
Showing posts from June 19, 2024

FVB - 111

Chapter 111 Mom, don’t leave Li Nanque's anger was instantly ignited.    He pushed the dining chair away and stood up suddenly. The force was too great and the dining chair fell to the ground, making a harsh noise.    Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, who were lagging behind, didn't know why, but they still rushed in and blocked Jiang Jin.    Seeing this scene, Li Nanque became even more angry.    The three of them, mother and sons, have a deep love for each other, which makes him look like a bad guy...    "Do you know how much money I lost that day?" Li Nanque said angrily, "I was afraid that you would bleed to death there, so I threw away all my work and rushed over. The result was a scam!"    Jiang Jin felt guilty when he mentioned this. Although she had apologized twice in a row, no matter what, she was the one who was wronged. Xiaobei told her that day that Li Nanque had paid a huge amount of liquidated damages in order to terminate the contract, and he still o