FVB - 109

Chapter 109 Mr. Li’s plan

"No, I have not!"

Mu Yingxuan was shocked by the cold air emanating from Jiang Jin and took a step back.

Jiang Jin took a step closer coldly: "If you really loved Li Yunting as much as you imagined, you wouldn't have agreed to terminate the engagement ten years ago! You gave up your fiancé because of your own selfishness. You have regretted it for the past ten years, but there is no turning back. Finally, you learned that Li Yunting was about to wake up, so you pestered him again."
"You always feel that you are really good to A Jing, but if you are really good to the child, why would you say bad things about his mother in front of the child?
You think you really want to help the Li family, but your behavior is more like charity. Do you think the old man will accept your charity?
Mu Yingxuan, ten years have passed. Many things cannot go back to the past. Please put away your little tricks. It’s really enough!"
Her aggressive attitude made Mu Yingxuan unable to retreat, and finally she leaned against the wall.
"Also, no matter what relationship I have with Mr. Li, it's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks in front of the Li family!"
Jiang Jin looked at her contemptuously, "Even if Li Yunting and I divorce, you will never become the young lady of the Li family!"
After she finished speaking, she walked into the ward and closed the door with a bang.
Mr. Li has already gotten up from the bed and is putting on his shoes.
Just when he heard the crisp slap, he guessed that the two girls were about to fight...
He looked up at Jiang Jin and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there were no marks on her face.
He knew that this girl was so tough that she could even attack her own sons, so how could she put herself at a disadvantage...
Jiang Jin helped the old man lie back on the hospital bed: "Dad, if you are not in good health, please don't get up. There is indeed a bit of conflict between Mu Yingxuan and I, but it has nothing to do with dad. You can just lie down and recuperate." Don’t be offended.”

"Um..." Mr. Li's eyes flickered, "What's going on between you and that Mr. Li?"
Jiang Jin was a little dumbfounded.
Say it doesn't matter, it obviously doesn't make sense.
But that kind of inexplicable relationship can't even be explained by herself.
"I have met Mr. Li before. He is a good man." Mr. Li leaned on the hospital bed. "If you have time, you can spend more time with Mr. Li..."
When A Ting was in coma, he forced Jiang Jin to marry him, and the two children became husband and wife without even meeting each other.
Jiang Jin has been clamoring for a divorce, and A Ting never mentioned his wife after he woke up...
If the two divorce, the four children will lose their father and mother. The shadow of their childhood will always accompany them as they grow up...
Ah Ting is like this. He lacked maternal love since he was a child, and he didn't grow up beside his father. His character has always been flawed...
He didn't want the same for his four grandchildren.
And now Jiang Jin has gotten better. The more he looks at his daughter-in-law, the more satisfied he becomes.

Jiang Jin was shocked by what the old man just said.
Her father-in-law actually asked her to spend more time with other men...
Is this a deliberate attempt to test her?
"Dad, that Mr. Li is not a kind person at all!" Jiang Jin said coldly, "I can now be 100% sure that Ye Tang is his person. As for Zhang Ma, I still need to observe for a few more days to be sure... Anyway , Mr. Li is not a good person at all, he has been scheming against the Li family and wishes that the Li family would go bankrupt..."
Mr. Li: "..."
Is his son's image in Jiang Jin's mind so bad?
Is there any chance to make amends?

"Dad, you can rest in peace and recuperate. With me at home, there won't be any big trouble." Jiang Jin said slowly, "As for Mr. Li, there is nothing between me and him. I am dealing with him for the time being. I want to find out his purpose in dealing with the Li family, and we must reveal his true face..."
Mr. Li's old face fell.
This is obviously a sign of hatred. What on earth did his bastard son do to Jiang Jin...
No, he had to find a way to let Jiang Jin and Ating get along with each other more. They would definitely become a loving couple...
Mr. Li was about to speak when he was interrupted.
"Okay dad, I'm going to do my work first and I'll see you another day."
Jiang Jin felt that if the old man kept asking like this, she would be exposed sooner or later.
She can have a clear conscience, but she must admit that that dead man really did something to her...
Jiang Jin stood up and walked out of the ward.
She closed the door gently and breathed out slowly.
As soon as she walked through the corridor, she saw Mu Yingxuan standing at the corner waiting for her.
After this moment, the slap marks on Mu Yingxuan's face became redder, gradually swollen, and looked miserable.

She let down one side of her hair to cover most of her face, and her eyes were full of jealousy: "Jiang Jin, I am the daughter of the Mu family. You slapped me. Do you think I will just let it go?"
Jiang Jin looked at her calmly: "Then, what do you want to do?"
"Didn't you invest in a movie? I will make you lose all your money." Mu Yingxuan looked at her condescendingly, "If you apologize to me respectfully, I can consider letting you go."
Jiang Jin rolled her eyes gracelessly.
"It seems that you are determined to force me to take action against Orange Entertainment." Mu Yingxuan's face showed a trace of ferocity, "Mu's and Gou's alliance, do you think Orange Entertainment still has a way to survive?"
Jiang Jin was not afraid at all.
The pre-sale box office of the movie is about to exceed 500 million. Even if the box office is only 500 million, they will not lose money, not to mention the blessing of Bai Ningshuang. It is not a problem to exceed 1 billion...
The contemptuous smile on her face made Mu Yingxuan even more angry. When she glanced out of the corner of her eye, her expression suddenly changed.
The ferocious scowl she had just now disappeared in an instant, replaced by weakness and grievance. She suddenly took a step back, stumbled and fell to the ground.
She covered her face, her eyes filled with tears: "Why did you hit me? What on earth did I do to you? Our Mu family and Li family are family friends. What's wrong with me coming to visit Uncle Li?"

Okay, even if I am wrong, I will never approach anyone from the Li family again, please don’t do anything to me again..."
Jiang Jin narrowed her eyes slightly, turned her head and saw Li Dongjing walking quickly.
No wonder Mu Yingxuan's green tea suddenly changed her face. It turned out that she was acting for Li Dongjing.
"What did you do to Aunt Mu!"
Li Dongjing came over, helped Mu Yingxuan up, and looked at Jiang Jin with displeased eyes.
Mu Yingxuan panicked and explained: "Ah Jing, this is a misunderstanding. Your mother didn't do it to me on purpose. Don't blame her. It's all my fault..."

Jiang Jin laughed angrily.

She shrugged and said angrily: "That's right, I slapped her in the face. The green tea is like this, it's just because she needs to be slapped."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, her back looking very chic.
