FVB - 017

Chapter 17 We can start over

There was a hint of coldness at the end of Li Xichen's eyes.

When he was very young, he never called her mother, but this woman called him a bastard and did not allow him to call her mother.

For so many years, the brothers have always referred to her as "that woman".

He pursed his lips and said nothing.

Jiang Jin no longer forced him. There was no need to rush this kind of thing, just take it slowly.

She walked into the room with a water glass, sat down by the bed, and said quietly: "You are my son, of course I believe you, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side."

Li Xichen was shocked again.

He didn't even know that this was the first time he had been stunned in the past few days.

His lips opened and he said in disbelief: "No matter what happens, will you believe me?"

Jiang Jin nodded, her voice was slow, gentle but powerful: "Mom will always be your strongest support."

The night breeze blows and the coolness comes.

The atmosphere was inexplicably quiet.

Jiang Jin's eyes became gentler.

She curved her lips and smiled: "Xiao Xi, I am your biological mother. We can start over."

Start over? 

Li Xichen's heart moved.

Immediately, he suddenly woke up again.

This woman doesn't tell the truth.

He just reminded Xiaobei to be more vigilant, but he almost got caught...

He raised his eyelids and said indifferently: "There is a vegetable leaf on your tooth."

Jiang Jin: "..."

She flirted with him for a long time, and she was almost moved by what she just said. Not only was this guy indifferent, he actually paid attention to such a trivial matter!

She glared at him angrily: "You brat, do you know how ugly a person who has lost a tooth is? Go back and look in the mirror!"

Li Xichen: "..."

He was furious.

How could the cold and cool Brother Chen be associated with the word ugly!

He sneered and said slowly: "I watched a movie yesterday, let me share it with you."

Jiang Jin was surprised.

Has this kid finally been converted? He actually knows how to share his daily life.

It seems that her hard work all day long will not be unrewarded.

"Have you seen Sadako? It's a horror movie." Li Xichen said with a smile, "Sadako likes to hide under the bed or on the ceiling. When you go to the bathroom, pay attention to the mirror. Maybe Sadako is just looking at you smiling in the mirror.”

"Li! Xi! Chen!"

Jiang Jin was furious.

Li Xichen smiled successfully, turned around quickly, and ran away.

Li Beixiao heard the voice and frowned: "Did she attack you again?"

"She didn't hit me." Li Xichen said coldly, "She said I lost a tooth and was very ugly."

Li Beixiao looked at him carefully and nodded: "It's indeed ugly."

"Uh..." Li Xichen jumped angrily, "Which side are you on?"

Li Beixiao: "I'm just telling the truth."

"In the future, when that woman bullies you, don't cry and come to me for help, hum!"

Li Xichen slammed the door shut.

The night is getting dark.

The night wind blew outside the window, making the leaves rustle.

Jiang Jin jumped up from the bed like a frightened bird.

Damn it!

Li Xichen!

This naughty kid is looking for a fight!

He told her about Sadako so late at night that she didn't even dare to get out of bed, let alone go to the toilet!

But she couldn't hold it in any longer!

Jiang Jin turned on the brightest light, mustered up the courage to get out of bed, and ran to the bathroom door in one breath.

As soon as she pushed open the glass door, she faced the mirror.

She was so frightened that she immediately closed her eyes.

Then she turned around and ran away very cowardly, hiding under the quilt and shivering.

She is not afraid of anything, but what she fears most is ghosts...

Jiang Jin was furious.

It was already one o'clock in the morning, and it would look childish for her to trouble a five-year-old at this time.

Tomorrow... she will definitely win back tomorrow.

Jiang Jin forced herself to fall asleep, but she wanted to go to the bathroom and tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep.

Finally, she slipped out of the bedroom wrapped in quilt and ran to the next bedroom - Li Yunting's room in one breath.

"Men belong to the yang category, and they are upright. All the little devils and devils should be gone..."

Jiang Jin sat beside Li Yunting's bed in a dazed manner.

Maybe it was the presence of a second person, maybe the man's breathing was even and steady, maybe it was the sonorous and powerful beating of his heart, which inexplicably calmed the fear in her heart.

Jiang Jin sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the man's features with the help of a night light.

He was so good-looking, even more exquisite than God's carefully crafted handicrafts. His long black eyelashes made even her, a woman, feel inferior.

If his eyes were open, they would be even more eye-catching.

His nose is very straight, a shape that many female celebrities in the entertainment industry spend huge amounts of money to get.

And his lips had sharp and clear lines, as thin as a knife edge.

She doesn’t know what his voice will be like. It must be hoarse and magnetic. It must be the most beautiful voice...

Jiang Jin propped up her chin and stared at the man on the bed, then fell asleep unconsciously.

The night passed quietly.

The light gradually became brighter, Jiang Jin fluttered her eyelashes, and suddenly woke up.

She sat up from the bed suddenly, looking at the unfamiliar furnishings in the room, her whole body suddenly froze.

She slowly turned her neck and saw Li Yunting, with his eyes closed, lying next to her.

Last night - she probably didn't do anything crazy to a vegetative person that she shouldn't have done...

Her eyes moved slowly downward.

She saw that the quilt that had been neatly covering Li Yunting's body was pulled to his waist.

He was wearing loose pajamas, and the buttons on the collar were loosened for some reason, revealing most of his muscular chest.

Jiang Jin heard herself swallow.

How could she withstand such excitement this early in the morning...

Just as she was about to cover Li Yunting with the quilt, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open.

Zhang Ma walked in with a basin of water.

Jiang Jin was so frightened that she rolled over and rolled off the bed.

Zhang Ma was stunned: "Young madam, why are you in your husband's room so early in the morning..."

"I, that..."

Jiang Jin was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

She hurriedly got up from the ground and covered Li Yunting with a quilt pretending to be calm: "I heard him saying he wanted to drink water, so I came over to feed him water, hehehe..."

"Sir is in a vegetative state, how can he possibly speak?"

Zhang's mother looked at her with a wary look, "Young Madam, you didn't do something you shouldn't have done to your husband, did you?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Jiang Jin immediately denied it, and then she was stunned, "Zhang Ma, haven't you heard him speak?"

Zhang Ma shook her head: "I have been taking care of him since he was unconscious. He only has breathing and heartbeat, and it is impossible to talk at all."

Jiang Jin frowned.

But that day, she heard with her own ears that Li Yunting asked for a drink of water, and said it twice in a row, so there was no way she heard him wrong.

Is it possible that this man who has been in a coma for ten years is really going to wake up early?

No, she had to prepare in advance...

Jiang Jin walked out of the master bedroom thoughtfully. She stood by the railing and saw the two children sitting downstairs having breakfast.

The anger from being frightened last night suddenly came up.

She ran downstairs.
