
Showing posts from June 6, 2024

FVB - 098

Chapter 98 He will also protect her Jiang Jin made another call. "Auntie, I really have no money..." Director Zhao was about to burst into tears. "When the crew was about to disband, I mortgaged my house. Now I still owe a lot of debt to the bank. I'm just waiting to make some money after the movie is released. To support the family..."    "Who asked you to borrow money? Don't think so much?" Jiang Jin said angrily, "The pre-sale of the movie will end soon. Can the pre-sale money be withdrawn? I want to take my part of the profit first."    "That's it..." Director Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, "The pre-sale ends at 12 noon tomorrow. I will apply for a withdrawal, and it will arrive in about three days..." After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jin finally felt a little more at ease.    She can probably get 100 million in pre-sale funds. Although 100 million is not much, it can keep the Li family going for a while.