DSHSN - 13

Of course Shen Ruyue didn't dare.

Who is Yan Li? How could she act wildly in the Gu family in front of so many people? She can't beat her.

She looked at Yan Li, her eyes red, and she looked aggrieved: "Auntie, you are so outrageous, do you have to break up Yiyi and me? We really like each other."

Yan Li was speechless:...

Brainless, right? None of her business.

Since she had been wronged, Yan Li continued: "Yes, children should study hard in school and fall in love. Do you think the teacher allows it? Do other parents allow it? If this is not allowed in school, if found out, you will be criticized."

Shen Ruyue was speechless all of a sudden, with tears hanging in the corners of her eyes. She was a little dumbfounded. She didn't expect that Yan Li would answer so confidently.

She looked at Gu Yiyi, who was standing opposite with a bad face, and asked for help: "Yiyi..."

Yan Li looked at Shen Ruyue's performance and suddenly realized something.

She understood why this girl suddenly focused her fire on herself: she was the stepmother. If Gu Yiyi hated her, Shen Ruyue's behavior undoubtedly showed that she and Gu Yiyi were on the same side. If she was rebellious, Maybe he would reconcile with her because of this.


But it was none of her business whether the two children were good or not. They were not her biological sons, so she didn't worry about them at all.

Gu Yiyi looked at Shen Ruyue with a thoughtful expression. Just when Yan Li thought that Gu Yiyi might be soft-hearted towards Shen Ruyue because of this, she saw Gu Yiyi said with a grumpy face: "Get out of here, Shen Ruyue! Why didn't you say you liked me when you were flirting with others? Don't think I don't know that you and that guy named Jiang are still having an affair. That night, how dare you say you didn't go to his room? Are you disgusting?"

Yan Li was dumbfounded...

Are today’s little girls so open-minded?

Still in the novel, the plot is quite outrageous.

Shen Ruyue thought she had done it covertly enough, but she didn't expect Gu Yiyi to know about it. This young man had a bad temper and seemed to be simple-minded and easy to deceive. Just because she waved her finger and he came over, Shen Ruyue relaxed her vigilance.

Did he discover it early?

Shen Ruyue opened her mouth and looked at him blankly, all kinds of embarrassment welling up in her heart, and explained: "He and I... are not what I want."

Gu Yiyi was only fifteen or sixteen years old, so this girl was about the same. She didn't look like she was an adult anyway.

Yan Li kindly reminded: "How about I notify your parents for you... If you are forced, you can sue them."

She really means it.

Shen Ruyue finally collapsed, turned around and ran away crying.

Gu Yiyi looked at her coldly and left, but the sadness on his face was sincere.

The cuckold boy's first love ended like this. Yan Li sympathized, but she just saw it as fun.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered that Shen Ruyue's original family was very poor, why did she have money to hire those gangsters, and the skirt she wore was also a brand-name product.

She asked: "Where does Shen Ruyue get the money to hire people to work for her?"

When Yu Chen saw Yan Li helping Gu Yiyi, he had a much better impression of her and quickly replied: "Of course Yiyi..."

Okay, you big bastard.

No wonder she was hanged to death by Shen Ruyue.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Yan Beibei standing at the door of the room holding the little bear, looking over here, with bright eyes.

Yan Li walked over and just picked up the child when she heard her open her big black eyes and ask in a cute voice: "Mom, brother, what are you doing... Why is that sister crying?"

Yan Li considered the words for a long time before telling her little baby: "That sister did something bad and made your brother angry."

As she spoke, she kissed her baby's snow-white cheek and said, "So when Beibei grows up, you can't fall in love, you know? You have to give to those who deserve it, and you have to learn to respect and love yourself."

Although children can't understand it, Yan Li feels that this kind of problem should be started from the baby.

You will understand when you grow up!

"Mom, what is a love brain?"

Yan Li couldn't think of an adjective to describe the child, so she said: "Like your brother."

"Oh~" The child looked at her brother over there, a little confused, and tilted her confused little head.

She can't understand~

What kind of love brain is this?

After Shen Ruyue left, Gu Yiyi went back to the room until very late. Then he slowly went downstairs to eat. When he arrived at the restaurant, he saw Yan Li and Yan Beibei there. He didn't say anything and just immersed himself in eating. His own hair is a little messy, like a defeated rooster.

Yan Li ignored him and picked up vegetables for the child while eating.

Yan Beibei was also very quiet when eating. She would only call her mother when necessary, so the dinner table was quite quiet. It was so quiet that Gu Yiyi felt a little depressed.

He looked at the other side several times before he couldn't help but say: "Am I quite embarrassed today..."

This kid actually knows how to be embarrassed... it's not bad.

Yan Li thought for a moment and said sincerely: "It's okay, I can't say it's embarrassing, but it's a little bit."

In fact, if something like this happens, it can only be said to be bad luck. There is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, he is not the one causing the trouble. But in view of Gu Yiyi's scumbag attributes, she still said it should be more serious. He has a sense of shame and might stay away from such people in the future.

After all, the male protagonist is only in high school, so he can correct it a little if he can.

Thinking of this, Yan Li felt that she was really a good person who pulled the male protagonist out of the quagmire of being dependent on his female partner. Now she wanted him to become a good boy.

She is such a good person!

She just doesn’t know if some kids will appreciate it.

After all, she is the stepmother.

Yan Li's positioning of herself is that the stepmother only needs to be strangers to her stepson, and she doesn't need to have a good relationship with her stepson, nor does she need to be moved by him.

However, while eating, Gu Yiyi still choked out a few words.

"Thank you……"

Yan Li thought she heard wrongly and subconsciously wanted to rub her ears, but she held it back. To be honest, she was a little at a loss, so she said after a while: "I'm just doing what I should do as a stepmother. Your father also hopes that you can be okay, you don’t have to be so moved.”

Gee, Yan Li thinks she really knows how to handle Qiao.

In fact, his gratitude made her feel quite useful. After all, no one wants to do anything for nothing.

The young man had a dull temper, so he took his chopsticks and immersed himself in eating.

After eating, before going upstairs, he turned back and said to Yan Li, "Can you please not tell my dad about today's events?"

This kid must feel embarrassed...

Yan Li was so funny that she only promised: "I only promise not to tell him, but it's not just me who saw it today. I don't guarantee that other people will not let your dad know."

It means: Don’t wrong me again when the time comes.

Gu Yiyi was thinking about what happened before. In fact, it was probably not what she said. He opened his mouth slightly and wanted to apologize. He was sitting on the sofa when Yan Beibei, who was playing with puzzles, called out "Mom" , Gu Yiyi's mouth suddenly closed again, and he turned around and went upstairs.
