
Showing posts from March 24, 2024


Chapter 10 [Oh my god, the color of this light is amazing, it looks evil at first glance] [Ah ah ah, I'm so scared, but I can't help but want to continue watching] [Guess how many NPCs there will be in the classroom (dog heads)] [Of course, the more, the better. Taking exams with NPCs is so refreshing just thinking about it] Lin Yao looked at the closed classroom door in front of him and swallowed, raised his hand to hold the door handle, and looked back at everyone. "I'm opening the door." After asking for permission, he turned his wrist and opened the door. What they see is a wide podium with four bright red characters "Quiz" on the blackboard. The thin paint outlines the wet and fluid feeling, and paired with the red lights, it is indescribably weird. There are neat desks and chairs under the podium, and the NPC seats are almost full. They are wearing the same school uniforms with Linglan High School printed on them. They sit in standard postures and


Chapter 9 Facing Shen Weiyue's question, Jin Sui'an was the first to refute. "Miss Shen, you can't say that. In order to buy us time, Miss Gu risked her life to hold back the NPC. I believe that no one here has the courage. Your groundless accusation is unfair." Lin Yao retorted in embarrassment and dissatisfaction: "Who said we don't have the guts? We just can't react as fast as her. Holding the NPC down is just a piece of cake. Finding a way to clear the level is the key to this link." Lin Yao didn't want to admit that he was a man at all, but he was frightened to the point of utter embarrassment and shame by the NPC. He had to find some ground. Jin Sui'an glanced at him helplessly, "But we neither held people back nor found a way. Facts speak louder than words." "Hey, which side are you on?" Lin Yao wished he could throw him out, this scum who betrayed his male compatriots. "I'm just stating the facts."

FVB - 024

Chapter 24 Li Yunting wakes up Li Yunting was wearing loose pajamas, with a belt tied loosely around his strong waist. Jiang Jin's hand slowly moved over, hooked the knotted belt, and gently pulled... She swallowed involuntarily. She suddenly felt like she really looked like a pervert... Zhang Ma was kicked out without explanation, and she was left alone in a closed room to take off the man's pants and wipe his lower body... Jiang Jin's face suddenly turned red. She turned her head to the side, untied the man's belt haphazardly, and wiped it haphazardly with her eyes closed. After wiping, she quickly helped Li Yunting put on his nightgown and tighten his belt. "Call--" Jiang Jin let out a long sigh of relief. She wrung out the towel, sat on the edge of the bed and carefully wiped the man's brows and eyes. After washing the face with water, the facial contour will be more neat and handsome. Every time she looks at this face, Jiang Jin can be obsessed with