
Showing posts from June 2, 2024

FVB - 094

Chapter 94 Ye Tang is the mole Li Dongjing asked someone to bring the financial statements of the previous quarter into the office.    Jiang Jin leaned on the sofa and quickly flipped through the financial statements, frowning little by little.    She picked up a pen and quickly wrote down something on the scratch paper...    Li Dongjing was sitting less than one meter away from her. He saw Jiang Jin flipping through the pages of the book very quickly. She just glanced at the complicated and complicated data...    He could conclude that this woman had no idea what these data meant.    "Do you have any information on the old city renovation project?" Jiang Jin suddenly raised her head and asked with a serious look. Li Dongjing's lips tightened into a straight line: "Why do you ask this?"    "Have someone send in all the relevant documents for this project." Jiang Jin said coldly, "There is a problem with the financial statements. I must check it ca