FVB - 111

Chapter 111 Mom, don’t leave

Li Nanque's anger was instantly ignited.
He pushed the dining chair away and stood up suddenly. The force was too great and the dining chair fell to the ground, making a harsh noise.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, who were lagging behind, didn't know why, but they still rushed in and blocked Jiang Jin.
Seeing this scene, Li Nanque became even more angry.
The three of them, mother and sons, have a deep love for each other, which makes him look like a bad guy...
"Do you know how much money I lost that day?" Li Nanque said angrily, "I was afraid that you would bleed to death there, so I threw away all my work and rushed over. The result was a scam!"
Jiang Jin felt guilty when he mentioned this.

Although she had apologized twice in a row, no matter what, she was the one who was wronged.

Xiaobei told her that day that Li Nanque had paid a huge amount of liquidated damages in order to terminate the contract, and he still owed the bank loan.
And she caused him another loss.
"I'm sorry……"

Jiang Jin looked at him and apologized angrily.
Li Nanque turned his head coldly and snorted from his nostrils.
This matter cannot be solved by an apology.
For so many days, this woman has been treating him like nothing, and his heart has been greatly traumatized, which cannot be healed by an apology!
"The crew will compensate you for all your losses that day. Ask your manager to make a list." Jiang Jin continued to coax, "I promise I will never lie to you again."
Li Nanque raised his chin higher.
This matter cannot be solved by money!
Seeing the arrogant and angry look of this boy, Jiang Jin scratched her chin in annoyance.

She regretted setting up a trap to deceive this boy that day.
But she apologized twice in a row and cooked two bowls of noodles, but this guy always looked indifferent.
He ignored her, did he still want her to stick to his cold butt?
Jiang Jin pursed her crimson lips coldly, wanting to turn around and leave.

However, what Li Nanque said just now kept popping up in her mind -
"I was afraid that you would bleed out and die there, so I threw away all my work and rushed over..."
No matter how bad the original owner's attitude is, in the child's mind, the mother will always come first, right?
This is also a child who longs for maternal love, but because of the pain in the past, as well as the arrogance and awkwardness in his bones, he has always been outside this home...
Jiang Jin's heart softened.
She sighed faintly: "Ah Que, this is the third time I apologize. If you are still unwilling to forgive me, I don't know what to do.
Or do you hope that I will really be hit by the crystal lamp and this matter will be over? If this is the only way to calm you down, I can curse myself to be hit by a crystal lamp within three days..."
"Mom, don't curse yourself!"
Li Beixiao's soft and waxy voice sounded, and he held Jiang Jin's hand.
Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips: "You are so old, but you still believe in the curse."
"As long as I can make Ah Que forgive me, I can do anything..." Jiang Jin covered her face, "It seems that Ah Que will only be happy if I die. Forget it, let me go..."
She turned to leave.

The corners of Li Beixiao's mouth twitched... His mother's acting skills were too poor. Should he cooperate?
When he was hesitating, he saw Jiang Jin keep winking at him.
He quickly grabbed Jiang Jin's arm: "Mom, don't leave, you must not leave, I can't let you go..."
"Second brother, are you done yet?" Li Xichen raised his eyes coldly, "Just tell me clearly, what exactly do you want to do?"
Li Nanque curled his lips.
He didn't want to do anything, he just wanted this woman to coax him.
Is he really that difficult to coax?

Made her think about moving out?

"I was also wrong." Li Nanque said coldly, "I shouldn't have knocked you in the face, I shouldn't have burned you, and I shouldn't have allowed fans to insult you. Can you forgive me?"
Jiang Jin was stunned.
She never expected that this guy would be surrendered as soon as she showed weakness.
It looks like a hedgehog covered in thorns, but it’s actually not that difficult to get along with...
She didn't speak for several seconds, which made Li Nanque's confidence less and less.
Could it be that he went too far and made this woman shy away...
He touched his hand in his trouser pocket and pulled out an exquisite box: "A woman's favorite necklace, given to you as an apology gift. Are you willing to forgive me now?"
Jiang Jin: "..."
Shouldn't she be the one to apologize? Why did she suddenly become Li Nanque?
The boy's change of expression was so unexpected that she didn't know how to answer the call...
But the necklace in the box is quite beautiful...

"Hey, isn't this the gift the brand gave to my second brother last time?" Li Beixiao said with a blink.
Li Xichen couldn't help but sneered coldly: "You also give away second-hand things. Second brother, you are too perfunctory."
Li Nanque: "..."
Are these two brats deliberately trying to undermine him?

He finally worked up the courage to give the gift, but it seemed to be getting worse.
"I like this necklace very much." Jiang Jin picked up the necklace and said with a smile, "At least, it's more beautiful than what Xiaoxi and Xiaobei gave me. Ah Que, do you know that these two little guys apologized to me last time? They actually gave me roses. The roses were for the girlfriend, and the two of them bought them and gave them to me..."
Li Xichen: "..."
Li Beixiao: "..."
Can this matter be brought to light?

Isn't it normal for them to buy the wrong flowers when they are young?
Li Dongjing: "..."
So, the flowers he specially bought today can’t be given away, right?
He was mentally prepared for tonight, and everything seemed to be over before the show even started.
He raised his eyes and looked at the four lively people over there, and he suddenly understood the meaning of the word loneliness...

They were obviously a family, and they were all sitting at the dining table, but he couldn't fit in at all.
Jiang Jin pulled up a chair and sat down at the dining table: "Aque, we have already eaten. You can eat quickly. I will eat with you."
Since this boy is willing to lower his body and get along well with her, she will naturally not push this son away.

That sound of Aque made Li Nanque's uneasiness and restlessness disappear in an instant.
If he had taken this step earlier, would he have been able to enjoy such tenderness earlier?
Under Jiang Jin's gentle gaze, Li Nanque obediently began to eat.
If those fans saw it, they would definitely be surprised how the little ancestor Que suddenly turned into a good boy...
Jiang Jin took the time to glance at Li Dongjing.
This kid still had a cold expression on his face.
She slapped Mu Yingxuan during the day, and the green tea must have fanned the flames in Li Dongjing's ears.
However, she no longer cares about Li Dongjing's thoughts.
Four sons are too many, three is just right, one less is fine...

She only glanced at Li Dongjing and continued to say to Li Nanque: "Aque, you are eating too little. You are only nine years old and you have to keep in shape. Eat more, otherwise you will not grow taller in the future…”

Her gentle words were like a gentle knife to Li Dongjing.

He couldn't stay any longer, so he got up and walked upstairs.
