FVB - 096

Chapter 96 Moving into Li Yunting’s room

Jiang Jin walked downstairs.

She saw Ye Tang sitting on the sofa in the living room, reading a magazine.
She didn't think anything of it before, but now that she thinks about it, Ye Tang is too leisurely.
They are also people hired by the Li family with money. Zhang Ma is busy every day, but Ye Tang is enjoying himself in the villa. He is either reading books or washing cars. His life is similar to that of a rich young master.
Jiang Jin's eyes swept over him coldly, and she strolled into the kitchen.
"Zhang Ma, how do I change the password on the master bedroom's password lock?" she asked quietly.
Zhang Ma was stunned for a moment: "Why do you ask, Madam?"
The combination lock was originally used to protect the master from the young lady, but later the young lady did not do anything detrimental to the husband, and the combination lock became useless.
Jiang Jin said casually: "The lighting in my room is not good, I want to change to another room."
Zhang Ma became anxious when she heard this.
Just now she was thinking about why the young lady started to do such unreasonable things again after she got better.
"Young Madam, the husband is in a vegetative state. His body needs enough sunlight to promote blood circulation, so he must live in the master bedroom." Zhang Ma said with a worried look, "And there are many medical equipment in the master bedroom. It would be too troublesome to move out..."
Jiang Jin raised her eyebrows: "Who said I wanted him to move out?"
Zhang Ma was stunned: "What do you mean, young lady?"

"Yun Ting and I are husband and wife, and we are supposed to live together. Is there any problem if I move in and live in the same room with him?" Jiang Jin said calmly, "After I move into the master bedroom, all the trivial matters in Li Yunting's life are my responsibilities. Anyone who doesn't have my permission is best not to enter the room."
When she said this, her eyes faintly swept over Ye Tang.

Ye Tang only felt his scalp numb.
If the young lady is really allowed to live in the master bedroom and stay with her husband day and night, then the husband will really become a vegetative state...
Why does he feel that the young lady seems to have noticed something...
"Young Madam..." Ye Tang said weakly, "Sir often goes to the hospital for rehabilitation recently. It may not be convenient to share a room with you..."
"Give me Dr. Sun's contact information, and I will take care of the rehabilitation." Jiang Jin said coldly, "You will be responsible for the safety of this villa from now on. You don't need to intervene in anything else."
Ye Tang: "..."
He has tried his best to stop it. Sir, please do not vent your anger on him...
Jiang Jin prepared three bags of medicine and went upstairs with the medicine bowl. She placed the medicine bowl at the entrance and changed the password according to Zhang Ma's method.
"Beep - the new password has taken effect."

She smiled coldly.

From now on, if Ye Tang attacks Li Yunting without anyone noticing, he will never have any chance.
She kicked the door shut and walked to the bed with the medicine bowl.
She put in three packets of medicine, and the color of the medicine is darker than usual. She can smell a bitter smell even before she gets close, which is very pungent.
"Li Yunting, I really worked hard for you."
Jiang Jin complained quietly.
It takes a lot of courage for a young girl like her to move in with a man.
Is it easy for her, a healthy person, to take a sip of this terribly bitter medicine every day starting from today?
If this man wakes up and strangles her neck and wants her to die, then she will...
Just leave the Li family and never come back!
Jiang Jin pinched her nose and took a big sip of the medicine, then leaned forward to meet the man's lips and poured the bitter medicine into it.
When the bitter medicine entered his mouth, Li Yunting instinctively wanted to push it out.
But when the tip of his tongue touched the woman's soft tongue, his heart suddenly softened.

It was hard for him to swallow such a bitter medicine.

What kind of force supported this woman so that she could feed him medicine one mouthful after another without changing her expression?

He checked her life trajectory over the past ten years.
Ever since she married into the Li family, she has never had a peaceful life.
The four children grew up with difficulty under her clutches, and she did not even allow them to call her mother...
The information he found was true, and so were the person living in front of him now.
He didn't know why she changed suddenly...
There was more and more bitter medicine in his mouth, and the air around him became quieter and quieter. Li Yunting slowly opened his eyes.
Maybe the medicine was too bitter. Jiang Jin closed her eyes and wrinkled her straight nose tightly.

Li Yunting inexplicably thought she was cute like this.
Xiaobei looks most like her. When Xiaobei thinks about things, he will frown tightly and his little nose will wrinkle up.
He suddenly wanted to raise his hand and smooth the wrinkles between her brows.
"Emma, ​​I'm finally done feeding."

Jiang Jin suddenly opened her eyes, which startled Li Yunting. He quickly closed his eyes, looking completely unconscious.
"You will wake up in more than two months. Then don't be so heartless and want to strangle me to death."
Jiang Jin snorted and stood up and walked out.
After she took the medicine bowl downstairs, she began to pack her things.
She moved all the things she needed for sleeping at night to the next room.
Fortunately, she had vacated half of the closet next door, so her belongings could be put directly into the closet.
She put a barrier in the middle of the big bed, dividing a two-meter-wide bed in half so that no one would affect the other.

After doing all this, Jiang Jin went out to pick up the children.
Li Yunting slowly opened his eyes.
The room that was empty and deserted before suddenly became filled with countless women's belongings.
Some of the clothes were hung up and put in the closet, and some were just spread out on the sofa in the room. The table was also filled with various cosmetics. Although it was messy, it somehow gave off a warm feeling of home.
"Dong dong."

There was a gentle knock on the door of the room.

Ye Tang's voice came from outside the door: "Sir, do you know the password?"
Li Yunting spoke quietly and reported a series of numbers.
Ye Tang entered eight digits, and the door opened as expected. He looked surprised: "Sir, how could you guess so accurately?"
Li Yunting slightly pulled his lips.
He had observed the woman unlocking her phone. Whether it was a power-on password or a payment password, the same numbers came back and forth.
The woman's brain couldn't remember complex passwords, so he just guessed them.
Ye Tang sighed loudly: "Sir, why do you think the young lady suddenly wants to move in with you?"
Li Yunting glanced at him: "If she doesn't live with me, will she live with you?"
Ye Tang: "..."
Oh my god, this jealousy is too much!
He hasn’t even said anything yet!
"What I mean is, did the young lady notice something and move here on purpose?" Ye Tang explained humbly, "With the young lady here, I'm afraid it will be more difficult for me to report to you in the future..."
"It doesn't matter, just send me an email directly." Li Yunting said quietly, "I will take the time to reply to you."
Why does he feel that the master seems to really want the young lady to move in with him...
