FVB - 098

Chapter 98 He will also protect her

Jiang Jin made another call.

"Auntie, I really have no money..." Director Zhao was about to burst into tears. "When the crew was about to disband, I mortgaged my house. Now I still owe a lot of debt to the bank. I'm just waiting to make some money after the movie is released. To support the family..."
"Who asked you to borrow money? Don't think so much?" Jiang Jin said angrily, "The pre-sale of the movie will end soon. Can the pre-sale money be withdrawn? I want to take my part of the profit first."
"That's it..." Director Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, "The pre-sale ends at 12 noon tomorrow. I will apply for a withdrawal, and it will arrive in about three days..."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jin finally felt a little more at ease.
She can probably get 100 million in pre-sale funds. Although 100 million is not much, it can keep the Li family going for a while.
Jiang Jin took out paper and pen, wrote, drew and calculated...
She accidentally got busy working until about eleven o'clock in the night. She yawned, took her pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
There was the sound of running water in the bathroom, and the man lying on the big bed slowly opened his eyes.
He slept all day and felt surprisingly good at night.
He stood up and walked to the desk, taking a look at the notebook that Jiang Jin hadn't had time to close. There were several plans written in ghostly drawings on it...

"Pre-sale amount is 100 million, invest in Li's..."
"The movie box office dividend is estimated to be one billion, investing in Li's..."
Her plan was all set around the Li family.
He knew very well how much she cared about this movie and worried about it day and night.
However, she planned to invest all the box office profits from this movie into the Li family to help the Li family overcome this difficulty.
He really couldn't understand this woman more and more.

The sound of running water in the bathroom stopped, and after a while, Jiang Jin walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe.
Her whole body was covered with warm water vapor, and her long black eyelashes had wet drops of water, which made her eyes look a little wet.
She left the buttons on her collar unbuttoned and walked straight to the bed.

When she saw the man lying on the bed, she suddenly remembered that she would sleep in the same bed as Li Yunting from today on.
Fortunately, the bed was big enough so that she didn't have too much psychological burden.
After Jiang Jin dried her hair, she turned off the night light, closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.
The man beside her quietly opened his eyes, and his dark pupils were astonishingly bright in the night.
No matter what happened in the past ten years, from this moment on, he will regard her as his wife...
She said she would protect him.
Then, he will also protect her.
Jiang Jin slept exceptionally well that night. Despite having so many worries, she felt surprisingly at ease throughout the night.
She yawned and sat up, turning her head to see the man lying next to her.

When she wakes up early in the morning and sees such a beautiful and stunning face, she feels much better throughout the day.
She hummed a song and went to the bathroom to wash up, then comb her hair and makeup, and put on a silk dress.
As summer entered, the weather got hotter and hotter, and she wore less and less. Her skirt was above her knees. When she bent over slightly, Li Yunting, who was lying on the bed, could see some things that he shouldn't see...
His jaw suddenly tensed.
If this woman goes out wearing this outfit, wouldn't she be seen by others...
He wanted to stop it, but he had no way to stop it. He could only watch Jiang Jin walk out and close the door, cutting off everything.
Li Yunting: "..."
Why couldn't he think of pretending to be in a vegetative state?

Jiang Jin was in a good mood. When she got downstairs, he saw Li Dongjing and Ye Tang sitting together and talking.
Yes, what she said last night was all in vain.
It’s okay if she won’t want this son.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, let's go to school."
Jiang Jin walked out in high heels, and the two little guys immediately followed.
As the car drove slowly on the road, Li Beixiao and Li Xichen looked at each other, and after hesitating for a long time, they finally spoke.
"We have all seen the news..." Li Beixiao's soft voice sounded, "Big brother has been practicing with grandpa since he was a child. He will definitely be able to lead the Li family through the difficulties."
Li Xichen said quietly: "Although you are good at skills, there is no need to teach people personally. Next time you go to the company, bring a bodyguard."
When he saw the news, he felt a little frightened.

This woman was so thin, probably less than ninety pounds, while the middle-aged man weighed at least one hundred and sixty pounds. She actually dared to rush over and suppress that man single-handedly.
There are so many men in the Li family, but they still need a woman to be at the forefront.
Li Xichen felt a little uncomfortable.
He is still too young to stand in front of her and block the wind and rain...
"Mom, don't worry." Li Beixiao said softly, "The matter will be resolved satisfactorily."

My father has woken up and everything is going in a good direction. He doesn't want his mother to have to worry about these things.
"I'm not worried!" Jiang Jin snorted, "My surname is not Li, so I won't worry about the Li family's affairs. You two little ones just study hard and don't worry about these things that are not your turn to worry about."
She parked the car and watched the two children enter the school gate before leaving.
She drove directly to the downstairs of Li's Building.
The large group that used to have people coming and going now looks desolate and desolate, as if it will collapse at any time.
She sat in the car and called Chen Feng.
Chen Feng is Li Dongjing's bodyguard and assistant. After the old man fell, Chen Feng handled most of the company's affairs.
If she wants to kick Ye Tang out, starting with Chen Feng is also a good idea.

The phone rang three times before being answered.

"Chen Feng, I'm downstairs in the company. Can you come down and let's have a chat?"

"I'm sorry, young lady, I accompanied the eldest young master to attend the Chamber of Commerce banquet. I may not be able to make it back in a while."
Jiang Jin's eyes narrowed: "What kind of banquet?"
"The company's capital chain really can't hold on any longer. We must introduce capital flow as soon as possible, otherwise we will be forced to delist and apply for bankruptcy..."
Chen Feng sighed in a low voice, "The eldest young master came to the banquet because he really had no other choice. I hope no one will deliberately force the eldest young master to drink..."
"Send me the address."
"Young Madam, what are you..."
"I happen to have nothing to do. I'm going to the banquet to see the world."
After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng looked a little complicated.
He deliberately tried a few words, but he didn't expect that the young lady would come without saying a word...
Li Dongjing, who was standing on the side, said coldly: "Why is that woman calling?"
"The young madam said she would come to the banquet." Chen Feng paused and said, "The young madam is beautiful. If the young madam can lower her figure and ask investors for capital injection, maybe we can get twice the result with half the effort..."
Li Dongjing glanced over with a cold look: "Chen Feng, do you know what you are talking about?"

Chen Feng was frightened: "Young Master, I said something wrong, please punish me."

"It won't happen again."

Li Dongjing's expression was extremely cold.

Even if the Li family is really going to fall apart, he will never let a woman charge into the battle.
