
Showing posts from March 16, 2024

ADMKSF - 007.2

"Sister Du said she would show off her cooking skills tonight. But there must be soy sauce in the braised fish. Director Bai, you'd better not eat too much." Bai Hang: "Do you think I'm going to be a bitch?" Lin You: "......" Lin You thought, luckily Bai Hang was just a director. If he were an actor or entertainer, his mouth would have allowed his opponents to slander him until the moment he entered the coffin. Bai Hang didn't care at all about Lin You's incomprehensible expression at that moment. He pointed at her basket and asked, "What are you going to do? Do you need to put lettuce in the crucian carp soup?" "No, I remembered that the villagers gave me a few cucumbers yesterday. I'll make a vegetable salad later." Lin You and Bai Hang said a few words and then entered the kitchen again. Du Enqing had already left at this moment, leaving only the braised fish simmering in the pot. Lin You looked away, found a cuc

ADMKSF - 007.1

Lin You doesn't care what others look at her, she only wants to make money, get rich, and survive! The slender figure squeezed to Bai Hang's side as lightly as a monkey. After getting the boss's consent, Bai Hang turned his head without hesitation and stuffed the big black fish weighing more than ten kilograms into Lin You's arms. Although Lin You was slender, she was wearing fishing and hunting clothes and leather gloves and could easily hold the big black fish in her arms. She urged Bai Hang again: "Director Bai, please help me take two photos. I will develop the photos and hang them on my bedside." Bai Hang thought this was a good idea, so he took the phone from the staff and clicked it. Satisfied, Lin You put the fish back, and the boss who bought the fish chuckled: "Does anyone else want to take a photo? It's free, we don't charge, let's make a fortune together." Lin You and Bai Hang both looked at Qi Yu and Zhao Ziqi who were unmove

FVB - 016

Chapter 16 Little thing, you must fight against me Jiang Jin didn't even look at Li Xichen and continued talking to Li Beixiao. She was rambling in random directions, and she didn't even know what she said. In the huge restaurant, the only sound was her muttering. The dim crystal light fell on her face, illuminating her eyelashes and revealing a pair of clear eyes under the eyelashes. Her eyes reflected the light, like the stars of the Milky Way shattering in her eyes. Li Beixiao's hand holding the chopsticks was dazed. He suddenly wished that time would stay at this moment forever... Li Xichen jealously bit into the Coke chicken wings in his mouth. It was obviously a sweet Coke flavor, but it had a bit of a sour taste. He also really wanted to be watched tenderly by this woman, holding his hand and talking, saying whatever she wanted... "Crack!" There was a muffled sound, and Jiang Jin immediately turned her head. Li Xichen covered his mouth and a trace of blood