ADMKSF - 007.2

"Sister Du said she would show off her cooking skills tonight. But there must be soy sauce in the braised fish. Director Bai, you'd better not eat too much."

Bai Hang: "Do you think I'm going to be a bitch?"

Lin You: "......"

Lin You thought, luckily Bai Hang was just a director. If he were an actor or entertainer, his mouth would have allowed his opponents to slander him until the moment he entered the coffin.

Bai Hang didn't care at all about Lin You's incomprehensible expression at that moment. He pointed at her basket and asked, "What are you going to do? Do you need to put lettuce in the crucian carp soup?"

"No, I remembered that the villagers gave me a few cucumbers yesterday. I'll make a vegetable salad later."

Lin You and Bai Hang said a few words and then entered the kitchen again. Du Enqing had already left at this moment, leaving only the braised fish simmering in the pot. Lin You looked away, found a cucumber, cut it into slices, mixed it with lettuce, and put salad dressing on it.

As for crucian carp soup - the preparation is no different from the blackened fish soup at noon, and it is not difficult.

By the time Zhao Ziqi and Qi Yu also went downstairs, crucian carp soup, braised fish and lettuce salad had been placed on the dining table. Qi Yu glanced at the table, then looked at the direction of the kitchen, and joked with a smile: "A whole fish feast tonight? Xiaolin, when will your pickled fish be ready?"

Zhao Ziqi also stared at Lin You eagerly: "I'm greedy too."

Du Enqing, who had a smile on his face and was about to introduce the braised fish to the two seniors, pointed her finger, and her expression suddenly became stiff.

Bai Hang looked at her mockingly and said with a smile: "Hey, isn't this on the table?"

Qi Yu: "Huh?"

Bai Hang pointed to the plate of braised fish: "Miss Du used the remaining half of the black fish to cook the braised fish."

Qi Yu was stunned.

He lowered his head again to look at the braised fish on the table. The braised fish looked average, but with a layer of chopped green onion sprinkled on top, it was barely enough to be seen. Although he felt a little regretful in his heart, Qi Yu had always had a good temper. At this moment, he just smiled and said: "The braised fish is the same."

However, Zhao Ziqi looked at the braised fish and felt that she had no desire to eat.

She frowned slightly, with disappointment visible to the naked eye. After a moment, she asked Lin You: "Do we still have a chance to try the pickled fish you made before the filming ends?"

Lin You smiled and reassured her: "Of course."

Zhao Ziqi breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her expression, Du Enqing bit her lip. What’s so delicious about pickled fish, isn’t braised fish the same? As for making this regretful expression as if she had missed out on millions? The unhappiness in her heart was getting deeper and deeper, but she didn't dare to really criticize the actress Zhao Ziqi in front of the camera. She could only smile and quickly sell the braised fish.

"How many seniors want to try it?"

Qi Yu was the first to take off his chopsticks. He picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. He savored it for a while and said, "It's not bad."

It can be seen that Du Enqing can cook, but her cooking skills can only be regarded as average. The braised fish seemed to have too much soy sauce, so it was a little salty. Normally, if you eat it wrapped in rice, you can probably eat a big bowl, but after eating the black fish soup at noon, Qi Yu really can't give a better evaluation.

Du Enqing didn't mind. The word 'not bad' was obviously a good compliment in her ears, and it also successfully boosted her self-confidence. She quickly urged Bai Hang and Zhao Ziqi: "Do Director Bai and Senior Zhao also want to have a taste?"

Even if he starved to death, Bai Hang would not eat a bite of the braised fish made by Du Enqing himself, so he just twitched his lips: "I have had surgery and I still want to lose face. I can't eat soy sauce."

Du Enqing hesitated.

Bai Hang had a brain surgery, and the wound was on the back of his head. Even if soy sauce would cause scarring on the wound, what does that have to do with having a face?!

Du Enqing was so angry that she could only turn her eyes to look at Zhao Ziqi.

However, Zhao Ziqi just shook her head: "I have no appetite."

The smell of braised fish penetrated her nose, bringing Zhao Ziqi back to the time when she had no appetite for anything a while ago, and even made her feel nauseous. In contrast, she would rather eat some lettuce salad. The vegetable leaves look green and shiny, which makes people feel particularly healthy. Thinking of this, she sandwiched some lettuce, which was crisp and refreshing in the mouth. Together with the salad, Zhao Ziqi took another chopstick.

[To tell a joke, Queen Zhao has no appetite. ]

[Although I don’t like lettuce, that lettuce salad does look delicious! ]

[How delicious can a lettuce salad be? Zhao Ziqi really took great pains to praise Lin You. smile.JPG]

[Du Fengun, it’s none of your business what your sister likes to eat! Don't affect our sister's appetite! ]

[Could anyone think that Senior Qi’s pretty good words were a compliment? ]

[laughing to death, Du fans seem to be generally convinced]

The discord at the beginning of the meal was maintained until the end of the meal.

At noon, Bai Hang was still worried about continuing to drink crucian carp soup in the evening, but at this time, he was the happiest person in the audience. The taste of crucian carp soup was no better than that of black fish soup. He drank several bowls in a row. When he put down the bowl and was about to eat the fish, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be eyes on him.

Looking up, he saw Qi Yu and Zhao Ziqi looking at him with smiles.

Qi Yu smiled gently: "Xiao Lin said that the crucian carp given by Uncle Gu was quite big. Xiao Bai, you shouldn't be able to finish it, right?"

Zhao Ziqi also laughed: "Give me a bowl?"

Bai Hang: "..."

Lin You pushed her bowl over: "Thank you, Director Bai, help me fill a bowl too."

Bai Hang: "..."

Bai Hang gritted his teeth and gave each of the three a bowl. When he looked up, he found Du Enqing looking at him. He pulled the crucian carp soup bowl in front of him expressionlessly: "You said you don't like fish soup."

Du Enqing almost gritted her teeth, her eyebrows and the corners of her eyes twitched together. She took a deep breath and tried to put on a smile: "I didn't say I wanted to eat."

Bai Hang: "Oh, then eat more braised fish, there is a lot left, don't waste it."

Only Qi Yu poked at the braised fish Du Enqing made a few times at the beginning. Apart from him, Du Enqing himself was the only one eating it - which showed that it was not very popular.

Bai Hang really hoped that Du Enqing could finish the half of the fish by herself, otherwise they would have to eat the leftovers tomorrow.

It doesn't taste good to begin with, and it will taste even worse tomorrow.

Of course Du Enqing knew that Bai Hang was mocking her for making the braised fish taste bad.

She swallowed the rice in her mouth, almost unable to suppress the anger in her stomach.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, various topics of "Pastoral Life" have been on Weibo's hot search list for a long time. After a while, netizens discovered that there was a new topic.

#Du Enqing Lin You Contrast

I am an orange cat: Let me see, are there any sisters who haven’t watched the live broadcast of "Pastoral Life" today? If no one paid attention to how perfunctory Senior Qi Yu was when he evaluated the braised fish, I would be even more sad, OK?

Below are three animated pictures, so that everyone can experience the difference between Qi Yu praising Lin You’s black fish soup and Du Enqing’s braised fish.

The first picture was taken from Qi Yu's live broadcast room. He could smell the scent of black fish soup in the room and couldn't wait to push the door and walk into the kitchen. His bright smile almost had wrinkles on his face.

The second picture shows Qi Yu and Bai Hang fighting for the last bowl of fish soup.

The third picture shows Qi Yu taking a bite of braised fish, frowning slightly, and then said: Not bad. Then he moved his chopsticks away without hesitation and poked at the lettuce salad.

Netizen: "..."

"Damn it. The contrast is too obvious. I'm already embarrassed for Du Fen."

"Fuck. Isn't the most embarrassing thing about Du Enqing buying related hot searches?"

"It's true! Hot search number 35 is #Du Enqing Braised Fish. When I clicked on it, it was all Du Fen praising my sister for being beautiful and good at cooking. Help, according to what you said, Lin You is probably a fairy."

"What? Isn't it Lin You?"

"Hot knowledge, Lin You was a vicious female supporting character 24 hours ago."

"I don't care, she is now our Zhao Fan's fairy sister!!"

Lin Fairy Sister You scanned various topics on the hot search, thinking that it would be great if the popularity could be turned into money, otherwise she wouldn't be worried about only having more than a hundred yuan left in her pocket...

An hour ago, Lin You received a message from "A Loving Family". It was from her eldest son Pei Ye, who sent a photo of an apple.

I said I wanted to lose weight, so I ate this for dinner.

Even though Lin You felt that there was a long way to go to make money, she still gave out red envelopes as before. She didn't dare send high amounts because she was afraid that Pei Ye would spend the money he had - even though he really didn't have much money.

After sighing for a long time, she decided to deepen the shallow mother-child relationship between them, so she sent the photo of the fish holding wealth that she took today to the group, and said: I caught a big fish today, let me show you what I have done with everyone, a group photo.

Two minutes later.

py: Which one is you?

[py withdrew a message]

py: Mom is getting more and more beautiful.

Lin You: "...?"
