FVB - 097

Chapter 97 I really want to beat this bastard to death

Jiang Jin went to the kindergarten to pick up her children, but Teacher Shi forcibly called her to the office.
"Mother Li, your two sons are really outstanding. I think they can better realize their potential in the elite class." Teacher Shi said sincerely, "The elite class in our school has three years of classes. Within three years, the six-year primary school students will be learning all the content, you will be directly promoted to the best junior high school in Yuncheng..."
After Teacher Shi finished speaking, Jiang Jin finally spoke: "Xiaoxi and Xiaobei are five years old this year, and they are at their most childlike. I don't want them to spend all day studying.
Their lives have just begun, and they should first enjoy the beauty of this world, and then work hard to pursue the beauty they want..."
Jiang Jin came out of Teacher Shi's office and saw two little guys standing at the door waiting for her.
The setting sun stretched the silhouettes of the two children.
At this moment, Jiang Jin suddenly felt that God was treating her kindly.
What a blessing it is to have two children like this without going through ten months of pregnancy.

Although these two little bastards were not well-behaved or obedient enough, she could feel that the children loved her.
Isn't this enough?
"Hey, what did Teacher Shi want to say to you?" Li Xichen raised his head and asked coldly.
A "Hey" instantly dispelled the little good feeling Jiang Jin had just had.

She snorted coldly: "Teacher Shi persuaded me to transfer you to the elite class..."
When she said this, she paused deliberately.
Li Beixiao asked very wisely: "Mom, have you promised Teacher Shi?"
"You two have just changed from scumbags to academic masters. If you change back again, wouldn't it be an embarrassment to the Li family?" Jiang Jin said angrily, "We can wait until you stabilize your academic master status before talking about this matter. Let's go home."

She walked forward first.
The orange rays of the sunset coated her body with a layer of golden light, making her whole body look gentle.
Li Beixiao and Li Xichen quickly followed her pace.
The car was driving slowly on the road. When passing by a street store, Jiang Jin got out of the car and bought an ice cream for each of the two little kids, and then continued driving home.
As soon as she got off the car, Jiang Jin smelled the fragrant aroma of food.
She had to say that Zhang Ma’s cooking skills are really top-notch. After wearing this book, she gained at least five pounds.

As soon as she walked to the door with her two children in hand, she saw Ye Tang and Li Dongjing sitting opposite each other on the sofa in the living room. They had a pile of documents and laptops in front of them. They were probably chatting about work.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, you go play by yourselves first."
Jiang Jin pursed her lips and walked to the sofa.
Ye Tang immediately stood up and greeted respectfully: "Young Madam."
"What are you talking about?"
Jiang Jin glanced at the documents on the table. They were all Li's recent big projects.
These projects can only be accessed by people on the board of directors, but Li Dongjing placed such confidential documents in front of Ye Tang without any defense...
"Ajing, go upstairs, I have something to tell you."
Jiang Jin turned around and walked upstairs.
Li Dongjing sat on the sofa and did not move. He said calmly: "Uncle Ye, let's continue."
Jiang Jin: "..."
I really want to beat this bastard to death!
If Mr. Li hadn't fallen down, she wouldn't even bother talking to this bastard, okay?
"I talked with the doctor today. There may be something wrong with your father's health. You follow me upstairs and I will show you the examination report."
Without looking back, she walked towards the master bedroom on the second floor.
Li Dongjing continued to flip through the documents in his hand.
Ye Tang had already begun to break out in a cold sweat.

There is a conflict between the eldest young master and the young madam. Why does he always feel that the fire will burn him?
He swallowed and said, "Young Master, please go upstairs with the Young Madam first. I'll go to the toilet..."
He got up and ran away.
Li Dongjing twitched the corners of his lips, got up and walked upstairs.
He wanted to see what kind of tricks this woman was going to play.
He opened the door to the master bedroom and walked in.
Jiang Jin sat on the sofa in the room, folded her hands on her chest, and said with a cold expression: "Sit."
Li Dongjing glanced at Li Yunting who was lying on the big bed, and said calmly: "If you have anything to say to me, just say it directly."

There is a problem with Ye Tang." Jiang Jin said coldly, "I installed surveillance cameras in the villa yard and saw him with Mr. Li who was wearing a mask. The two were very close and talked about everything...

Ye Tang may have been sincere before, but after what happened to the Li family, he must have been bribed, and he is now working for that Mr. Li..."
Her words made Li Yunting break out in a cold sweat on the bed.
When did this woman install surveillance cameras at home? He had no idea...
The only good thing is that every time he leaves this room, he puts on a dark gold mask...
Even if this woman saw him on the surveillance camera, she would not doubt that he had woken up long ago...
"Ye Tang would not."
Jiang Jin spoke coldly.

Li Dongjing said coldly: "You have delusions of being persecuted. I can't possibly fire Uncle Ye just because of your speculation."

"It's been captured on surveillance, but you still think you're suffering from delusional persecution?"
Jiang Jin sneered, "The reason why your Li Group has entered such a dead end is closely related to Ye Tang! If you insist that Ye Tang is trustworthy, then I can only use my status as a major shareholder to expel Ye Tang .”
Li Dongjing sneered: "Uncle Ye also holds shares in the Li Group, you can't fire him."
After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room.
Jiang Jin was stunned.
Ye Tang also has shares in the Li Group. How much do the entire Li family trust him?
Letting Ye Tang continue to stay in the Li family would be too harmful.
Jiang Jin leaned on the sofa, feeling extremely tired.
The old man is critically ill, Li Yunting is in a vegetative state, and Li Dongjing refuses to listen... She seems to be the only one with a clear mind in the entire Li family.
Is it possible that she has to rely on her to survive this most difficult period of time?
Jiang Jin was filled with sorrow.
She resignedly dialed Director Zhao's phone number.
"Auntie, why are you calling me now?"
Ever since Jiang Jin got angry at Meng Shen and scolded Mr. Que, Director Zhao no longer called her Miss Jiang, and always called her "aunt" every time.
"Director Zhao, it seems that the pre-sale of movie tickets for our movie has exceeded 300 million, right?"

When talking about this, Director Zhao was extremely excited: "The 500 million box office you estimated before, I think it shouldn't be a big problem! Being able to invite Mr. Que to the last press conference made our movie so popular. Auntie, you are the biggest contributor..."

"Then -" Jiang Jin paused, "Can I, a great hero, make some requests?"
"Mention it! Just do it!"

"I'm a little tight lately, can you..."

"Ms. Jiang, what are you talking about... My signal here is a little bad. Hey, hey, we'll talk to you next time. Hang up now..."
Jiang Jin: "..."
