ADMKSF - 006.2

Most of Lin You's body was buried in the mud and water, and her porcelain-white face was stained with mud because of her forward motion. But she didn't seem to mind the image at all. She raised her head and smiled brightly at the expectant people: "Caught it!"

"But I might need some help."

Lin You just turned her body slightly, and the big fish tightly held in her arms swung its body to escape. The strong reaction caused all the mud around it to appear, and the fishing and hunting uniforms and hunting uniforms of all the guests were splashed. Their hair is dyed dirty—

It doesn't matter whether it's dirty or not, the important thing is that this fish is absolutely huge!

Non-professionals like Bai Hang didn't dare to move. In the end, Gu Abo found a few men in the village to successfully put the fish into the big bucket.

In the live broadcast room footage.

The guests, the chief director, and the villagers surrounded the vat, all their heads crowded together, and they sighed one after another. Especially the villagers, who spoke in an obscure dialect and didn't know what they were talking about, but their extremely fast speaking speed and sighs from time to time made the audience restless and wanted to go directly through the screen and push the crowd away.

[How fucking big is it? Can you let me see it? ]

[Don't block me, I can't see! ]

[Everyone, get out of my way! ! ! ]

[Give me some face and let me take a look too. ]

[I can’t squeeze in, I’m so anxious. ]

Probably because the other members of the directing team couldn't stand it any longer, they called out the chief director's name several times before they realized they were still filming the show. The chief director took a step back in embarrassment and said hello. Dayang was tall and strong, and he was very close. He immediately squeezed in with his impressive skills without saying anything.

Immediately, the complete appearance of the big fish appeared in the lens.

It was still a black fish, but this one was more than one meter long. Its body was so black that it was shiny, and it was even thicker than Dayang’s upper arm. It curled its tail and suddenly slapped it several times, causing the surrounding onlookers to let out a subconscious scream.

"This fish must weigh more than ten kilograms, right?"

"No, wait for me, I'll bring the scales from home!"

One of the villagers threw these words and ran back quickly. After a while, he returned to the place with a scale. A group of people directly carried buckets and put them on the scale, staring at the numbers on it—

Fifteen kilograms.

"Hiss... this will cost a lot of money! Old man Gu, you've made a profit!"

"I have lived for decades and have never seen such a big snakehead fish! The big stars are so awesome!"

The emotion and envy of the villagers made Gu Abo straighten his back involuntarily. They caught such a big black fish in his fish pond, and his face was also shining. Besides, he is also the first person in their Daxian Village. They have never heard of anyone having such a big fish in their fish pond!

Gu Abo couldn't control the smile on his face, and his eyes towards Lin You and other celebrities became more and more kind. When the directing team came to visit, the neighbors next door looked down upon them and said, "They are just a group of celebrities. They will definitely not be able to catch fish. Whether or not they can catch fish is another matter. What if all the fish in your pond are killed?"

The results of it?!

The result is a great deal!

He smiled and said to Lin You: "You can choose whatever fish you want here, girl. Don't be polite to uncle!"

Lin You was not polite to Uncle Gu, and rolled her eyes: "Then let's get two small crucian carp later and make crucian carp soup for Director Bai."

After Bai Hang observed the big black fish, he couldn't help but came over curiously: "Uncle, what are you going to do with this black fish? You have to eat this fish for many days, right?"

"Hey!" The one who interrupted Bai Hang was the old man next to Gu Abo. The old man glanced at Bai Hang and said, "You young people don't understand this. More than ten kilograms of black fish have become spiritual and cannot be eaten!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ziqi also felt a little regretful. She had tasted the black fish soup prepared by Lin You. Just now, she was thinking that the black fish must be more delicious because it is so big.

Uncle Gu also smiled and agreed: "You can't eat it, you absolutely can't eat it."

Bai Hang: "What should we do with this fish?"

Uncle Gu: "I'll keep it today. Tomorrow I'll go to the market and ask if anyone wants to collect fish."

When everyone heard it, they thought this method was okay.

Although Daxian Village is a village, it takes only half an hour by car to reach the largest market in the city center. It is also a good choice to send the big black fish to some aquatic product vendors for sale.

But what everyone didn't expect was that this method didn't work.

As the sky approaches evening, Daxian Village is shrouded in glowing light, and the scenery is particularly beautiful. After a busy day, the guests of "Pastoral Life" finally came ashore and were ready to leave. Bai Hang and Qi Yu picked up cups and poured water into their stomachs. Their straw hats were thrown casually behind them, revealing faces that were reddened by the sun and stained with sweat.

Lin You and Zhao Ziqi sat aside. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead with her sleeves, and took a gulp of water. As soon as the spiritual spring water entered her stomach, the sweat all over her body seemed to be completely driven away.

"Today's water is like an energy drink. After drinking it, I can still hold it for another two hours."

"Uncle Gu said that the fish pond next door will also be pumped. Bai Hang, please go there."

Lin You raised her hand and pointed at the sparkling water, and made a cheering gesture, "Come on."

Bai Hang: "..." He just said it casually.

Turning his eyes guiltily, he quickly found a way to change the subject, "Why are we missing someone here?"

When Qi Yu heard this, he glanced at him incomprehensibly. After a moment, he rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly: "Xiao Du went back to rest due to heat stroke, didn't you know?"

Bai Hang: "I'm not her father, how do I know what happened to her?"

[It is indeed you, Bai Hang. ]

[The most popular man in the entertainment industry deserves his title (bushi)]

[I'm laughing so hard, how can you be so confident! ]

[Let’s just say that Du Enqing’s acting skills of having heatstroke were really not good. ]

[Two levels of reversal! ! Lin You back then is now Du Enqing! ]

Qi Yu's mouth twitched slightly when he heard Bai Hang's words that he didn't shy away from in front of the camera. He was about to say something more, but saw the director waving not far away, and then the other party's voice came loudly: "There is a big boss. They're here to buy Gu Abo’s black fish, do you want to join in the fun?”

As soon as they heard this, they immediately went to Uncle Gu's house with water glasses in hand.

Uncle Gu's house is not far from the fish pond, and it only takes two minutes to walk there. A lot of people gathered at the gate of the house, and a million-dollar Mercedes-Benz was parked at the intersection. A man in his fifties, wearing a suit, was surrounded and was discussing with Uncle Gu in a loud voice: "Two hundred thousand, I'll buy it!”

The gossiping guests gathered together and listened to the chat between the big boss and the villagers: "My mother was watching your show and saw this big black fish. My mother said that this black fish is also called Caiyu. I will buy it after, just provide it properly! It will definitely make me rich!"

Bai Hang's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Is there such a statement?"

With that said, he quickly squeezed to the side of the big boss and asked with a smile: "This boss, can you take a photo with me and the 200,000 yuan fish? I also want to make a big fortune, and it is best to have a steady stream of investors in the future. Give me hundreds of millions."

The big boss recognized Bai Hang as a star at a glance, and thought that if his fish could take a photo with a star, he would make a lot of money, so he immediately agreed: "Come on, come on."

Qi Yu: "..."

Zhao Ziqi: "..."

Director team: "..."

Seeing Bai Hang holding the black fish with his big white teeth exposed, Qi Yu glanced away in disgust, really losing his sight.

However, as soon as his eyes glanced to the side, he noticed Lin You whose eyes suddenly brightened. Qi Yu was stunned for a moment and tentatively called out: "Xiao Lin?"

Lin You immediately raised her hands in the crowd and shouted: "I want to take pictures too, and I also want to make a fortune!"

Qi Yu: "...?"
