FVB - 008

Chapter 8 Go and see if that woman is dead

The night is dark.

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao got out of the car.

"Third Young Master, Fourth Young Master, you are finally back!" Zhang Ma came out happily, "Where's Young Madam? Why didn't you come back together?"

"Why should we care about her whereabouts?" Li Xichen snorted coldly, "Prepare the food."

Zhang Ma nodded and immediately went to make arrangements.

Without Jiang Jin at home, the atmosphere in the Li family was much more relaxed, and the meal was very enjoyable.

After eating, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao went upstairs. They each moved out a computer, one continued to play games, and the other continued to study code.

Before the computer was turned on, the screen was black for a few seconds, with Li Beixiao's small face reflected on it.

On the black screen, a white Band-Aid appears.

Li Beixiao thought of the woman gently putting a band-aid on him during the day.

At that moment, he seemed to be dreaming.

Only a mother in a dream can be so gentle.

"It's still spring, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. She is locked in a warehouse, so she should catch a cold."

Li Beixiao whispered.

"Don't make me laugh!"

Li Xichen curled his lips disdainfully.

"Have you forgotten the night when we were three years old, she locked us in a small dark room? It was the middle of winter, and she just threw us in there and ignored us all night.

That night when you had a high fever and I knelt behind the door to beg her, did she ever feel any compassion? If the big brother hadn't come back suddenly, that high fever might have turned you into a fool."

Thinking of that night, Li Beixiao's face turned cold.

He said quietly: "Let's form a team and play black first, it's still early."

The two played games until late at night before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao came down from upstairs yawning.

Zhang Ma asked anxiously: "Young Madam didn't come back last night. What happened?"

Although the young lady is ridiculous, in the past ten years, she has never stayed overnight without returning home. This is the old man's final bottom line.

Li Xichen sneered: "It would be better if she never comes back."

Li Beixiao said nothing, took a piece of bread and ate it quietly.

Seeing that her two biological sons were not worried, Zhang Ma was too lazy to take care of them any more.

The woman is not at home, and the young masters will not be beaten. This is a good thing.

The driver stopped at the door, and the two brothers got in the car one after another. After getting in, Li Beixiao said calmly: "Go to Longfei Internet Cafe."

Li Xichen frowned: "What are you doing there?"

"Go and see if that woman is dead."

Li Beixiao's voice was somewhat cold.

"That's pretty much it." Li Xichen nodded with satisfaction, "Let her suffer a little bit so that she can realize how powerful we are."

The car sped on the road and soon arrived at the entrance of the Internet cafe.

There were no people in the Internet cafe in the early morning and it was very quiet.

The two of them walked to the closed warehouse door familiarly. Li Beixiao listened carefully but heard nothing.

Li Xichen knocked hard on the door, but there was no response.

When someone who has been locked up all night hears the knock on the door, they should rush over and call for help desperately...

What tricks is this woman playing?

Li Xichen took out the key and unlocked the door, then kicked the door open.

His little face suddenly darkened.

"She actually ran away!"

The warehouse was empty, there was a stool on the ground, and the window on the upper right was broken. You could tell what was going on at a glance.

Li Beixiao frowned: "If she ran out of the warehouse, she would definitely come home and beat us up. Why didn't she go home?"

"She must be holding back her ultimate move!" Li Xichen kicked the chair over irritably, "Just let your horse come over, I'm not afraid."

Li Beixiao shook his head: "Based on what I know about her, she will never endure it for so long. Could something have happened?"

"Something happened? What could happen to her?"

Li Xichen's face was full of irritation and disdain.

It would be better if something happened to that woman. As long as she dies, she will no longer be an eyesore in front of him.

"I'll give her a call."

Li Beixiao took out his cell phone.

He didn't care about that woman, he just wanted to know if anything happened to that vicious woman.

"Jingle Bell……"

The cell phone rang suddenly, startling Jiang Jin.

She quickly hung up the phone and turned the volume on her phone to the lowest level.

The caller ID just now seemed to say, Fourth Bastard...

There can't be Big Bastard and Second Bastard... No, she has to change these notes big bastard, second bastard, third bastard...

When Jiang Jin was about to operate, the hotel room door ten meters away suddenly opened.

She quickly clicked on the camera on her mobile phone and took a few photos... They were photos and short videos of Lin Yichi, who was still very affectionate to her yesterday, renting a room with another woman.

It was a coincidence that as soon as she climbed out of the warehouse last night, she saw Lin Yichi and a woman flirting and getting a room in the hotel next to the Internet cafe.

So, she followed him calmly and waited at the door of the hotel all night. It paid off and finally the wait was not in vain.

Now that we have a good reason to break up, it's time to go home and catch up on some sleep after the big things are done.

Jiang Jin yawned and walked out of the hotel and walked towards the car parked in front of the Internet cafe. She saw two little brats over one meter standing beside the car.

What are these two brats doing here this early in the morning?

They wouldn't want to continue to tease her, would they?

Then she would go over and eavesdrop on what these two guys have planned next, a mantis stalking a cicada, with the oriole behind...
