
Showing posts from April 6, 2024

ADMKSF - 010.2

Hearing this, Qi Yu calmly took a sip of the grape juice provided by the sponsor. He didn't need the director to elaborate. He could guess the reason. It was just that they didn't bring Du Enqing with them when they were fishing for shrimps this afternoon, and now Du Enqing didn't get involved in their conversation. But isn't this Du Enqing's problem? How old are you and you still have to be accommodated by others? Fortunately, the director didn't let Bai Hang cue Du Enqing. Qi Yu took another sip of grape juice and suddenly turned to Du Enqing with a smile: "Xiao Du has been writing songs this afternoon. Are you preparing to release a new album?" Du Enqing was staring at Lin You and Zhao Ziqi talking with the corner of her eye. She didn't know what Lin You said in a low voice, which made Zhao Ziqi cover her stomach and laugh. At this moment, her name was suddenly called, which made her feel a little guilty. In the end, she had no choice but to nod

ADMKSF - 010.1

Lin You never dreamed that Pei Henan's work would be so busy. He had to pick up mineral water bottles during the day, help wash dishes at a funeral in the evening, and rush to the cemetery at night. She pondered for a long time and typed: It's too hard for you. Pei Henan: Not bad. Lin You: But the cemetery caretaker seems to have a pretty good job. There will be at least a few thousand dollars a night, so don't be busy with other things during the day. Pei Henan: It’s not interesting for me to stay at home alone. I’ll earn more if I can. If I have the chance in the future, I want to move out from Pei’s house. Aye needs to spend money to study, get married and have children. Pei Henan's thin lips curved slightly, and his dark eyes fell on the screen, waiting for Lin You to turn her face. The only thing Lin You liked about Pei Henan was probably his surname. She hated Pei Tianyuan and her biological father for secretly finalizing her marriage and letting her marry Pei He

FVB - 037

Chapter 37 The scumbag counterattacks the first place Teacher Shi handed the two test papers to Jiang Jin with a serious expression. "This is Li Xichen and Li Beixiao's math test paper." Teacher Shi pushed up his glasses, "The perfect score is 100 points, and they didn't deduct a single point." Jiang Jin quickly flipped through the test paper, with ecstasy on her face: "These two boys are pretty good. They can actually give me a hundred points in the exam. I will reward them well when I get back..." "Ahem!" Teacher Shi said at the right time, "Mother Li, don't you find it strange? In every monthly exam in the past two years, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were ranked first and second from the bottom. Why did they suddenly... From last place to first place? This thing is weird in every way, Mother Li, it’s better not to be happy too early.” Jiang Jin's joy was suddenly cut off. She put down the two test papers and asked slowly: &qu