pei Tianyuan's lover, Du Enqing asked me to make a fool of myself on the show. Which reason do you like?"

Su Yueling's expression froze.

Although she had already planned to confront Lin You, she didn't expect that Lin You knew everything.

Lin You crossed her arms: "You come to me now, do you think Ji Sisi's fate is not bad enough? If you want, I can immediately tell all the media that you are backed by a financial backer, just in time I can still make some money, what do you think?"

Su Yueling was stunned and immediately became angry, "Are you kidding me? What good will this do to you? If you dare to reveal this matter to the media, I can also tell them your secret!"

"My secret? Do you mean my marriage to Pei Henan, or the secret that I am Lin Chengkang's eldest daughter?" Lin Youyi looked at her with some interest, "How do I feel, no matter what you reveal to the media? Which news is all earned with my own blood?"

As long as netizens care to understand, they will know Pei Henan's status in the Pei family, and netizens may even feel sorry for her.

As for the latter...

The daughter of the mistress showed off her power in front of the daughter of the main palace, and anyone who heard it would have Ji Sisi stepped into the cesspit.

When Lin You thought of this, she couldn't help but click her tongue and looked at Su Yueling with sympathy: "Why don't you seem to be very smart?"

After a pause, she added: "I'll give you three seconds to get out of the way, or I'll call the paparazzi immediately."

"How dare you!" Su Yueling's eyes widened.

After Lin You's words, she also wanted to understand the truth, but Lin You actually scolded her? And threatened her to call the paparazzi? Su Yueling and Lin You had been 'friends' for several years, but Lin You was the only one who was played around by her like a fool. When was it Lin You's turn to threaten her?

This sudden change in dominance, coupled with Lin You's huge changes and threats, made Su Yueling feel guilty and panicked. She suddenly raised her hand to grab Lin You, and raised her sharp nails to pull Lin You's hair.

"I tell you, if you dare to ruin my reputation, I will definitely drag you along!"

Seeing the nails reaching towards her eyes, Lin You was impatient. She leaned over and raised her feet to hook Su Yueling's calves and exert force. Su Yueling's feet slipped and she screamed when she realized her body was falling. She frantically tried to catch Lin You, but Lin You carelessly moved back, and Su Yueling fell to the ground.

The gravel hit the skin, and the soreness hit her instantly. Not to mention that Su Yueling had just gotten off Pei Tianyuan's bed not long ago, and her expression was a bit ferocious after being thrown down.

"Lin! You!"

"What are you doing?" Lin You smiled when she saw that she was in a mess, her hair was messy, and her eyes were fierce as if she was looking at the enemy who killed her father. She took a step forward, leaned over and patted her face gently. Her voice was gentle and smiling, "Don't be too angry. After all, we still have to settle the previous accounts. I'm afraid that if you get mad in advance, you won't have the chance to see what happens next, how miserable you are. Take care of yourself, good friend."

She picked up her suitcase and walked around Su Yueling's body and continued walking forward. However, the playful words that sounded like a smile but not a smile were still echoing in Su Yueling's ears. She was so angry that she suddenly reached out her hand and grabbed Lin You's calf.

Lin You wore a pair of slim-fitting light blue jeans today. The pants wrapped around her beautiful long legs, which were slender. Su Yueling's eyes turned red again, her fingers pinched tightly, and her other hand took out a stone from nowhere and was about to hit Lin You's knee.

Lin You realized her actions and her eyes turned cold.

As soon as her calf broke free, she kicked the woman's shackles directly.

Su Yueling couldn't dodge and was completely thrown to the ground, letting out a worse and sharper scream.

Lin You couldn't be bothered to pay attention to her, and took a bigger step. After a while, she rounded a shadowy intersection and disappeared.

In the distance, the young man standing behind the tree watched Lin You leave in silence.

Pei Ye just didn't want to write the paper anymore, and when he learned that Lin You was going home today, he took the initiative to take his mother home. He thought very well. If he behaved well in front of Lin You and pretended to be pitiful, Lin You might relent and ask him to stop doing the papers.

But he didn't expect to see Lin You fighting with another woman as soon as she came over.

Still a sure kill.

Pei Ye sighed and thought of the pole that was beaten to pieces.

He was silent for two seconds, then lowered his head and searched on his mobile phone: Is it illegal for parents to beat minor children? If the child resists, is the child responsible?
