FVB - 009

Chapter 9 Calling her a dog, then what are they?

The golden morning sun shines down.

The sunlight fell on the faces of Li Xichen and Li Beixiao. The outlines of their faces were like lines drawn with a sketch pen, perfect without a single flaw.

Li Beixiao frowned tightly: "It's impossible for her to just throw the car away and not answer the phone. Something must have happened."

"Oh, she deserves it!"

Li Xichen sneered, with an unruly air.

Jiang Jin's fist hardened instantly.

Two heartless little bastards!

"If something happened to her, it must be because God couldn't stand her doing evil and took her dog life in advance."

Li Xichen said without mercy, with hatred deep in his voice.

Jiang Jin: "..."

Calling her a dog, then what are they, puppies?

"Instead of worrying about that poisonous woman, it's better to have fun while she's not around." Li Xichen hugged Li Beixiao's shoulders and gradually walked away, "Grandpa will see our report cards in a few days, so let's go to school today. Come over and play games in the evening..."

After the figures of the two little bastards disappeared on the road, Jiang Jin walked out from the corner.

These two quarrelsome kids are really difficult to deal with.

A head-on confrontation would only cause her to be teased by these two little things from time to time, and the two big ones would suddenly jump out and bite her at some point.

So, only soft tactics?

Jiang Jin rolled her eyes and curled her lips into a smile.

She looked at the car parked in front of the Internet cafe and didn't move for the time being, just let the car continue to park here.

She walked to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, and went directly to the city center.

This is Yuncheng, a fictional city with the sea to the east, mountains to the west, a lake to the south, and numerous scenic spots and historic sites in the city.

Now that she's here, she should have a good time for a few days.

She once worked in a state-owned enterprise after graduating from college, earning a monthly salary of six to seven thousand yuan. After saving for almost ten years, she only had 200,000 yuan in hand. It can be said that the balance in her card now is a huge amount of money that she never dared to hope for.

Let's deal with those messes in two days. Now it's time to eat, drink, and play as she pleased.

Jiang Jin went to the city center and played happily for a whole day. She tasted all the snacks and delicacies. At night, she rented a room to rest for the night and continued playing the next day...

For three whole days, Jiang Jin didn't return to Li's house.

This has never happened before.

And that car was parked in front of the Internet cafe for three days.

"Did something happen to the young lady?" Zhang Ma was anxiously asking, "Otherwise, we should call the police and let the police come out to find someone."

"Don't call the police!" Li Xichen said coldly, "She hid on purpose to scare us, so don't let her get away with it!"

Li Beixiao pursed his lips: "She knows that we hate her, and she also knows that we don't care about her life or death. She shouldn't use such clumsy means to deliberately scare us... I think something might really have happened."

Zhang Ma sighed: "Then tell the old man to send someone to look for it?"

"No, grandpa is not in good health. Don't let grandpa worry about these things." Li Xichen tightened his chin, "If she doesn't come back tonight, I will ask my eldest brother to send someone to check."

Li Beixiao turned to look at the glass window.

The injury on his forehead had healed, leaving only a faint scar.

That woman will always cause pain on his body. This time, for three whole days, he didn't get beaten again.

This thing is really unusual.

Perhaps, he should find a way to check the whereabouts of that woman these days.

At this time, Jiang Jin spent three whole days visiting various scenic spots and historic sites in Yuncheng, eating all the delicious food.

She collapsed on the big hotel bed and threw her cell phone on the bedside in great depression.

In the past three days, no one has contacted her!

Those two little bastards who made her unable to return home didn't even care about her life or death!

She thought they would search for her all over the world...

Sure enough, she still thinks too highly of herself.

Is it possible that she had to go back in despair?

This is too embarrassing.

"Buzz buzz!"

The phone vibrated.

Jiang Jin jumped up from the bed and answered the phone.

She thought the call was from Li Beixiao, a boy with some conscience, but she didn't expect it to be Lin Yichi.

"Jinjin, I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you so much..."

Jiang Jin suppressed nausea and sighed deeply: "I don't have time to see you. I'm very busy these days..."

"What are you busy with? Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Didn't I tell you that the Li family recently invested in a big project, and the short-term profit can be two to three billion... But now, there is a gap in project investment, and this project may not be able to continue..."

Jiang Jin covered her lips and looked heartbroken, "If the project is suddenly stopped, all the money invested before will not be recovered. I feel that the Li family is going bankrupt. If I get divorced, won't I get a dime?"

"How could this happen?" Lin Yichi was also confused, "How big is the funding gap?"

"Thirty million..." Jiang Jin blamed herself, "The old man thought I still had tens of millions on hand, so he asked me to make up the money. He also said... if I can invest 30 million, I will record profits in the future. After that, transfer 100 million to me as soon as possible."

"Is this true?"

Lin Yichi was overjoyed and quickly made a mental calculation.

"But how can we have so much money?" Jiang Jin said quietly, "I gave you all my money to start a business, but your business failed and all the money was used to pay off debts. You can't even get three million... "

"Jinjin, leave this matter to me." Lin Yichi reassured, "For our future happy life, I will definitely find a way to help you raise money. Give me two days."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jin's lips curled up.

The scumbag took the bait, it was perfect.

She knew very well that the money originally sent to Lin Yichi by the original owner was not used to start a business, but was deposited in another account by the scumbag.

Now, she would just get back the money that originally belonged to her.

After she gets the money back, she will throw the evidence of the scumbag's cheating that she had photographed two days ago on his face, and demand that they break up...

Now, she should think hard about how to make those two brats submissive!
