FVB - 024

Chapter 24 Li Yunting wakes up

Li Yunting was wearing loose pajamas, with a belt tied loosely around his strong waist.

Jiang Jin's hand slowly moved over, hooked the knotted belt, and gently pulled...

She swallowed involuntarily.

She suddenly felt like she really looked like a pervert...

Zhang Ma was kicked out without explanation, and she was left alone in a closed room to take off the man's pants and wipe his lower body...

Jiang Jin's face suddenly turned red.

She turned her head to the side, untied the man's belt haphazardly, and wiped it haphazardly with her eyes closed.

After wiping, she quickly helped Li Yunting put on his nightgown and tighten his belt.


Jiang Jin let out a long sigh of relief.

She wrung out the towel, sat on the edge of the bed and carefully wiped the man's brows and eyes.

After washing the face with water, the facial contour will be more neat and handsome.

Every time she looks at this face, Jiang Jin can be obsessed with it for several minutes...

There is no way, who made her such a face control.

"Li Yunting, I will try my best to get your four sons back on the right path."

"Li Yunting, I'm pretty good to you. Don't turn your back on me when you wake up."

"Li Yunting, I'm really worried about your Li family. You..."

"Buzz buzz-"

As Jiang Jin rambled on, the cell phone placed beside the bed vibrated.

She threw the towel into the basin, picked up her cell phone and walked to the balcony to answer the call.

This is a call from Lin Yichi.

Before the other party could speak, Jiang Jin said happily: "Yichi, have you collected the money? When will you call me?"

"This..." Lin Yichi sighed, "I only raised 20 million, which is still far from enough. Jinjin, I have borrowed from all my friends, and I can't borrow any more. Otherwise, I will invest 20 million first?"

Jiang Jin sneered.

This scumbag actually took her money to give himself a way out.

"Twenty million is not enough..." Jiang Jin said faintly, "The old man said that you must invest 30 million before you can give me a commission of 100 million. Hey, forget it, let's not invest any money. How about this……

The 20 million you have is enough for us to live a happy life for several years, Yichi, otherwise I will get divorced now..."


Lin Yichi flatly refused.

"Jinjin, if you get divorced now, you won't get a penny. If you don't pay..."

Jiang Jin let out a long sigh: "But Li's Group is short of these 30 million now. If the money is not available, Li's will go bankrupt in less than a month. After a month of divorce, I will lose everything. Yichi, Li I've really had enough of living at home. I'm going to get the divorce certificate tomorrow. Can you marry me?"

"Jinjin, I also want to marry you, but..." Lin Yichi paused and said as if he had made up his mind, "Isn't it just 30 million? I will definitely get it for you."

"Yichi, you are too kind."

Jiang Jin knew that if she wanted him to do something, she had to give him enough sweetness.

She said in a coquettish tone, "If you invest 30 million, we will get a commission of 100 million. With this money, we can start another company in the future. You will be the president of the company, and I will be the company's boss lady... Yichi, you find a way to raise money, and I will plan a divorce. In three months, we can be happily together..."

As she spoke, she suddenly felt the temperature around her body drop a bit.

She slowly raised her head and looked at the balcony window.

Dusk has fallen, and the night outside the window reflects the light of the master bedroom.

Under the bright crystal lamp, a tall and straight figure approached her little by little.

Jiang Jin was stunned with fear.

She turned back sharply.

Just for a moment, her neck was strangled.


Jiang Jin screamed and the phone fell to the ground with a clatter.

All her exclamations were strangled by that big hand and stuck in her throat.

"Li, Li Yunting..."

Jiang Jin's eyes widened and she looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.

According to the plot line, shouldn't Li Yunting wake up after three months? Why did he wake up now...

When she was stunned, the big palms around her neck quickly closed. She felt that all the air in her chest was squeezed out, and the feeling of suffocation came over her like a tide...

"Let, let me go!"

Jiang Jin struggled violently.

The veins on the back of the man's hand were exposed, and his fingers tightened inch by inch, controlling her life and throat.
"Are you Jiang Jin?" Li Yunting asked slowly and slowly.

He had been in a coma for ten years, and his voice was hoarse and raw to the extreme. The sound was like the sound of stones rubbing against glass, which made people feel nervous.
His eyes were darker than the dark sky.
The whole person looked like an evil Shura crawling out of hell.
"I, I am!" Jiang Jin opened her lips with difficulty, "I'm about to die, you, you let go!"

Li Yunting's eyes turned violent.
Although he was lethargic, it did not mean that he was unconscious.
He knows everyone around him.
He could hear every sound that sounded in his ears.
This whore!
She actually cuckolded him openly.
Li Yunting's hand tightened mercilessly, squeezing the woman's slender neck.
Jiang Jin's eyes darkened.
She held on to the man's strong arms to prevent her from falling.
She felt like she was really going to be strangled to death...
She must not die so mysteriously.
Jiang Jin breathed hard and groped behind her with her hands. She touched a vase on the shelf behind her.

The next second!


The vase hit Li Yunting hard on the forehead.

There was a lot of blood.

Jiang Jin collapsed on the ground.


"Zhang Ma, help!"

Jiang Jin was really scared out of her mind.

This man is a mad dog who bites without explanation.

She even imagined that the two of them could coexist peacefully after the man woke up.

"Madam, what happened?"

Zhang Ma broke into the room, followed by Li Xichen and Li Beixiao who had just arrived home.

As soon as they entered the door, there was a strong smell of blood.

Zhang Ma's face was full of disbelief: "Young Madam, what did you do to Mr.?!"

Li Yunting fell on the carpet, with a hole in his forehead and bright red blood gushing out.

"Call the doctor quickly!" Li Xichen ordered with a cold face.

Zhang Ma took out her cell phone tremblingly and made a call.
Li Beixiao raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Jin quietly.
In the past few days, he really believed that this woman really wanted to be a good mother, and he also worked hard to be a good child.
Only now did he finally understand that some people's nature can never be changed.
The woman did not attack them, but transferred her anger to her father.
Dad is in a vegetative state, unable to move or resist.

How insane is this woman? How could she attack a vegetative person...
Seeing the last light in Li Beixiao's eyes extinguished, Jiang Jin realized that something was wrong.
She stood up holding on to the wall and said in a clear voice: "It was your father who wanted to kill me, so I hit his head with a vase to protect myself..."
