
Showing posts from March 9, 2024

ADMKSF - 006.2

Most of Lin You's body was buried in the mud and water, and her porcelain-white face was stained with mud because of her forward motion. But she didn't seem to mind the image at all. She raised her head and smiled brightly at the expectant people: "Caught it!" "But I might need some help." Lin You just turned her body slightly, and the big fish tightly held in her arms swung its body to escape. The strong reaction caused all the mud around it to appear, and the fishing and hunting uniforms and hunting uniforms of all the guests were splashed. Their hair is dyed dirty— It doesn't matter whether it's dirty or not, the important thing is that this fish is absolutely huge! Non-professionals like Bai Hang didn't dare to move. In the end, Gu Abo found a few men in the village to successfully put the fish into the big bucket. In the live broadcast room footage. The guests, the chief director, and the villagers surrounded the vat, all their heads crowde

ADMKSF - 006.1

After Lin You received Pei Ye's words, "I've eaten, I bought some steamed buns in the morning and saved them for lunch." Lin You frowned, thinking that Pei Ye would most likely starve to death and she would die with him. Lin You's heart felt as if dozens of kilograms of stone had fallen into it, and it was very dull. She tried her best to describe in a gentle tone that teenagers who did not take in the nutrients they needed would most likely lead to poor physical fitness, and she concluded by adding: "Mom still has money, so you can eat as much as you want." Pei Ye endured a speechless expression, agreed, and accepted the red envelope to tell Lin You—— I am listening to my mother. Lin You then hung up the phone with satisfaction. Pei Ye unceremoniously threw his phone on the sofa aside, rolled his eyes and complained to the man who was watching the show with great interest: "She started playing the role of a loving mother and a filial son this morn

FVB - 009

Chapter 9 Calling her a dog, then what are they? The golden morning sun shines down. The sunlight fell on the faces of Li Xichen and Li Beixiao. The outlines of their faces were like lines drawn with a sketch pen, perfect without a single flaw. Li Beixiao frowned tightly: "It's impossible for her to just throw the car away and not answer the phone. Something must have happened." "Oh, she deserves it!" Li Xichen sneered, with an unruly air. Jiang Jin's fist hardened instantly. Two heartless little bastards! "If something happened to her, it must be because God couldn't stand her doing evil and took her dog life in advance." Li Xichen said without mercy, with hatred deep in his voice. Jiang Jin: "..." Calling her a dog, then what are they, puppies? "Instead of worrying about that poisonous woman, it's better to have fun while she's not around." Li Xichen hugged Li Beixiao's shoulders and gradually walked away, &quo