Chapter 7

When Lin Yao saw Qi Yan stop, he subconsciously tugged at his sleeves and said timidly: "Why don't you leave? Is there something blocking you?"

"No one will think you are dumb if you don't speak." The sudden stop also made Jin Sui'an feel flustered for no reason.

Yue Xinran clenched Shen Weiyue's hand tightly, pressing her chest against her back. She pulled Gu Xiaoxiao's hand back with her other hand, trembling her lips and saying, "Xiaoxiao, hold on tight, I don't want to leave you again.”

Gu Xiaoxiao felt the other person's trembling little hands and comforted: "Don't be afraid, it's just a game."

One sentence made Qi Yan, the leader of the team, change his expression. Yes, this was just a game played by the program team. What was he afraid of? He almost let the atmosphere make him go astray again. Damn it!

The darkness covered his fleeting embarrassment very well, and he said in a deep voice: "It's nothing, let's go."

As soon as he finished speaking, the lights came on again.

The NPC who was originally behind Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly stood in front of Qi Yan, only four steps away from him.

His head was drooped, and his facial features were hidden in the darkness. The only exposed neck was long and thin, dazzlingly white, and at the same time, his head seemed extremely heavy, as if it would lose its support and fall down in the next second.

The hand hanging by his side seemed to be slowly raised, and the drooped head was also slowly raised.


A friction sound similar to the movement of bones sounded in everyone's ears suddenly and strangely.

The sudden light made the crowd who had finally adapted to the darkness squint their eyes again.

Qi Yan subconsciously turned his head to the side and used his palms to block the light. When the strange sound sounded, his heart felt cold for no reason, and there was that familiar chill again.

Qi Yan subconsciously looked forward. The moment his eyes collided with the NPC's, the other party's sinister and malicious eyes were like a pair of big hands strangling his throat, locking him until he couldn't breathe, and a thin layer of fear immediately climbed up his back...

Qi Yan's heart suddenly shrank, and he tried his best to remind himself that this was an NPC pretending to be a ghost, so don't be fooled.

But when he wanted to ignore him and move on, his legs felt like they were filled with lead and he couldn't move.

The rattling sound had already reached the peak of everyone's fear.

Qi Yan's halt immediately made everyone feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Lin Yao behind him realized that the danger was ahead, and his legs were weak from fear, but his curiosity kept inciting him to bite the bullet and look out.

When he saw the NPC giving him a stern smile, he was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and stammered: "Run, hurry up, go downstairs, go downstairs!!!"

After the order was given, the highly panicked people quickly turned around and hurriedly ran down. Lin Yao grabbed the corner of Qi Yan's clothes and rolled and crawled to keep up with the large army.

Gu Xiaoxiao kept looking at the stairs under her feet for a mechanism. When the clicking sound sounded, she thought that the stairs were about to start swallowing people, but the next second she was pulled by a force.

Yue Xinran said to her in horror: "Run, Xiaoxiao!"

Gu Xiaoxiao was forced to run without knowing why, and said blankly: "What's going on?"

"Ghost, there's a ghost up there!"

She followed the sound and looked back, only to see people clinging to each other, running as if their buttocks were on fire, and their rapid breathing repressed with fear echoed in the dark night.

Before she could figure out the reason, Yue Xinran froze on the spot.

An NPC suddenly appeared from the corner of the corridor on the first floor, with a pale smile on his pale face. His neck was longer than the one upstairs, and his head swayed like a dandelion floating in the wind.

He slowly opened his bloody mouth, revealing his bloody canine teeth, grinned ferociously, and stretched out his long, sharp red tongue toward the crowd in a sinister manner.

"Ah! Ah!!!!" Yue Xinran screamed and stepped back, causing Gu Xiaoxiao to stumble.

Her sudden stop caused everyone behind her to huddle together like candied haws. Their fear reached its peak after seeing the half-meter-long tongue extended by the NPC.


This time, everyone except Gu Xiaoxiao screamed.

[Fuck, is this also a special effect? ​​It’s so realistic.]

[Oh, how do you run away when being flanked from the front and back?]

[I am convinced by the atmosphere created by the program crew, it is so damn scary]

[Not only scary, but also suffocating]

[Do you think they will be tough?]

[Why did you just knock down the NPC?]

[But the configuration of the NPC is so high, it seems to be fake and real]

[And when Qi Yan looked at one of them just now, his eyes were full of fear. Materialists cannot stand it in this atmosphere.]

[Look, the turning point is coming!]

Just when everyone was in despair, Qi Yan suddenly noticed that the coldness behind him had disappeared. He subconsciously looked back and saw that the NPC who was on the second floor had disappeared again.

He shouted: "Go upstairs, the NPC upstairs is not here."

These words made everyone feel desperate again, turned around without hesitation, and started running wildly again.

Yue Xinran grabbed Gu Xiaoxiao's hand again and ran away, comforting her while running: "Don't be afraid, he is fake, not a real ghost, it is just a game, just a game."

Gu Xiaoxiao sighed helplessly. She was really not afraid at all, and she didn't want to run. She was so tired climbing up and down.

As they ran back, the lights dimmed again, and the desire to survive made everyone quickly adapt to the darkness.

After all, compared to the tongue that will pierce the body at some point later, this little light trick is nothing to be afraid of.

Although they knew this was a recording of a program, when they were truly exposed to such a realistic atmosphere and environment, everyone's rationality was replaced by instinct.

Fear made them just want to run away desperately, with only one goal in mind. As long as they went to the second floor and entered the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3, they would be safe.

As the leader, Qi Yan ran at a fast pace, fearing that if he ran too slowly, the people behind him would suffer.

Finally, they can see the corridor on the second floor. They only need to go up a few more steps to reach it.

He took three steps and two steps at a time, leaping up and down the stairs. It was obvious that he was only missing the last step to reach the second floor, but he couldn't get up. There were steps behind the steps, and he seemed to be unable to climb them no matter what.

"Ah ah ah, Qi, Qi Yan, hurry up, ghost, ghost is chasing me, ah..."

Yue Xinran originally just wanted to confirm whether Gu Xiaoxiao was following properly, but when she saw the NPC's long tongue almost curling into Gu Xiaoxiao's back, she was so frightened that she screamed and urged.

She spent all her life's courage not to throw away Gu Xiaoxiao's hand, but instead increased her pulling force and steps, her sobs full of fear and trembling.

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ranbao is such a kind little fairy, she didn't leave her teammates behind even at this time]

[Speaking of which, why do I feel that Gu Xiaoxiao is not afraid at all, as if she is forced to run from beginning to end]

[Hahaha, congratulations, you finally found out. This anchor is the calmest. Every time she sees a ghost, she acts like nothing is wrong. I can guarantee that if no one pulls her, she will probably sit on the floor]

[I feel this way too, after all, she once calmly competed with the headless ghost]

[Hahaha, wait for the treasure girl to make the long-tongued ghost shut himself up]

Gu Xiaoxiao was indeed forced to run wildly. Facing Yue Xinran's suddenly accelerated pace, she couldn't stand it any longer. She was so tired!

Qi Yan realized something was wrong with the stairs and hesitated whether to stop, but when he heard Yue Xinran's call, he instinctively quickened his pace.

Maybe the trick in front of them is a cover-up created by the program team to make them stop so that NPCs can torture them and increase the fun of the audience.

Even for the sake of the show's effect, he didn't want to become a laughing stock.

He must find a way to clear the level as soon as possible!

When the others heard Yue Xinran's scream, the fear in their hearts rose again, and they ran with all their strength to feed themselves. They just wanted to go faster and faster, get rid of the NPC or just lie down from exhaustion, which was better than being touched by his tongue.

As a result, a group of people continued to run wildly without realizing that the stairs under their feet had changed. No matter how they ran, they would always run in circles.

[Grass! Ghost hitting the wall?]

[Running back and forth, it seems like everyone is staying in place. Under the intertwined darkness and fear, no one is aware of this change]

[Damn, if it were me who participated, my legs would be so weak that I wouldn’t be able to get up. It’s so thrilling]

[The panic in their hearts completely made them lose their judgment]

After running wildly for several minutes, someone finally realized something was wrong.

Jin Sui'an said confused: "Why haven't we reached the second floor yet? There are only two steps. I feel like I have been climbing for a long time."

"Did you step on something?" Shen Weiyue gasped and agreed.

"Qi Yan, have you discovered anything?" Lin Yao asked from behind him.

"We seem to be going in circles."

Qi Yan was extremely depressed. The program team was really determined to torture them. No matter how hard they struggled, they were in a dilemma.

Lin Yao was shocked: "What should I do? Do you want to continue running?"

"Of course we have to keep running. The ghost has been behind Xiaoxiao. As soon as we stop, Xiaoxiao will be the first to suffer."

Yue Xinran tightened her palms as she spoke, fearing that others would abandon Gu Xiaoxiao.

Shen Weiyue was secretly happy and pretended to be embarrassed: "But if you keep running like this, you will be exhausted if you don't get caught."

"But you can't abandon your teammates just because of this."

As Jin Sui'an spoke, he turned back to look at Gu Xiaoxiao. The NPC behind him suddenly turned his eyes to him, and licked his neck directly with his long tongue with a bone-chilling chill.

"Ah! Ahhh!"

Everyone who witnessed this scene screamed with all their strength. Only Gu Xiaoxiao watched with amazement as the tongue brushed against her ear. The props of this show were really amazing.

[I’m going to scare the baby to death]

[Woooooooooo, what kind of underworld variety show is this? It’s so scary]

[I have a bold doubt. When the tongue licked Jin Sui'an, it clearly rubbed Gu Xiaoxiao's ear. Why didn't she react?

[Hmph, I must be scared out of my mind]

[If I’m not wrong, the monster will run away as soon as he regains consciousness, hum]

It was impossible to escape. Gu Xiaoxiao was so grateful that she burst into tears as she listened to everyone's arguments because of her. She finally waited until she had the chance to give up.

She broke away from Yue Xinran's hand, bent over and propped up her knees to catch her breath, waved her hand and said, "I won't run anymore, I'm so tired."

"No, no, Xiaoxiao, get up and run." Yue Xinran was so frightened by the approaching NPC that she screamed hoarse.

She stopped to pull her, but was grabbed by Shen Weiyue behind her, who said solemnly: "Since Xiaoxiao has chosen to sacrifice herself, we can only live up to her wishes by fulfilling her wishes. Let's go."

Jin Sui'an stopped and said in fear: "You can't stop. The NPC is behind you. If you stop, you will be out."

Qi Yan looked back at her, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but when he thought of her nature, he suddenly felt unhappy. She really didn't care about anything in order to be in the limelight.

"There are still three minutes left before the countdown, please hurry up."

When the sudden prompt sounded, the already bad situation became even more desperate.

This level really makes it impossible to find any clues to pass the level. There is no end to the stairs, and the NPC behind you is chasing after you with a relentless attitude.

If this continues, as Shen Weiyue said, they will be exhausted even if they are not caught.

"Gu Xiaoxiao, this is your choice. If you are really going to be eliminated, you can't blame anyone. We, we will try to find clues as quickly as possible. You should be careful."

Lin Yao finished speaking hesitantly, grabbed Jin Sui'an's wrist, and at the same time urged Qi Yan who had slowed down: "Quickly walk, stopping won't solve the problem. Maybe if you keep climbing for a while, there will be clues."

"Perhaps this level requires climbing a certain number of steps before it can be solved. It's like Lin Yao turned off the lights when he stepped on the thirteenth level at the beginning. There must be a mechanism on the steps. He can only try one level at a time. Since Xiaoxiao is willing to sacrifice herself to the NPC, then we have to find clues as soon as possible." Shen Weiyue analyzed rationally.

Gu Xiaoxiao did not hesitate to sacrifice herself in order to gain the limelight. She almost cried with joy. Without her "big picture", everyone would not have abandoned her so unburdened.

Gu Xiaoxiao turned to look at the NPC who was close at hand, and said loudly to everyone: "I'll hold the NPC back while you focus on finding clues."

"I know!" Lin Yao replied a little angrily.

Regarding Gu Xiaoxiao's actions, he was not happy with her assertiveness, and at the same time he was jealous of her courage. In short, he felt very conflicted, and even a little ashamed and angry.
