DSHSN - 14

In the next few days, Gu Yiyi was bored at home. Because of the good medicine, the bruises on his face dissipated quickly, and within a few days only shallow marks were left.

But he still doesn't want to go out, so he squats at home and plays games every day.

Seeing that the summer vacation was coming to an end, Yu Chen wanted to ask him to go out to play again, but Gu Yiyi was not willing, so he could only rack his brains to think of ways to coax him out.

But after talking about all the fun places nearby, Gu Yiyi had no idea of ​​going out.

The crux of the problem may lie with the girl. On this day, Yu Chen encouraged Gu Yiyi on the phone again.

"Yiyi, if you don't want to go out to play, we can go for a picnic and call Lu Xuemei and the others. Do you remember Lu Xuemei? The top beauty in our grade is very orderly. She even gave you a love letter before, but you have no idea. Back then you and Shen Ruyue are together. She is also very beautiful and has a different temperament and style from Shen Ruyue."

Gu Yiyi now feels disgusted when he hears about having a partner.

The long-awaited first love ended up like this, and he was completely disgusted by the idea of ​​falling in love.

The game hung up again, and he said angrily: "Have you finished your summer vacation homework?"

Gu Yiyi really couldn't help but pick up the pot. Yu Chen was depressed: "I still have a lot to do... but it doesn't matter. I will accompany you to be criticized by Old Chen."

Gu Yiyi's ruthless voice rang out: "Sorry, I've already finished it."

Yu Chen:? ? ?

Although Gu Yiyi is not at the bottom of the grade, he is definitely not a student with particularly good grades. They have known each other since they were young. In the past, they would put off their winter and summer vacation homework together until the end of the holidays and start copying answers, waiting for the start of school. Sometimes, it’s perfunctory.

Teachers in the past would check their winter and summer vacation homework casually, basically hand it in, and if they had written more than half of it, they would not be criticized. However, their first-year high school teacher, Lao Chen, was different. He was an extremely stubborn old man and was meticulous in doing things. At the beginning of the year, they didn't finish their homework during the winter vacation. In addition to being criticized, in the first week of school, they had to be left in the office by Lao Chen every day after school and made to write papers as a punishment.

But these are not painful or itchy to them, so Yu Chen still act the same.

As a result, Gu Yiyi was not loyal.

Yu Chen was so angry that he wanted to rush over directly, grab Gu Yiyi's shoulders, shake him, and ask him why he had changed.

"Why are you so diligent all of a sudden?" After adjusting his mood for a while, Yu Chen finally asked.

Gu Yiyi: "I'm bored at home, so I do my homework."

Playing too many games is boring, and he doesn't want to go out to meet people, so Gu Yiyi naturally has the only thing left to do to pass the time: homework.

Gu Yiyi has a smart mind. He can understand it after reading the book basically once. He can actually solve many problems, but he was too lazy to read books or listen to lectures before.

After getting tired of playing games in the past few days, he started to do his homework. Instead of copying answers in a hurry like before, he started to think about how to do it, just like he usually studies game levels. He started to draw inferences from one example and study the commonalities between different questions. Then continue to conquer questions of different difficulty.

Slowly, he was able to experience a bit of the fun of doing the questions.

Yu Chen was left speechless by Gu Yiyi's words. Are you bored and started fighting with homework?

Is this still the Gu Yiyi he knows?

Yu Chen didn't understand: "Brother, if you are bored, you can have many things to do, such as building models, watching TV and movies, playing games, karaoke, traveling, picking up girls... Why are you so stuck in your thoughts that you go to do your homework?"

"Tell me, tell me, are you stimulated? How about I ask Peng Yue and the others to introduce you to some girls tomorrow?"


Of course Gu Yiyi didn't feel that he was stimulated.

But in his mind, what Yan Li said a few days ago flashed unconsciously. She said that children should study hard and not fall in love.

Although Gu Yiyi was no longer a child, he felt... if Yan Li knew that he was ranked in the bottom ten of the class every time he took the exam, would she laugh at him? Will she look down on him?

Gu Yiyi didn't know why he cared about her opinion, but he didn't want her to look down on him.

He pursed his lips, turned off the computer, took out the book to read, and said in a dull voice: "I'm not stimulated. It's true that dating in high school is of no use. I won't do it in the future. I think it's actually good to study hard."

Yu Chen felt that he really needed to clean his ears, otherwise how could he have such auditory hallucinations.

Gu Yiyi said he should study hard?

"You actually want to study hard?"

As soon as he heard Yu Chen's tone, Gu Yiyi immediately became unhappy: "What, it's not possible?"

Yu Chen sneered quickly: "Okay, okay, Brother Yi, you are the best. When you become famous in the future, remember to lead your brother to fly."

Gu Yiyi: "..."


Too lazy to tell him, Gu Yiyi hung up the phone and lowered his head to read.

After finishing his summer homework, he felt bored just reading books. After thinking about it, he unexpectedly took out the three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination that Yan Li bought last time.

He didn't pay attention to it before, but at some point, the nanny at home actually brought it up and put it on his bookshelf. He didn't pay attention to it before, but now he had nothing to do, so he picked it up and did it.

The contents are all for the first year of high school.

Gu Yiyi's mood was a little subtle.

He had heard some friends at school say that their parents had no idea what grade they were in. Yan Li, a newly married stepmother, actually knew that he was a freshman in high school?

No, he will be a sophomore in high school next semester.

She should have bought one for the second year of high school.

But in the second year of high school, he hasn't learned it yet. He hasn't studied well in the whole first year of high school. Is it too late to check and fill in the gaps now?

Gu Yiyi took out mathematics, which he was good at, and started working on the simplest questions.

In the middle of the trip, another good friend named Tang Yinan called him and asked him to go out to play.

Gu Yiyi was so excited about doing his homework that he refused without hesitation. Then, Yu Chen also called and asked him to go out to play.

He still refused.

The injury on his face was almost healed, and there was no problem in going out to play, but he just didn't want to go out.

When Yu Chen heard that he didn't want to go out, he was a little frustrated and said, "If you don't want to go, I don't want to go either."

Gu Yiyi: "Oh."

Then he hung up the phone directly.

After that, he continued to immerse himself in the mountains of books and sea of ​​topics.

He never felt that homework could bring happiness to people before, but now Gu Yiyi does. He feels that after completing a question that he found a bit difficult, he feels full of accomplishment.

In the evening, Yu Chen turned on the phone. Gu Yiyi was immersed in doing questions. After receiving his call, his train of thought was suddenly interrupted, and he was a little impatient: "If you have something to say, hurry up!"

Yu Chen looked scared: "Yiyi, no, Brother Yi, my lucky star, fortunately you didn't go!!!"

"What?" Gu Yiyi didn't understand why Yu Chen was so excited? If he can't get out, what does it have to do with him?

After working on the problem for too long, he was thirsty and there was no water in the room. Gu Yiyi picked up the cup and went downstairs to get water.

When he walked to the corridor, he heard Yu Chen say: "Tang Yinan and the others entered the hospital after fighting. They fought with the group from No. 3 Middle School where we fought last time. The other party called a social worker and brought a knife. He was stabbed twice, he's now in emergency care, Tang’s father and Tang’s mother are crying heartbroken outside the operating room. And Zheng Xiang, I don’t know if his leg can be saved."

"It is said that a group of police officers came to the bar at that time."

Gu Yiyi was stunned for a moment.

He loved to fight before, and the most serious consequence of doing so was some skin trauma, which he had never experienced before.

Does a fight have such serious consequences?

When he was in a daze, he saw Yan Beibei coming out of the room holding a painting book. The little guy was a little afraid of him and stood blankly opposite him. When he saw that Gu Yiyi didn't look at her, she jumped forward and ran very fast.

Gu Yiyi was finally brought back to his senses and opened his mouth: "I'll go see them tomorrow."

Then he remembered that the reason for the previous fight was also because of the other party, who was not sure about the previous girlfriend of one of their group named Zhou Qing.

Although Zhou Qing later changed his girlfriend, the hatred between the two parties was forged.

They start fighting whenever they meet.

Gu Yiyi fights fiercely, and the person on the other side targets him first every time. If he goes there today, he may be the one who gets stabbed.
