FVB - 095

Chapter 95 I will protect you

Jiang Jin's gentle gaze glanced over, and Ye Tang felt his scalp numb.
He picked up the whiskey on the table and took a long sip, then said as if he were dead: "Young lady, what do you want to talk to me about?"
"I heard from the old man that your father is a soldier?"
Jiang Jin said casually, "Is your father serving in the army now, or has he retired?"
Ye Tang's eyes turned red and he whispered: "My father has passed away."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask about your sadness." Jiang Jin said slowly, "Can I take the liberty of asking you how your father died?"
"Twenty years ago, the old man was attacked by someone, and my father died while blocking the gun for him." Ye Tang lowered his head and drank another glass of wine, feeling very depressed.
Jiang Jin lowered her eyelids.
Ye Tang's father died because of the Li family. Could it be that Yetang hated the Li family because of this?
"Don't think about the past, let's eat food." Jiang Jin gave him a piece of ribs and changed the subject, "I heard from Ah Jing that you still hold an important position in the Li Group. Is this true?"
Ye Tang nodded: "Sometimes I help with some documents."
"Do you know why the Li Group is suddenly facing such a big dilemma?"
Jiang Jin sighed faintly, "I asked A Jing, but the child refused to tell me anything, so I can only ask you. Ye Tang, I have never been involved in the company's affairs, and I don't know much about it, but now the old man is being hospitalized and having no one in charge, I can only learn to understand these things. Can you tell me about what happened in the company during this time?"
Ye Tang glanced at her suspiciously: "Young madam, these are all in the news. You should be able to understand everything by reading the news."

These young lady has never cared about the company's affairs. Now that the Li family is in turmoil, why does she suddenly start to care?
Moreover, the look in the young lady's eyes is really frightening.
It's not like he's trying to do something stupid again.
"I'm sorry, young lady, I don't know the details of the company. I'm full and I'll go back to my room to rest first."
Ye Tang put down his chopsticks and ran away.
The young lady can cause trouble, but he must not be a tool. He cannot bear the sir's anger.
Jiang Jin's lips curved into a sneer.
She put down her chopsticks and got up to go to her bedroom.
Not long ago, she had someone come to the villa to install surveillance cameras. Maybe she could find something fishy from the surveillance.
Jiang Jin connected the device, turned on the computer, and clicked on the cached surveillance videos one by one...
The footage showed that at three o'clock yesterday afternoon, Ye Tang and a man wearing a mask walked out of the villa and were caught on camera.
Jiang Jin's expression suddenly turned cold.
There is indeed something wrong with Ye Tang!
It turned out to be Mr. Li’s person!
Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Li came to the villa and left with Ye Tang.
Why did he come to the villa? Where did he go with Ye Tang and what did he do?
Why did Mr. Li buy Ye Tang?

Could it be that the Li family wanted to annex the Gou family and the Li family at the same time?
Jiang Jin felt like her mind was in a mess.
A ball of wool was thrown in front of her in a mess, and she couldn't string it together despite all her brain cells.

She always felt like something was wrong...
She held her forehead and held her breath, thinking carefully.
In the silence, she heard someone talking, as if it was coming from the next room...
The afternoon sun shines in through the balcony window.
Li Yunting was half lying on the big bed, with a serious look on his face: "What did she just say to you?"
"The young madam asked me about the company..." Ye Tang answered bravely, "The old man is in hospital, the eldest young master is still young, and the Li family has no backbone. The young madam probably wanted to help the Li family solve the current predicament, so she asked I understand the situation..."

The more he spoke, the colder Li Yunting's eyes became.
His legs were a little weak, and he said without tears, "Sir, I will never eat alone with the young lady again..."
If eyes could turn into substance, he would be riddled with holes by now.
Never underestimate a man's jealousy, especially a man like his master!
The door suddenly made a slight sound.

Ye Tang stood up straight with a start, and before he could react, Li Yunting had already closed his eyes and lay down.

Jiang Jin slowly opened the door.

The moment the door opened, the sounds in the room suddenly stopped.
She saw Ye Tang standing in front of the big bed, less than five centimeters away from Li Yunting.
She rushed over and pushed Ye Tang away: "What are you doing here?"
Ye Tang couldn't stand firm, staggered and almost fell to the ground.
What the hell!
What kind of evil had he committed? He was either scolded by the husband's eyes, or violently pushed by the young lady...
"I-I didn't do anything..." Ye Tang looked extremely innocent, "I just came to see if Mr. needs some water..."
"Why did I just hear someone talking?"
Jiang Jin stared at him coldly, word by word.
"Ahem, I am a person who likes to talk to myself sometimes..." Ye Tang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "I know this is not a good habit, I will try my best to change it, hehehe..."
"Okay, get out!"

Jiang Jin's voice was extremely cold.
Ye Tang wanted to leave quickly, so he turned around and slipped out.
His behavior was equivalent to a guilty conscience in Jiang Jin's eyes.
She turned around and sat beside the big bed, and began to carefully examine Li Yunting's body. Fortunately, she found no obvious injuries.
She sniffed with the tip of her nose and smelled the peculiar smell in the flowerpot beside the bed.
She took the flower pot down and took a look, and a cold chill suddenly appeared in her eyes.
This flower pot is actually full of medicine!
In other words, every time Ye Tang gave medicine to Li Yunting, he did not actually feed it to the man, but poured it all into the flower pot.
No wonder he was fed so quickly every time, and no wonder there wasn't even a drop of medicine stain left on the corner of Li Yunting's lips.
This is what happened!

Jiang Jin slammed the flower pot on the bedside table.
Li Yunting was lying on the bed with his eyebrows pounding. Why did he feel that this woman's mood was very wrong today?

"Li Yunting, you are really miserable."
Jiang Jin looked at the person lying on the bed and sighed softly.
He had been lying in bed unable to move for ten years, and when he was about to wake up, he was still being plotted like this.

Calculating carefully, Ye Tang lived here for about four or five days. In other words, Li Yunting didn't take medicine for so many days.
"Don't worry, I will protect you." Jiang Jin covered him with the quilt and said softly.
Li Yunting suddenly felt palpitations, as if there was an electric current spreading from his heart to his limbs, giving him a tingling and refreshing feeling.
He was always the only one who protected others.
This was the first time that someone told him that they would protect him.
This feeling is so comfortable.
"I'll go downstairs and bring you some medicine. You haven't taken any medicine for three or four days. This time you have to take at least double, no, triple."

Jiang Jin murmured something and walked downstairs.

Li Yunting: "..."

He has been taking this medicine for ten years and really never wants to take it again!


When he thought of Jiang Jin's way of feeding the medicine, he actually felt the slightest bit of anticipation again.
