
Showing posts from June 17, 2024

FVB - 109

Chapter 109 Mr. Li’s plan "No, I have not!" Mu Yingxuan was shocked by the cold air emanating from Jiang Jin and took a step back. Jiang Jin took a step closer coldly: "If you really loved Li Yunting as much as you imagined, you wouldn't have agreed to terminate the engagement ten years ago! You gave up your fiancĂ© because of your own selfishness. You have regretted it for the past ten years, but there is no turning back. Finally, you learned that Li Yunting was about to wake up, so you pestered him again."    "You always feel that you are really good to A Jing, but if you are really good to the child, why would you say bad things about his mother in front of the child?    You think you really want to help the Li family, but your behavior is more like charity. Do you think the old man will accept your charity?    Mu Yingxuan, ten years have passed. Many things cannot go back to the past. Please put away your little tricks. It’s really enough!"    Her a