FVB - 094

Chapter 94 Ye Tang is the mole

Li Dongjing asked someone to bring the financial statements of the previous quarter into the office.
Jiang Jin leaned on the sofa and quickly flipped through the financial statements, frowning little by little.
She picked up a pen and quickly wrote down something on the scratch paper...
Li Dongjing was sitting less than one meter away from her. He saw Jiang Jin flipping through the pages of the book very quickly. She just glanced at the complicated and complicated data...
He could conclude that this woman had no idea what these data meant.
"Do you have any information on the old city renovation project?" Jiang Jin suddenly raised her head and asked with a serious look.

Li Dongjing's lips tightened into a straight line: "Why do you ask this?"
"Have someone send in all the relevant documents for this project." Jiang Jin said coldly, "There is a problem with the financial statements. I must check it carefully."
Li Dongjing's eyes suddenly narrowed.
There is indeed something wrong with this account book. It was a fake account that his father hired someone to make. The fake accounts are linked one link to another. It is very obscure. Even he may not be able to see where the problem lies in the first link.
She was an orphan who only went to a not-so-reputable university. She had been doing nothing for the past few years. How could she have noticed the problem with the account book in such a short period of time?
Deliberately testing him?
Li Dongjing clapped his hands: "Chen Feng, bring me the plan for the old city renovation project from last quarter."
Chen Feng immediately took orders to go to the project department to get the information.
Soon, a large pile of information was placed in front of Jiang Jin.
She directly threw aside some project planning and progress information and turned out the budget report.
This is a big project. The budget report has more than 200 pages. Every budget calculation is listed very clearly. At first glance, there is really no big problem, and every data is correct...
But Jiang Jin learned this.

She flipped through it for about half an hour and smiled coldly: "It was hidden so deep, but I still found it."
Li Dongjing pursed his lips and walked over: "What did you find?"
"There's something wrong with this data..." Jiang Jin drew a circle with a pen, "It started misaligned on the second page, bit by bit, to this point. If I hadn't had a sharp eye, I would have been deceived.
This project lasted for five years, and the investment amount reached 2.8 billion, which is really not a small amount of money... But in fact, of the 2.8 billion, at least one billion was swallowed up by others. "
Li Dongjing's eyes darkened.
This woman actually noticed it.
One billion false accounts were deliberately made for the people of the Gou family to see... It was to make the Gou family think that the Li family had collapsed from within...
"Let me see who is mainly responsible for this document." Jiang Jin flipped over the signature, "Ye Tang, isn't he a bodyguard? Why is he still responsible for signing the investment approval?"
Li Dongjing pursed his lips in silence.
Father's carefully designed part was actually seen through by this woman at a glance.
In the past, he only thought this woman was vicious and ridiculous.
He had never seen this side of her.
The way she is immersed in work is completely different from the person she is at home.

"There is nothing wrong with this document." Li Dongjing pursed his lips and said, "Li's current predicament is not due to this project. There is no need for you to check what happened in the previous quarter."
"Any crisis does not come suddenly, but gradually accumulates over time and finally changes qualitatively." Jiang Jin said lightly, "If we can find the person in charge to spit out these billions, it can temporarily alleviate the Li family's crisis, then let’s start investigating from this Ye Tang.”
"Uncle Ye is from our Li family." Li Dongjing said coldly, "No matter what happens, Uncle Ye will never betray the Li family."
Jiang Jin raised her lips and smiled: "Silly boy, it's because of your trust that he was able to succeed."
She stood up, patted Li Dongjing on the shoulder, turned around and left the office.
As soon as she entered the elevator, Mu Yingxuan came over from the lounge next door.
"Ajing, are you okay?"
Mu Yingxuan walked in quickly, her face full of concern and worry.
"She stayed with you for more than an hour. I'm really afraid that she won't be able to control her emotions and do something to you... I still remember when you were a little kid, she put you in a dark room and didn't feed you, making you hungry. For two whole days...
For a person like her, nothing is surprising, so A Jing, you must never be alone with her again in the future..."
Li Dongjing frowned slightly.
Aunt Mu came to help Li's rescue. He was very grateful, but why did he only feel disgusted when Aunt Mu said these words?
"Aunt Mu."

Li Dongjing quietly interrupted her.
"I have two more meetings to attend. Do you need me to send someone to take you back?"
Mu Yingxuan looked at him distressedly: "Ah Jing, you are only nine years old and you have to bear so much. Is there anything I can do to help you?"
"No need." Li Dongjing stood up, "Chen Feng, send Aunt Mu out."
Chen Feng stepped forward and respectfully invited Mu Yingxuan out.
There were no meetings to be held next. Li Dongjing leaned on the office chair and pinched his brows tiredly.
"Young Master, do you want to go get some sleep?" Chen Feng walked in and asked in a low voice.
Li Dongjing shook his head, opened his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Today, stock investors caused trouble at the entrance of Li's Building. Did it make the news?"
"It was published in Yuncheng Evening News." Chen Feng said, "Do I need to spend money to suppress the news?"
"Need not."

Li Dongjing curled his lips coldly.
Stock investors are always trying to make trouble, so naturally the more people know about it, the better.

"But..." Chen Feng said, "There will be a Chamber of Commerce banquet tomorrow afternoon. This is an excellent opportunity for Li Group to attract investment. If this news becomes big, no investors will inject capital into Li."
Li Dongjing said quietly: "I have my own opinion."
Chen Feng said nothing more.

Now that the old man has fallen, the entire Li family is supported by the eldest young master.
He didn't know how long the eldest young master could last...
However, he believed that the eldest young master would be able to lead Li Shi out of the trough.
After leaving Li's Building, Jiang Jin drove directly home.
Zhang Ma had just prepared lunch. When she saw her coming back, she quickly put the food on the table.
Jiang Jin sat down at the dining table and asked quietly: "Where is Ye Tang?"

Zhang Ma pointed to the backyard: "Mr. Ye is washing the car in the backyard. Do you need me to call him over?"
"Let him come and have lunch with me." Jiang Jin said lightly, "And get him a bottle of whiskey. People who know Kung Fu probably like to drink strong liquor."

Zhang Ma didn't know what she was going to do, so she did it.
Ye Tang walked into the restaurant and met Jiang Jin's smiling eyes. He suddenly felt a little scared.
He swallowed and said, "Young madam, I'd better eat with Zhang Ma..."

"I asked you to sit down, sit down, where did all this nonsense come from." Jiang Jin raised her lips and showed a warm smile, "As for me, I mainly want to chat with you for a few words, you won't even give me this face, right? "

Ye Tang sat opposite Jiang Jin like a quail.
