ADMKSF - 010.1

Lin You never dreamed that Pei Henan's work would be so busy. He had to pick up mineral water bottles during the day, help wash dishes at a funeral in the evening, and rush to the cemetery at night.

She pondered for a long time and typed: It's too hard for you.

Pei Henan: Not bad.

Lin You: But the cemetery caretaker seems to have a pretty good job. There will be at least a few thousand dollars a night, so don't be busy with other things during the day.

Pei Henan: It’s not interesting for me to stay at home alone. I’ll earn more if I can. If I have the chance in the future, I want to move out from Pei’s house. Aye needs to spend money to study, get married and have children.

Pei Henan's thin lips curved slightly, and his dark eyes fell on the screen, waiting for Lin You to turn her face.

The only thing Lin You liked about Pei Henan was probably his surname. She hated Pei Tianyuan and her biological father for secretly finalizing her marriage and letting her marry Pei Henan, but she also envied the Pei family's wealth. Lin You once imagined that if Pei Henan fought for power, he might be able to compete with Pei Tianyuan for the Pei family. However, when she saw Pei Henan's sickly appearance and knew that Pei Henan had no intention of fighting for power, she made a big fuss. 

Now that she could see the sentence "move out from Pei's house", he doesn't know if she can still bear to show a loving mother, a filial son, and harmony between husband and wife.

His peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, hiding some of the mockery in them. Pei Henan suddenly lost interest when he saw that Lin You had not replied to the message for a long time. Just as he was about to put down his phone and stand up, the phone screen lit up again. He lowered his eyes and saw that it was from Lin You:

OK! Then let's see if there is a good house together. It doesn't have to be too big, just three bedrooms and one living room.

In fact, for an ordinary family of three, two bedrooms and one living room of more than 100 square meters is enough. But Lin You thinks that she is still a young girl. In her previous life, she was so lucky that she didn't even wait to get out of singles at the end of the world. Now that she is reborn, she will definitely not be able to sleep with a big man easily.

However, as the price she had to pay for a new life, Lin You thoughtfully reasoned with her tool husband again:

So you have to pay attention to your body and never let yourself get too tired. Your health is not good to begin with. If you are exhausted, Aye will feel bad.

After a pause, she quickly said: Of course, I will feel it too [shy]

Pei Henan: "..."

The man's expression was difficult to summarize for a moment. He just felt that Lin You, a woman, was really better than a garbage bag. After pretending to be a couple for a day, she could still continue to pretend.

He tugged at his thin lips and replied: Listen to my wife [cute]


When Lin You returned to the cabin where the filming took place, the guests had already prepared all the ingredients needed for the hot pot. The induction cooker placed on the dining table is warming the cured pork ribs soup, and bursts of rich fragrance slowly float out. Not to mention a few guests, even the photographers who are carrying cameras to take pictures can't help but swallow their saliva and feel their stomachs grumble.

Bai Hang was sitting directly opposite the gate, and Lin You's figure caught his attention as soon as she appeared. His expression lit up, and he hurriedly waved: "You're back, we're all going to be hungry."

Du Enqing sat aside and rationally told her not to answer Bai Hang's words. After all, she had just discussed with her agent not to provoke Lin You.

But today... she left without saying a word during dinner time and kept them waiting for so long. This must be Lin You's problem, right?

So Du Enqing couldn't hold it back.

She glanced at Lin You's fair and tender face, suppressed the envy and hatred between women that surged in her heart for a moment, and said in a sly voice: "You are embarrassed to make so many of us wait."

[That’s right, my sister spent the whole day writing songs and was so hungry that she didn’t eat anything. As a result, she had to wait for Lin You for dinner. ]

[Lin You is not a big player, but she is quite good at playing big names. ]

[Lin You called and asked your sister to wait? ]

[No one thinks that Director Bai’s words are an accusation, right? How come someone actually jumped on it to start a group tour? ]

[Has anyone noticed Bai Hang's expression? I was so fucking stupid that I laughed. When Bai Hang heard Du Enqing answer, his face was full of: Damn, are you fucking sick? ]

[Although, I am also curious about what Lin You was doing? ]


Not only netizens are curious, but also Qi Yu and Bai Hang. Qi Yu glanced at Du Enqing, who had an unkind expression, and smiled and said, "It won't matter if we wait a while. We just ate a lot of fried shrimp. But, Xiaolin, what have you been doing? Why are you so mysterious?"

Lin You was too lazy to pay attention to Du Enqing. Now that the contract for the fish pond had been finalized, she didn't mind being known when she was in a good mood, so she told the truth with a smile: "I just went to see Village Chief Gu. I contracted the fish ponds in Daxian Village."

Bai Hang almost choked to death on the flour-fried shrimp in his mouth, and even Qi Yu looked incredulous.

[What? ]

[Sisters, the Renaissance is here, I want to tell everyone that these fish ponds are contracted by Lin You (bushi)]

[Help, I asked my friend if Lin You’s underground boyfriend came to find her, and she went on a date! ! ]

[Is Lin You serious? ]

[Why contract a village's fish ponds? ]

Bai Hang quickly swallowed the flour-fried shrimp in his mouth. He didn't even care about the hot pot for a while, and asked Lin You: "What are you doing contracting the fish ponds?"

Lin You: "Make money and get rich."

Bai Hang: "...Grass."

Lin You didn't plan to tell a few people about her detailed plan, and quickly changed the topic. Fortunately, the cured pork ribs hot pot tasted great. Everyone only drank a bowl of soup and then squinted their eyes and focused all their attention on the hot pot. Lin You simply made some dipping water, only added chili noodles, and then washed it with pork rib soup.

Zhao Ziqi followed Lin You's example, boiled some vegetables, dipped them in water, and then put them in her mouth. The leaves of the cabbage are packed with a light salty and spicy taste. The mellow aroma of the cured pork ribs soup and the sweetness of the cabbage instantly wrap up Zhao Ziqi's taste buds. At that moment, all anorexia disappeared.

She squinted her eyes and sighed again—

Why is it so magical?

She didn't even have the slightest appetite for flour-fried shrimps. Going to this cured pork ribs hot pot was like a child who had been lost for a long time and found home. She felt a natural sense of closeness.

Probably because the expression on her face was too obsessed, the director wanted to shoot the camera directly on her face.

Until the camera got too close and a sense of oppression came over her face, Zhao Ziqi opened her eyes and waved to them: "Why are you so close to me? It's preventing me from eating. You go take a picture of Director Bai. Director Bai's expression looks like he has never eaten hot pot in his life."

Bai Hang scooped up a bowl of soup for himself, and took away several pieces of pork ribs in an extremely rude manner. He faced the camera and said bluntly: "It's true that I haven't eaten hot pot for a long, long time. The last time I ate hot pot was before my car accident."

As we all know, Bai Hang was so happy because the movie was finished that he went to eat hot pot alone. Then he got into a car accident on the way home and almost lost himself.

His favorite thing in his life is hot pot, but he used to eat tomato soup base and spicy soup base, but he never thought that cured pork ribs hot pot could be so delicious.

Bai Hang thought and glanced at Lin You, "Why are you contracting the fish pond? I think it would be more suitable for you to open a restaurant. I will bring the crew here every day to support you."

Qi Yu finally put down his bowl and smiled: "Our friends in the drama circle also love food very much."

Lin You was biting a piece of ribs. Her fair face was flushed red by the heat of the hot pot, and the ends of her eyes were also red. She looked extremely beautiful in the camera. She winked at a few people, and said with a smile: "Let's see if there is a chance in the future. If I really open a restaurant, I welcome everyone to come and eat at any time, and I promise to give you discounts."

This statement made Qi Yu smile and nod: "The camera has recorded everything. You can't regret it."

When they were done drinking and eating, the director's voice sounded in Qi Yu's headset: "Senior, just cue Du Enqing. Her fans say you are collectively ostracizing her."
