Chapter 8

Qi Yan and his party continued on the road to find clues.

After Gu Xiaoxiao saw that she had finally distanced herself from them, she took a long breath, turned around and sat on the floor, leaned against the armrest, and looked at the NPC not far away in boredom.

NPC Ah Hao was immersed in the sense of accomplishment that he had caused by scaring the crowd into screaming and panicking. He greedily stuck out his tongue to absorb the endless influx of fear energy.

He had just finished absorbing the scattered energy, and before he had time to reflect on it, he glanced at the woman at the end of the line, leaning on the armrest.

Oh haha! Did you faint from fright?

Ah Hao slowly stopped approaching her and tilted his head to look at her. In order to prevent him from really frightening people to death, he retracted his tongue angrily and instead shook his shaky head, using the flickering overhead lights to create a scary atmosphere.

With the light source, Gu Xiaoxiao could finally appreciate his stunningly long tongue.

She supported her chin with one hand and looked at the NPC not far away with interest.

[What am I talking about? Gu Xiaoxiao acted as the bottom of the pack just to pretend to be calm and gain attention]

[In order to be popular, I really lost my face]

[Should I say it or not, I love this kind of anchor who seeks death the most]

[As an old fan who has followed two levels, this scene should not be too familiar]

[Xiaoxiao will definitely win if she stops]

[What should I do? I already feel sorry for this NPC]

[I always feel like the anchor is going to cause trouble]

At the moment when the light was turned on, Ah Hao could see the woman's beautiful and bright eyes, looking at him unblinkingly, even with a hint of criticism.


Isn't she afraid of him? Or is she just pretending to be calm?

In order to verify his guess, he suddenly stretched out his sharp red tongue and struck her directly in front of her face.

The attack without warning scared the audience in the live broadcast room and screamed. Especially from Gu Xiaoxiao's vision, the tip of the tongue came straight towards the eyes. The scene was too scary.

[Fuck fuck fuck, I’m so scared that I’m blurry]

[I don’t believe that Gu Xiaoxiao can fool this ruthless person]

[Intuition tells me that she is still capable of hosting!]

Regarding the NPC's sudden attack, Gu Xiaoxiao felt a wave of cold air and murderous intent rushing straight towards her, as if she was really going to kill her.

Anyone in this situation would have been frightened to the point of peeing or fainting, but as a senior NPC who has been scaring audiences for a long time, Gu Xiaoxiao has long been immune.

The ghosts she has played are much more cruel than this one.

However, she did not easily let go of such an opportunity to observe the props up close. Just as the cold tongue started to dance, she caught it with quick eyes and hands, and her eyes followed the outline of the tongue in detail.


Ah Hao was so shocked by her audacity that he was dumbfounded. Following the touch from the tip of his tongue and the hot eyes, dense goose bumps suddenly appeared on his back, and he couldn't help but shudder.

[Hahahaha, I just said that the anchor will not let me down, the tongue was caught]

[I’m laughing so hard. The anchor’s expression when looking at the tongue is like my mother choosing meat at a butcher shop. While enjoying it, she is already thinking about how to make it]

[Hahaha, the previous one is so real, no wonder it makes the NPC tremble in fear]


Ah Hao reluctantly took back his tongue before he fell to the ground and completely lost his power of intimidation. He glared at Gu Xiaoxiao with a sinister and malicious gaze.

Gu Xiaoxiao was not afraid at all. She put on a friendly smile and said sincerely: "Sorry, I couldn't hold it back for a moment and wanted to see this exquisite prop up close."

"This is not a prop, this is real!" Ah Hao replied angrily.

At the end, he stuck out his tongue again and performed a fancy flick in the air to prove his innocence.

"Wow, what a flexible tongue, amazing!" Gu Xiaoxiao gave a thumbs up in praise.

After Ah Hao snorted proudly, he immediately noticed that the other person's praise was full of teasing. He suddenly felt that he was being tricked and immediately teleported to Gu Xiaoxiao, baring his bloody canine teeth and roaring at her viciously.

The sudden approach startled the audience and Gu Xiaoxiao at the same time, and Gu Xiaoxiao made a tactical retreat.

Seeing that she finally reacted, Ah Hao was very excited and tried to get the script back on track: "I will count to 3. If you don't run away, I will kill you."

As soon as he finished speaking, one hand turned into a sharp blade, the tip of the blade emitted a frightening cold light, and was pressed against Gu Xiaoxiao's throat.

Gu Xiaoxiao felt a biting chill spread from her throat to her whole body, and soon a faint smell of blood came from the tip of her nose.

[Fuck, this NPC is serious]

[No, it must be a prop]

[It’s not a prop. Did you see the goosebumps on the anchor’s neck? That’s a real reaction]

[Gan, the program team is so wicked, they play it so hard, but I like it so much]

[Me too, me too]

Gu Xiaoxiao frowned and was very disdainful of his almost obsessive dedication. It seemed that the program team had a pretty big deal. It looked like he was a chicken-blooded employee who could give his boss his life!

Gu Xiaoxiao sighed softly and said: "Hey, you have to kill me or cut me into pieces. Anyway, I don't want to run away, and I can't run away from you."

She didn't want to spoil him.

Ah Hao was speechless. Isn't this a rogue act?

In the flash of lightning, Ah Hao suddenly thought of something. The mission cards for the first two levels seemed to have been captured by the same person. Could it be her?

Although he didn't know what happened, judging from the previous two failed companions, this person is probably a tough one.

No, he must avenge his ghost colleagues' shame and never let a human challenge the authority of the ghost world.

Ah Hao retracted his sharp blade and began to persuade: "How do you know you can't run away if you don't try?"

"You know the results of many things without trying them, so why bother doing useless work?"

"...Don't you have any sense of team spirit? Others are screaming and running away. How can you be so unsociable?"

"It's not that I don't fit in with others, it's just that everyone has different pursuits, so we can't force it."

"You!" Ah Hao's mouth twitched.

"Let me ask you, is this level of yours just like a ghost hitting a wall?"

Ah Hao turned his eyes away, not wanting to reveal his true identity at all.

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled clearly: "If you don't tell me, I'll take it as your acquiescence."


"Ghosts hitting the wall, as the name suggests, means going around in circles. In the cycle again and again, they increase the fear in the trapped people's hearts. The more they panic, the more confused they become. The more chaotic they are, the less they can find a way out. The best way to deal with this kind of ecstasy array is I need to find a place to sit, and as long as I don’t mess around, no one can get around me.”

"..." seems to make sense.

No, for some reason, she must run, scream, and fear!

If everyone stops, the brothers carrying the stairs will be exhausted!

When Gu Xiaoxiao was analyzing the cause of the ghost breaking the wall, Qi Yan and his party happened to return to the starting point of the second flight of steps and heard her words clearly.

Qi Yan paused. Why didn't he think of such a simple truth at first?

They had been running for so long, but the NPC that was blocking the second floor never appeared, and the NPC behind them was blocked by Gu Xiaoxiao and did not pursue them.

He thought that as Shen Weiyue analyzed, after climbing a certain number of steps, they would be able to touch the mechanism to automatically unlock the level. However, after so long, nothing happened.

They searched for possible clues, but found nothing, which was more despairing and frustrating than not looking for answers.

Gu Xiaoxiao's words were like a sudden inspiration that brought everyone's rationality back on track.

Sensing Qi Yan's pause, Lin Yao probed: "Do you also think what Gu Xiaoxiao said makes sense?"

Qi Yan reluctantly responded: "After running around for so many times, there are no clues. Perhaps the answer is to remain unchanged in response to all changes."

Jin Sui'an raised his wrist and looked at the time, losing his fighting spirit: "There's only one minute left, why not stop, at worst, the whole army will be annihilated and the show will end."

Yue Xinran also gasped: "I, I think so too. If I keep climbing down, I will be exhausted."

Although Shen Weiyue was also tired, she did not want Gu Xiaoxiao to be the one to guide them through the level.

"No, no one knows if what she said is right. If you stop like this, you will definitely die!"

"But if I keep running, I will be exhausted sooner or later. I can't run anymore anyway. To kill or cut into pieces, I don't care anymore." Yue Xinran sat on the ground with no image, leaning on the armrest and breathing heavily.

Seeing that everyone was in ruins, Shen Weiyue was so angry that her teeth itched.

Not only Shen Weiyue, the director behind the screen was also very angry.

"Damn, Gu Xiaoxiao not only added more scenes, she also had an insight into my script, and she cracked it so quickly. I still have a big move left to come, and the effect of the show must be reduced to half. I really want to take her out!”

"You don't have to worry about the program's effectiveness at all. The number of viewers has been growing at a four-digit rate. Everyone just wants to see Gu Xiaoxiao do something strange. It's a mistake."

"Tsk!" Zhao Xin was very unhappy, but had to accept the reality.

Who would have thought that oneself, who has always been a strategist, would one day be manipulated by a stupid tool. It was so frustrating!

Comparing the director's frustration, Ah Hao looked at the people who had stopped running and were lying together, and his anger went straight to Tianling Gai.

He finally absorbed a few bits of energy, and as soon as he was aroused, he was choked out by the woman in front of him who was not afraid of death. He was so angry that he was fuzzy.

Ah Hao's patience was completely exhausted, and his sinister expression suddenly became fierce and evil. He raised the blade again and threatened: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Pull it down, this is a show, live broadcast of killing people, that means you'll be leaving evidence of your crime and many are witnesses, and you will go to jail. It's just a job. There is really no need to put yourself at risk. Even if you do it well, the boss will not give you a promotion and a salary increase, and you will not get a luxury car and villa as a gift."

"······" Ahhhh! ! ! ! What kind of human being is this?

Ah Hao used his other hand to pull his hair. The connection between his neck and head shook with the force of his pull, as if it would fall off if he wasn't careful.

This scene made the guests and the audience gasp at the same time.

[Come, come, the basketball ghost who made this move last time disappeared like this]

[Gu Xiaoxiao made people very angry, I swear, I saw the smoke rising around him]

[I saw it too, He was so angry that he was smoking]

[I usually don’t laugh unless I can’t hold it in, hahahaha]

Gu Xiaoxiao saw him committing self-mutilation and quickly comforted him: "It's just a game. If you take it seriously, you will lose. Who will pay for your body if you are so angry? It's not you. Don't worry. Come on, come on, take a deep breath, follow my rhythm, inhale, exhale~"

[Hahaha, I am happy to send you to the west and take a deep breath, you deserve it]

Ah Hao could no longer find any words to intimidate her or comfort himself. He only knew that he, who had been dead for many years, once again felt the long-lost myocardial infarction, cerebral hypoxia and dizziness, and his anger went straight to the sky.

However, there was a leak in the house and it rained all night. The companion who was responsible for carrying the stairs and circling around, creating a scene of ghosts punching the wall, sent a distress signal—

"Brother Hao, why is there no sound over there? The brothers don't have the energy to scream, and they can't stand it any longer. You could give me some instructions."

"Ha, ha, ha, brother Hao, I'm really out of energy. My shoulders have long since dissipated. Now they are all supported by the brothers' big bellies. They have deflated a lot while talking. Do you still want to continue?"

Ah Hao clenched his back molars, and even though he was unwilling to give in, he had to admit defeat: "It's all gone!"

He glared at Gu Xiaoxiao fiercely, licked his canine teeth with his long tongue, and said word by word: "Wait for me!"

At the same time as he said these cruel words, Ah Hao threw the task card on Gu Xiaoxiao as if to vent his anger, and then disappeared.

When the surrounding lights brightened, the countdown stopped beating at the last five seconds.

At the same time, a familiar prompt sounded: "Congratulations to Gu Xiaoxiao for getting another mission card and unlocking the main mission— "The Candidates' Wish"."

As the strange atmosphere around them disappeared, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The aftermath of the disaster prevented them from asking Gu Xiaoxiao to check the task card immediately. Instead, they sat down on the spot and took advantage of the three minutes of transition to calm down.

Shen Weiyue walked up to Gu Xiaoxiao angrily and complained sternly: "Since you already know how to deal with ghosts and wall-attacks, why didn't you tell us at the beginning and caused us to go through so many circles in vain? How do you feel at ease?"
