
Showing posts from March 8, 2024

DSHSN - 14

In the next few days, Gu Yiyi was bored at home. Because of the good medicine, the bruises on his face dissipated quickly, and within a few days only shallow marks were left. But he still doesn't want to go out, so he squats at home and plays games every day. Seeing that the summer vacation was coming to an end, Yu Chen wanted to ask him to go out to play again, but Gu Yiyi was not willing, so he could only rack his brains to think of ways to coax him out. But after talking about all the fun places nearby, Gu Yiyi had no idea of ​​going out. The crux of the problem may lie with the girl. On this day, Yu Chen encouraged Gu Yiyi on the phone again. "Yiyi, if you don't want to go out to play, we can go for a picnic and call Lu Xuemei and the others. Do you remember Lu Xuemei? The top beauty in our grade is very orderly. She even gave you a love letter before, but you have no idea. Back then you and Shen Ruyue are together. She is also very beautiful and has a different temper

DSHSN - 13

Of course Shen Ruyue didn't dare. Who is Yan Li? How could she act wildly in the Gu family in front of so many people? She can't beat her. She looked at Yan Li, her eyes red, and she looked aggrieved: "Auntie, you are so outrageous, do you have to break up Yiyi and me? We really like each other." Yan Li was speechless:... Brainless, right? None of her business. Since she had been wronged, Yan Li continued: "Yes, children should study hard in school and fall in love. Do you think the teacher allows it? Do other parents allow it? If this is not allowed in school, if found out, you will be criticized." Shen Ruyue was speechless all of a sudden, with tears hanging in the corners of her eyes. She was a little dumbfounded. She didn't expect that Yan Li would answer so confidently. She looked at Gu Yiyi, who was standing opposite with a bad face, and asked for help: "Yiyi..." Yan Li looked at Shen Ruyue's performance and suddenly realized somethin

FVB - 008

Chapter 8 Go and see if that woman is dead The night is dark. Li Xichen and Li Beixiao got out of the car. "Third Young Master, Fourth Young Master, you are finally back!" Zhang Ma came out happily, "Where's Young Madam? Why didn't you come back together?" "Why should we care about her whereabouts?" Li Xichen snorted coldly, "Prepare the food." Zhang Ma nodded and immediately went to make arrangements. Without Jiang Jin at home, the atmosphere in the Li family was much more relaxed, and the meal was very enjoyable. After eating, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao went upstairs. They each moved out a computer, one continued to play games, and the other continued to study code. Before the computer was turned on, the screen was black for a few seconds, with Li Beixiao's small face reflected on it. On the black screen, a white Band-Aid appears. Li Beixiao thought of the woman gently putting a band-aid on him during the day. At that moment, he seem