FVB - 037

Chapter 37 The scumbag counterattacks the first place

Teacher Shi handed the two test papers to Jiang Jin with a serious expression.

"This is Li Xichen and Li Beixiao's math test paper." Teacher Shi pushed up his glasses, "The perfect score is 100 points, and they didn't deduct a single point."

Jiang Jin quickly flipped through the test paper, with ecstasy on her face: "These two boys are pretty good. They can actually give me a hundred points in the exam. I will reward them well when I get back..."

"Ahem!" Teacher Shi said at the right time, "Mother Li, don't you find it strange? In every monthly exam in the past two years, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were ranked first and second from the bottom. Why did they suddenly... From last place to first place? This thing is weird in every way, Mother Li, it’s better not to be happy too early.”

Jiang Jin's joy was suddenly cut off.

She put down the two test papers and asked slowly: "Teacher Shi, do you mean that these 100 points were copied by them?"

"That's not what I meant." Teacher Shi immediately denied it, "I just think there's something fishy about it."

Jiang Jin raised her lips and smiled lightly: "Teacher Shi, how many full-score papers are there in this monthly exam?"

"Only Li Xichen and Li Beixiao have perfect scores."

“Then again, what’s the score for second place?”

"Ninety-six points."

"Then it's over." Jiang Jin shrugged, "The second place only has more than 90 points, so how can Xiaoxi and Xiaobei plagiarize to get full marks?"

Teacher Shi was suddenly speechless.

"Some things need to be clarified first before they can be determined." Jiang Jin continued, "Teacher Shi must not have forgotten about the loss of Lu Duoduo's necklace last time, right? What kind of character does my child have? I am a mother. It’s very clear that if you do it, you did it, if you don’t do it, you didn’t do it, and the two of them will never lie.”

These two little vandals are also evil and aboveboard, and they are the kind of blatant villains.
Neither Xiao Xi nor Xiao Bei bothered to do that kind of sneaky thing...
Teacher Shi compromised and said, "In this case, I will ask Li Xichen and Li Beixiao to come to the office and ask questions. I have to find out how they can suddenly get 100 points in the exam."
The school bell hasn't rung yet, and the Class 9 classroom is bustling with activity.
"Do you know why Teacher Shi called Li Xichen and Li Beixiao's mother into the office?" Lu Duoduo was surrounded by several children and said loudly on purpose.
The children were very curious.

"I think Teacher Shi seems to be very serious."
"Did Li Xichen fight with someone again?"

Lu Duoduo rolled her eyes and said conspiratorially: "It's not a fight, it's another more serious matter."
"Ah, it's more serious than a fight, what could it be?"
"Duoduo, stop being so secretive and tell us quickly."

"Say it quickly!"
Lu Duoduo enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by people, and said slowly: "Because Li Xichen and Li Beixiao plagiarized and scored 100 points in the monthly exam yesterday, and Teacher Shi is teaching their mother a lesson in the office!"

As soon as these words came out, all the children in the classroom were shocked.

Although the word plagiarism is unfamiliar to them, they can understand what it means.

"Lu Duoduo, what the hell are you talking about!"
Li Xichen stood up suddenly and stared at Lu Duoduo with a pair of gloomy eyes.
Lu Duoduo was startled, and then said confidently: "You have plagiarized, why don't you tell others? Bai Ningshuang only scored ninety-six points this time, why do you two scumbags rank first? You're just a little bit offended, you're plagiarizing, you're shameless, your mother deserves to be taught a lesson by Teacher Shi and write a self-criticism..."

Li Xichen pushed the chair away.
He is only five years old now, and there is currently no principle in his values ​​​​that he is not allowed to hit women...
At this moment, Teacher Shi appeared at the door of the office.
"Li Xichen, Li Beixiao, come to the office with me."
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao walked out of the classroom without saying a word.

"Look, look, they just plagiarized." Lu Duoduo said proudly, "Our school's school rules are that anyone found to have plagiarized will be expelled, and we will never have to see those two annoying guys, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao again."
"Ah, are they going to be expelled? Then we won't be able to see these two cold and cool little princes anymore?"
"Although they only come to school once a month, I really want to be friends with them."
"How can you be friends with a plagiarist? Do you also want to learn to plagiarize..."
As soon as Li Xichen and Li Beixiao walked to the door of the office, they saw Jiang Jin standing at the edge of the table, holding two full-score test papers in her hands.
The two children recognized it at a glance. This was their test paper.
"The teacher will ask you a few questions. Can you answer them obediently?"
Teacher Shi tried to keep her tone as gentle as possible, "Did you think all of this perfect test paper by yourself?"

Li Beixiao nodded: "Yes."
"In the past ten monthly exams, you were ranked last every time. Why did you get full marks this time?" Teacher Shi continued to ask.

Li Xichen sneered: "Don't you just think of us as children who plagiarize?"
Teacher Shi: "..."
Although she did doubt it, she never said so, okay?
Li Xichen's little face turned to look at Jiang Jin: "What about you, do you also suspect that we copied the full-score test paper?"
There was some emotion hidden deep in his dark eyes that was difficult to detect.

Jiang Jin snorted coldly: "If you two little bastards really knew how to copy, you wouldn't have been in the bottom two for two whole years."
At this moment, it was like the clouds broke through and the moon opened, and a ray of light came out from Li Xichen's eyes.
Yesterday morning, he and Xiaobei skipped class and missed the Chinese language test. If they turned in another blank paper in mathematics, he and Xiaobei would continue to be the last and second.
But they don’t know why... maybe it’s because this woman is protecting them, maybe it’s because this woman is starting to treat them kindly...
Maybe, they don't want to disappoint this woman, maybe, they also want to slowly become good boys...

So, they carefully wrote the answers on the test paper.
Li Beixiao covered the emotion in his eyes and said slowly: "Teacher Shi, we did not plagiarize."
Teacher Shi has a big head and a headache.

The two young children did not admit plagiarism, and the parent also believed that her sons could score 100% in the exam.

Now she looks like a bad person as a teacher...
But suddenly going from last place to first place is very abnormal. How should she explain this to the principal...
"Teacher Shi, why don't you just issue another test paper and let Xiaoxi and Xiaobei answer it on the spot." Jiang Jin said lightly, "Of course it's not enough for me as a mother to believe them. I have to make Teacher Shi and other teachers believe it. That’s right, in order to ensure that you don’t plagiarize or cheat, please ask Teacher Shi to let other class teachers invigilate the exam.”

This method is indeed good, Teacher Shi immediately went to arrange it.
