FVB - 018

Chapter 18 Li Beixiao’s official CP

Jiang Jin ran downstairs in one breath.

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao immediately put down their chopsticks and looked at her warily with their dark eyes.

"Xiao Xi, how did you sleep last night?" Jiang Jin asked with a smile while standing at the dining table.

Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips: "I slept very well, but you don't seem to have slept very well. The two dark circles under your eyes make you look like you are almost forty years old."

Jiang Jin: "..."

If she died young, she would have been mad at this little brat.

"Is it because I shared Sadako's movie with you last night that you didn't sleep well?"

Li Xichen blinked, "No way, no way, a movie that even children are not afraid of, how can you, an adult, be so afraid of it?"

Jiang Jin: "..."

She clenched her fists and snorted coldly, "Who said I was afraid? Which of your eyes could see that I was afraid?"

Li Xichen: "Oh, since you're not afraid, then come and see the old corpse in the mountain village with me tonight. I heard it's very beautiful."

The old corpse in the mountain village...

When Jiang Jin went to college, she and her roommate watched this extremely classic horror film. They were so scared that they couldn't sleep well for half a year.

When Li Xichen mentioned this, the most terrifying picture suddenly appeared in her mind...

This little brat did it on purpose!

She crossed her arms across her chest and snorted coldly: "The last one has the nerve to watch movies and play games. All the electronic devices from you two have been confiscated."

Li Beixiao: "??"

Does this matter have anything to do with him?

Why was he the one who suffered again?

After a hearty breakfast, the driver was already waiting at the door of the villa.

Jiang Jin put on high heels, carried her bag, and said coldly: "From today on, I will be responsible for picking you up and dropping you off from school."

Li Xichen: "..."

Li Beixiao: "..."

Seeing their dumbfounded looks, Jiang Jin smiled slightly: "I am your mother, so of course I have to pick you up and drop you off personally."

Don't think she doesn't know. These two boys go to the Internet cafe to report to school every day, and they go home directly from the Internet cafe after school.

This evil trend must not be encouraged.

"Why are you silent? Are you too moved?" Jiang Jin looked at them with a smile, "Don't be moved, this is what I should do."

"Thank you so much!"

Li Xichen rolled his eyes very ungracefully and walked forward first.

Li Beixiao glanced at Jiang Jin, hesitated for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "Why?"

Jiang Jin knew it and asked, "Why?"

Li Beixiao's lips opened.

He had so many questions to ask why, and he didn't know what to ask at the moment.

"You'll be late if you don't leave!"

Li Xichen sat in the car and growled angrily.

Jiang Jin sneered: "You miss class and leave early every day. Do you still care about being late?"

She opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

The car drove smoothly on the road and soon arrived at the school gate.

Jiang Jin parked the car on the side of the road and warned: "I will wait for you here at 5:30 in the evening. Anyone who dares to come late will be whipped."

For some reason, Li Beixiao didn't feel scared at all when Jiang Jin said such threatening words.

He was sure that even if he and his third brother did not show up at the kindergarten gate at night, this woman would not do anything to them...

Why he was so sure, he didn't know.

"Xiao Bei, let's go!"

Li Xichen hung his schoolbag on his shoulder angrily, put his arm around Li Beixiao's shoulder and walked towards the school.

As soon as these two children appeared at the entrance of the kindergarten, they attracted countless people's attention.

"Wow, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao are here, they are so handsome!"

"Li Xichen is the arrogant little prince, and Li Beixiao is the cold little prince. Woohoo, I really want to be friends with them."

"They stole Lu Duoduo's necklace yesterday. We can't be friends with thieves..."

"Nonsense! Teacher Shi said yesterday that Lu Duoduo's necklace was stolen by a dog, and it has nothing to do with Li Xichen and Li Beixiao."

"Did Lu Duoduo deliberately wrongfully accuse Li Xichen?"

"Lu Duoduo is so hateful..."

As soon as Lu Duoduo got off the car, she heard the kindergarten children talking about her, and her eyes became red with anger.

At this time, a little girl wearing a white gauze skirt came over: "Duoduo, let's go into the classroom together."

Someone took care of her, Lu Duoduo finally felt a little more comfortable and jumped out of the car.

"Bai Ningshuang, don't play with Lu Duoduo, she is a lying child!" A boy of four or five years old shouted loudly.

Jiang Jin, who was about to drive away, paused when she heard the name.

Bai Ningshuang?

She raised her eyes and saw a girl in a white gauze skirt at the entrance of the kindergarten, who was particularly eye-catching.

Black hair, big eyes, red lips and white teeth, she looks like a crystal glutinous rice dumpling, so cute.

Jiang Jin looked at Bai Ningshuang intently. Despite the criticism from many children, the little girl still insisted on being with Lu Duoduo.

She has been so opinionated since she was a child. No wonder she became the heroine of a book. No wonder she made that cold-blooded and ruthless little brat Li Beixiao fall in love with her forever...

If the original owner's tragedy was caused by her own suicide, then Li Beixiao's tragedy began with falling in love with Bai Ningshuang.

If she wants to change the outcome of the children, she must not let Li Beixiao and Bai Ningshuang have any involvement.

The heroine shrouded in halo is only five years old now.

When did Li Beixiao fall in love with Bai Ningshuang?

The book only says it was when he was a child, but how young was it?

Today's kindergarten children are too precocious, and Li Beixiao is more mature than most children. She doesn't know if this kid is tempted now...

Jiang Jin opened the car door and walked down.

She walked straight to Lu Duoduo and Bai Ningshuang.

Lu Duoduo knew her, and was immediately startled. She said with a white face: "Auntie, I apologized yesterday, and I will never lie again..."

"Duoduo, aunt is not here to trouble you." She smiled and said, "This is the book Li Xichen left in the car. Can you help me bring it in to him?"

She handed over a literacy book.

Lu Duoduo nodded hurriedly.

"Hey, who is this kid?" Jiang Jin slowly turned her eyes, "Little girl, you are so beautiful."

"Thank you for the compliment, auntie. My name is Bai Ningshuang. I am a child in Class 8." Bai Ningshuang introduced herself generously.

Jiang Jin smiled softly and said, "It would be great if you were in Class 9, so you could be friends with Li Xichen."

"Li Xichen is Li Beixiao's brother. Li Beixiao and I are friends, so of course I can also be friends with Li Xichen."

Bai Ningshuang's voice was soft and waxy, but it was like a thunderbolt striking Jiang Jin's head.

It’s over!

She's still late!

That kid Li Beixiao has actually become friends with Bai Ningshuang!

Is there no way to reverse the ending that has been set in the original book?
