
Showing posts from April 17, 2024

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 21

☆⁠ Chapter 21 For you ☆⁠ Lin Jianqing stuck out her head from outside the emergency staircase door and asked cautiously: "Well, can we have a chat?"    Lin Ran didn't speak, just hugged his chest and looked at Lin Jianqing at leisure.    She walked in carefully, closed the door carefully, squeezed the bag in her hand, and hesitated to say: "That..."    Then a heavy pause.    Lin Ran was impatient: "What?"    Lin Jianqing gritted her teeth: "I always feel that you don't look like a seven-year-old child!"    Lin Ran frowned.    Lin Jianqing: "I don't know if you hid it from me because you didn't believe me, but I still want you to believe that everything I said in Welling Harbor that day is true. I will not lie to you. It won’t hurt you.”    So stupid. Lin Ran thought, this woman is too stupid to reveal her biggest secret to a stranger without any reservation. She doesn't even know whether this person is a friend or an enem

The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 20

☆⁠Chapter 20 Drama is like life☆ Lin Jianqing didn't know it yet, but Lin Ran was so imaginative that he suspected that she was reborn.    After settling the matter in Country X, under such circumstances, it was really difficult for Lin Ran to leave Welling Harbor and live with Lin Jianqing.    But Lin Jianqing knew that she still had a chance. Since the rules assigned this task to her, the success rate has been calculated in detail. In other words, the probability of completing the task is absolutely impossible to be zero percent. And for Lin Ran, there was another thing that Lin Jianqing thought she could take advantage of.    More than ten days after returning to country A, at the end of the month, Lin Jianqing received a text message.    There was no note for the visitor, only the simplest phone number. The content of the text message was: "It's the end of the month and I've spent all my money. Call me!"    Lin Jianqing raised her eyebrows and replied: "D

FVB - 048

Chapter 48 Finally called mom The Starlight Conference is a film and television awards ceremony held every three years in the entertainment industry. This year it happens to be held in Yuncheng. The most well-known and popular actresses in the entire entertainment industry, the most handsome little freshmen, the most admired directors, and the richest investors... will all attend the meeting. You can imagine how lively the scene is.    Jiang Jin is a lively person, so she was moved when Director Zhao said this.    She blinked and asked, "I'll take my two children with me. It should be okay, right?"    "No... Miss Jiang, don't you have a nanny at home?"    Director Zhao looked confused, "It should be okay to let the nanny take care of the children for a few hours, right?"    "These two naughty kids don't even listen to me, how can they listen to the nanny." Jiang Jin sighed, "If you don't get more invitations, Director Zhao,